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Wednesday, January 30, 2019


A little slice of wood that is twelve inches long is called a ruler. Interesting, that a piece of wood is called a 'ruler'. There are rulers and there are rulers and if you need to take a measurement, you can choose that twelve inch long piece of wood. That ruler rules. You can count on it to be exact. I have no idea why a ruler is called a 'foot', but, I can guess that some guy who used his own foot to walk off a measurement and it just happened to be twelve inches long, decided to use that as a rule.

You may think that your foot is nine inches long and you will use that as your ruler and you may build your life on your ruler. You may get away with breaking rules, but you can't get away with breaking the law. In fact, you really can't break the law. The law still stands and always will no matter what you do. You break yourself on the law. Something happens to your heart or conscience when you 'break' God's law. Your conscience becomes seared and hardened and the next time it becomes easier to use your own rules. You begin to rationalize and come up with good reasons to explain to yourself why.

The ruler of Egypt did not want to let the Israelites leave. They were his slaves and he wanted to continue using their labor. God gave him nine opportunities to change his mind which was set on having his own way. Each time he chose 'no' and each time his heart got a little harder. The ninth time God went ahead and finished his heart off by hardening it, Himself.

The words rendered in Romans 1:26 and 28, 'gave the over' is used for an Aramaic word that means, 'just let them go'. It is a phrase that pictures a car heading toward a cliff that has warnings along the road, yet, the driver ignores all signs and proceeds ahead to destruction. That is what God does to each of us. He gives warnings after warnings after warnings and finally, just lets us go our own way.

We must use God's Rule of Law as our standard instead of judging what is right or wrong by our puny rules.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Yes, I am all for socialism. There is a delightful example of socialism in the Book of Acts in the New Testament in the second chapter. The time frame is the first century and the place is Jerusalem. Peter had preached the good news of the Messiah's death and resurrection and thousands heard his sermon and repented and believed and then devoted themselves to prayer. Then, they got together and began selling their stuff and and pilled it all together and then started sharing with anyone who might have a need. This is true socialism, where the Spirit of God moved upon people and prompted them to share their belongings with the needy.

This movement was NOT a form of government rule where people are FORCED to share what they have. The government has NO right to force people to give away their stuff. Any one who believes in the Socialist form Government does not know God, does not know the principles set forth in God's Word and, I might even go so far to say, is not a Christian. If they are, they are either ignorant or rebellious. God created mankind with a free will to choose what and when and how. It does not honor God, at all, to force humans to become the servant of the government. What honors God is for free men to freely decide to share their possessions with others. Some will and some won't because there are some good people and there are some bad people who are wealthy, just as there are some good people and some bad people who are poor.

This country has been blessed far beyond what one would have imagined when it was first born and one of the reasons is because the founders used Biblical principals to draw up it's founding documents. The free market, the idea of capitalism have done much to create wealth and this wealth has done much to establish hospitals and schools and create factories and businesses that employ millions of it's citizens. Countries that have gone the Socialism route have all failed. Socialism as a form of Government does NOT work because it goes against God's principals. It causes people to look to the government as their provider and not look upon God, their creator. It actually denies God.

"The world is Mine, and all it contains." Psalm 50:12  He is the creator and has all the rights of a creator and has chosen to allow man to be His steward or manager of all He owns. It is by His good favor that we do get paid and can possess stuff and can choose to share or keep.

Friday, January 18, 2019


The United States is known as a nation that abides by the Rule of Law. In the past, for the most part, the Law has been honored and justice has been carried out with some notable exceptions. Women's rights were finally given and slavery was finally forsaken, but babies are still being murdered in their mother's womb, yet, today. Elected law makers are given the responsibility to be impartial in the making of laws that will effect citizens and they, above all, should be the keepers of the law. All citizens should be keepers of the law. All non-citizens should be keepers of the law of the country they live in and that means that first of all, if they intend to stay, they need to become legal citizens.

The laws that govern the universe were made by Creator God. There are thousands, if not millions of laws that interplay in everything. Physics and biology and aero-dynamics, finances and the speed of light or sound, gravity and nutrition are some of the laws that govern us. These laws rule, but the use of other laws might over-rule and create a different outcome - for instance, an airplane flying uses laws that over- rule the law of gravity. Man has discovered and used laws to accomplish and rule, to some degree, this planet.

The Creator God is a faithful keeper of the laws He put in effect. We can count on laws to work because God stands behind them and guarantees them to work. When we have observed certain laws properly and witnessed good results, we can enjoy those results. The law of giving, for instance, says 'give and to you it shall be given' and we can benefit from adhering to that law. The law that states - the soul that sins shall die - is always effective except when the law of grace over-rules it. John 1:17 says "For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ."  Then in Romans 3:26 we find "that He(God) would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus."

There are some other things to ponder regarding the Rule of Law that will be spoken to in Law and Order - continued.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Its Thursday and the garbage can is out by the side of the street, waiting. Its Friday and the temperature outside is 20 degrees and the thermostat on the wall is set at 68 degrees. Its Saturday and the grocery list is made and the car is waiting on the driveway. Each one of these things has an expectancy and at the fulfillment, one just might be appreciative. We regularly need our garbage removed and we need to be warm enough to function and we need to eat, regularly. Do we appreciate when the garbage truck with men lifting heavy cans in all sorts of weather is in front of our home on Thursday? Do we appreciate those who have dug dirt to place gas lines all over the landscape to get one to our home and those who have climbed tall poles to place electrical lines all over the countryside to get power to our home? Do we appreciate the men and women who stock shelves all day at the grocery store with the goodies we enjoy?

One of the aspects of appreciation is to understand or comprehend the extent or the complexity of the fulfillment of what is expected. When you do, you are automatically appreciative and there should follow a respect for the ones who 'got it done'. You might not have a chance to share with the linemen or the pipe layers a thank you, but there are many others you come in contact with, such as a policeman, a fireman, a service man or woman or a stocker with whom you can just say, "Thank you."

"In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1st Thess. 5:15

You want to know God's will for you? Here is one part directed to you and when you do it, you can be well assured that you have done God's will! Of course, we are expected to give thanks to God, for He is the constant giver, but the verse does not regulate our thanksgiving to be just to Him. When we appreciate what others have done or do regularly, I am sure that it is in the will of God to give thanks to them.

Just go about each day comprehending and don't forget to say "Thank you".

Friday, January 11, 2019


His broad shoulders and strong biceps, his firm leg muscles and of course his face delighted me. His manner and personality and character, all delighted me. Just naturally, I found myself delighting in my husband and when I discovered, in the Amplified Bible, Peter's writing in his first book in the third chapter talking to wives, it encouraged me to look for ways I could delight myself in and enjoy my husband more.

He states that a wife is, with her modest and respectful behavior together with her devotion and appreciation, to love her husband, encourage and enjoy him. God wants wives to enjoy their husbands. How does a husband feel when he hears his wife appreciating him? Would he be encouraged? Would her gracious words draw him closer to her?

 This can be related to the way God wants each believer to treat Him. He identifies us as the Bride of Christ and what is true in a marriage relationship here on earth should be true in the spiritual relationship. When you spend time considering God's marvelous mind which thought up all the laws that run the universe and his ability to be so creative to think up camels and humming birds and gold-fish and you and me, it can make you awe struck. He came up with the color spectrum and clouds and diamonds, the simple amoeba and the complicated DNA. What a mind! It is easy to find delight in the Creator God and tell Him how you feel and just enjoy His mind.

There are so many other attributes that could be expanded upon. A day could be devoted to just one and you could fill a month of days considering the wonder of just one each day and tell Him how you feel about it. How do you think God would feel about your appreciation? Can you see a smile on His face? Would He be pleased?

And by the way, there is a nice compensation for finding delight in God. There is a verse in Psalm 37:4-5 that states; "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it."

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


When you receive an invitation to a wedding there is some excitement. You feel excited for the couple, especially, if you know both of them and have been aware of their developing relationship. There is a beautiful picture of a wedding in Psalm 45. It is a song celebrating the King's marriage. The first few verses describe the groom's character and his attire and then there is a verse to the bride. Verse ten tells the bride to 'listen'. Some advice is given to her and it is something we all should pay attention to.

She is told to forget her people and her house. There is a good reason for this advice, because if she holds onto her home, it will be almost impossible for her to cleave to her husband. Without the cleaving there well be no becoming 'one'. The two will be living in one place and sleeping in one bed, but they will remain two separate individuals. Both are to cleave to one another and it is probably easier for a man to leave his home than for a woman to do so, thereby she is told to listen. The next few verses tell of her beauty and clothing and tell us that as she leaves her home, her husband will desire her beauty for now she totally belongs to him.

 Marriage is given as an illustration in the Old Testament of the relationship God had with the Nation of Israel. He even pronounced judgments on Israel for what He called "her adultery" because she had forsaken Him for idols. In the New Testament, His Son, Jesus, has a bride. She is the church or all believers. God sent an invitation to a very special wedding and that invitation was the groom. Male or female, God invites you to accept His invitation to come to the wedding, not just as a guest, but as the bride of Christ. By accepting Him and leaving your past history of sinfulness and cleaving to Jesus as your beloved, you will be attending the wedding supper of the Lamb in Heaven as His bride!

Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to Him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and His bride has prepared herself. She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear, for the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.   Revelation 19:7-8

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


And a hug around the neck. I love you a bushel and a peck, the song goes on to say, and a hug around the neck. A bushel is a dry measurement equal to  four pecks and if it is full of apples or tomatoes or green beans, it can get pretty heavy. If it is filled with love, it can get pretty heavy. I had the brilliant idea one summer to be a pioneer woman and  to love my family by canning. I had to borrow the caner, so every minute had to be productive in order to get it back so she could use it. There were bushels of vegetables and the heavy caner I was lifting for a week and standing and preparing all day long and I wound up not only with many jars of jam and soup and pickles, but with such a pain in my back that I had to stay in bed for a week!

Those bushels held a lot of love over the winter after the jars they produced were emptied. A bushel is a useful implement for carrying a variety of things and I never ever considered turning one over and putting a lit candle under it. What on earth good would that do? That is the reason Jesus said that one mustn't do that. A light, to be useful is to be put on a table or lamp stand in order that the light may be seen. You certainly do not hide the light.

Each of, us as believers, has the Light of Life living inside of us. Each believer has been the recipient of at least one of gifts listed in the New Testament. There are lists of gifts found in First Corinthians 12 - 14 and Romans 12 - Wisdom, Knowledge, Preaching, Faith, Healings, Miracles, Discernment, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Serving, Teaching, Encouragement, Giving, Leading, and Showing Mercy. These particular gifts are not natural or out of your own human nature, but they are spiritual and not just what you are inclined to be or do. They are super-natural and are given by God to you in order to build up others. Every time you use a gift you are letting the light shine and Jesus can be seen.

We are told not to with-hold any good we have. We are told to let our light shine that others might know Him. When we are presented with an opportunity to do or say 'good' and we with-hold it, we loose an opportunity to see God use it and not only others but ourselves are losers. It is up to us to identify the gift we have been given and develop it and use it. God chose at least one of those super-natural gifts for YOU and it wasn't indiscriminately given. It was a very special gift only you can use in the situation you are in.

A little advice - Have fun developing and using your gift.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


There were tears creeping down my cheeks as I prayed this morning. The tears came as I thought about how much God loves me. Tears of appreciation came because God is so holy and righteous and still can love the unlovable. It touches me somewhere deep within and tears just come.

There are so many situations that touch my tear apparatus and I have tried to figure what causes me to be touched that way. Silly things, like parades, will bring tears to my eyes and I have come to the conclusion that it is the shared unity of people working so hard to make something good happen for the director and ultimately for the audience that touches me. Crowds, at football games standing at attention with their hands over their hearts while the National Anthem is sung will tear me up and choirs singing their hearts out at a worship service will bring tears to my eyes. It is their dedication to deliver together and their time spent practicing and their willingness to submit to their director that makes me appreciate their efforts. It is the shared love for their country that is displayed by so many that reaches my heart.

When I saw my grandson after fifteen years of being away, I could not help but cry. When someone is sharing some hurt or pain or sorrow or joy and they tear up, I do, too.  Movies or books that have a happy ending for those involved who have experienced conflict and worked it out is a definite tear jerk-er for me.

We use tissues or napkins or handkerchiefs to wipe away tears and they are tossed away or washed and nothing can be seen of those tears, but God has a bottle where He places our tears. I think I have a pretty big bottle on God's shelf of tears. They are tears of remembrance of my life. He has a bottle for each one of us, a bottle of remembrance. Your tears are not wasted, they are kept.

When we pray fervently for something or someone that we consider desperate and we weep as we present our requests to The God Who Heals or The God Who Provides or The God Who Sees or The God Who Saves, those tears are kept in a bottle. They are not wasted. When we find ourselves tearing up as we worship and adore Him, those tears are kept in a bottle. They are not wasted.

Don't be ashamed or embarrassed to cry. It shows that you are human and have emotions and are real.
Shed tears have a meaning to God and one of these days He will wipe away every tear with His own hand, Revelation 21:4, and there will be no more mourning or crying or pain. Hallelujah!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


"Help my husband see that he is driving too fast." This was the prayer in my mind to God as we were traveling back home after a holiday weekend away at friends. I expected God to answer it by just opening my husband's eyes to the dangers and he, then, deciding to slow down, but that is not the way God chose to work it out. I was as surprised as my husband when a siren and flashing lights appeared behind us and a Highway Patrolman approached us while writing out a ticket.

Some time later in my life as a mother of four children under the age of nine, I became aware of a need for patience. I prayed for patience and I expected to all of a sudden to awake one morning and have the patience of Job, but that is not the way God chose to work it out. Some months later I found myself pregnant with the fifth child and I got mad at God, not associating my condition as an answer to my prayer for patience. But this wonderful gift of number five did help develop patience in me.

Several weeks ago I became aware of the smallness of my heart and I asked God to enlarge my heart. I had no idea of what to expect from this request except for God to help me be more concerned and caring about others. Then, on Christmas day, I sensed the need to ask God to heal my hearing because I had noticed some limitations hearing sounds. I expected God to do a miraculous thing and I would wake up one morning with full hearing capacity. But, that is not the way God chose to work it out.

The day after Christmas, my son-in-law invited me to go shooting with him and my grand daughter and her finance to an indoor shooting range. I had not shot a pistol in several years and I was delighted to go. Ear protection was worn and I did pretty good hitting the target in the bulls-eye twice and in the nine and eight range. As I removed the ear protection, there was a distinct difference in my hearing. Everything sounded muffled and muted and I had a problem. My first thought went to the prayer I had prayed just the day before. Is this the answer God is giving me - just the opposite of my request?

There was no anger this time because I know God is good and have experienced His loving kindness many times over the years, but it was hard to wrap my head around the condition I found myself in. I need good hearing at work and just communicating with others, not to mention listening to sermons and TV and the phone. I managed to get safely home through airports and the next day made an appointment with a doctor specializing in hearing. It was determined that there had been some loss prior to the "range" incident and the loudness had just exasperated my condition. I needed hearing aids.

The loss is a negative, humanly speaking. The expense is a negative, humanly speaking. It could be considered a serpent instead of a fish, humanly speaking. It would be so easy to look at this incident in a humanly way. It would be natural, but I am not just a natural person. I have God, the Creator God living inside me and this gives me a different perspective - not just the natural human perspective. I have a choice in the matter - naturally or super naturally. I choose super naturally and to God be the Glory. Already my compassion for others handicapped in some way has expanded. God is more concerned about my spiritual condition as His child than my health, wealth or happiness here on this planet. This planet and all that goes with it is only temporary. Our soul and spirit is eternal and how we enter eternity is determined by our choices in the here and now.

For you, today, the first day of the new year - Keep Trusting! Keep Praying! Accept God's good gifts and answers and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.