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Tuesday, February 11, 2020


The clouds have been grey for days and the rain has stationed itself over Virginia. It hasn't been a hard rain, just small droplets steadily dripping down on us. It feels like spring, but it isn't. Rain is a wonderful thing as Gene Kelly sang and danced in the movie "Singing in the Rain". He is happy again.

That song came to mind today as I looked out on the wet streets. I used to love to sing, but now with a hearing impairment, I cannot hear the right sound. I do sing and I know it is out of tune, but God hears it correctly. One of these days, in Heaven, I'll be able to sing perfectly. Till then, it is just a "clanging symbol".

I sing in my mind and the words "Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art" hangs in my head. This leads me to declare "My Jesus, I love Thee. I know Thou are mine." I could go on because there are so many choruses and hymns learned when I was younger that are stuck in my head and come to my mind so often.

This morning, early, I was singing "Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus. Speak that my soul may hear. Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus. Calm every doubt and fear." I sat waiting to hear what my Savior might say to me. My eyes caught a glimpse of today's verse, so instead of hearing, I read Proverbs 21:21. "He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor." That works for me!

A grey, wet day can be full of songs and words from the Lord.