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Monday, December 31, 2018


The bedroom was tight with furniture. A treadle sewing machine was placed between two double beds and there was a dresser and a wardrobe and a chair. My sister and I slept in one double bed and my grandmother and youngest sister slept in the other double bed. On the wall next to the mirror over the dresser was a little plaque which I read every day - "Prayer Changes Things". I remember saying to myself as a young girl, that prayer changes people.

The disciples saw that Jesus frequently got alone to pray and they became curious and asked Him how one ought to pray. That is when He gave them what we now call the Lord's Prayer, but He didn't stop there. He went on to explain more. He instructed them to even bother the provider with their requests and be persistent till the answer came. He told them to knock and keep on knocking and seek and keep on seeking and to ask and keep on asking. Prayer, evidently, requires a deep seated need in order for one to be that demanding.

But, that was not all He told them. Jesus shared that a good loving father will not give a stone when a request for a loaf of bread is presented or give a serpent when a fish is requested or a scorpion when an egg is asked for. He went to rather extreme measures depicting the answers to prayers, not benign, but even dangerous which makes me wonder why. One possibility could be why Jesus illustrated answers to our prayers with such descriptions is that sometimes what we get is not what we expected our loving Father God to give. It just might seem harmful or negative and we might jump to the conclusion that God doesn't love us or that He is incapable.

God did warn us when He said that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than ours, so we misunderstand much. His ways are always good, tho they may seem not to be so and we can see a serpent instead of a fish if we look at it naturally. It takes faith to believe in God's character and to know that He only does what is good. We have to make ourselves see with the eyes of faith and trust God's perfect goodness when it comes to getting the unexpected and wait on Him to make clear the reason for the unexpected. Prayer does change things and it does change people, too.

Keep on praying for it is not altogether about getting the answers for our needs, it is much about getting to know the God of the Bible and developing an intimate relationship with Him.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


It is said, "Jesus is the reason for the season." That is true, but it is not accurate. Why is there even a season? The accurate thing to say is, "You, yes, you are the reason for the season." Jesus would not have had to be born to die if you had not needed what he came to do. You and I are the reason for the season.

We are not given much information about what the universe was like before God created this world and it's inhabitants. We are told that there were myriads of angels who worshiped God before the world was created and we are told of one specific angelic being who got the big idea that he deserved to be worshiped equally with God. Lucifer is his name and he came up with the idea to accomplish two things with one act. Lucifer knew how much God loved His creatures and he knew that God was bound to keep the law. He could break God's heart by luring the head of the human race to distrust their creator and he could ruin God's reputation by showing that God, being just, would allow the human race to suffer the consequences of disobedience. He would come out of this predicament he gave God as the winner and he would be the one being worshiped.

Of course, we failed the first test and Lucifer thought that it was over and he had proof on his side that he was worthy, but, it wasn't over. It actually was only the beginning, for God had a plan already in place. Because God so loved the humans He had created and who now were legally doomed, that He made it possible to satisfy justice by the shedding of blood, the blood of a perfect sacrifice, Jesus, and by giving the opportunity to humanity to rectify their situation by simply receiving the gift of His life. This is why you and I are the reason for the season. Every single one who sees that justice has been satisfied by Jesus and places their trust in His provision is casting a vote for God's worthiness of worship for all creation to count. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2018


From the beginning a promise was made. The first humans had yielded to temptation and the consequences were astronomical. Their first impulse was to hide from the law giver, but to no avail, because He who is everywhere all the time knew where to find them and hold them accountable. He said a few pertinent things to the tempter and to the tempted when he confronted them. He told the woman that He would put a deep seated hostility between the tempter and the tempted, a mutual hatred would develop between humans and now their arch enemy, Satan. He then promised that her 'seed' would bruise Satan's head and Satan would bruise her seed's heel.

It took four thousand years for her 'seed' to put His foot on this earth, but the promised Messiah came in the fullness of time. God kept His promise. This chosen one left glory and appeared as a small vulnerable baby born in a barn. This chosen one would make all things right between guilty humans and the law giver. He would be led to slaughter as an innocent lamb to give up His glorious life to pay the debt of breaking the law. God's way was real in that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

It is interesting - the bruising of a head and a heel. The bruising of the heel is recoverable, but the bruising of the head can be deadly

This was only one of a great number of promises made by the promise keeper. This one has been kept, but there are other ones we still wait for the fulfillment of. This Chosen One was seriously bruised to the point of death, but it was recoverable and He resurrected on the third day to finish what He had started. He is the great promise keeper and stated, as He prepared to return to glory, that He would come back and finish off our arch enemy and would restore all things better than when new. It has been two thousand years since He stated this. To humans, it seems like a long time but to God a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day. God measures time differently than we second counting humans. A thousand years is nothing to God and His promise will be kept in the fullness of time. He will return.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


We had not been dating too long. We had started seeing each other in February. Our dates were few and far between because we both were in college and I worked a forty-hour week. It was summer in Tennessee and quite hot and humid. I was living in the nurses's quarters at the hospital while working there, as a medical laboratory technician, putting myself through college to become a registered technician. My room was not air conditioned and not very comfortable and he knew about it.

One hot night he decided I needed some reprieve from the heat and his family had a spare fan and he decided to bring it to me. He did not own a car and couldn't find a ride, so he walked. It must have been four or five miles from his house to the hospital and the fan must have weighed at least ten pounds. I was totally taken aback when he presented it to me. You have to know that this act really impressed me. It spoke volumes.  This was true romance to me.

This kind of romance goes on all the time. God extends Himself for us daily. He gives and gives and gives and His heart desires that we recognize His acts of loving-kindness and respond with a heart full of gratitude and appreciation. He is constantly wooing us and drawing us with cords of love.

The greatest gift ever given was that of His own son. God knew our predicament and it just wasn't discomfort. It was much more desperate that that. Our life was at stake; our eternity was at stake. He made a plan before the worlds were created because He is everywhere all the time and could see the results of choices that were going to be made and loved us so much that, at the fullness of time, His gift was presented to the world. We will be celebrating that gift on Christmas.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Does this act of love speak volumes to you?

Saturday, December 8, 2018


Skin care classes were held for the Beauty Consultants doing skin care classes in order to teach them how to share good information to their clients. We learned that facial skin is different from the rest of the skin on our bodies and has special requirements. Using bar soap, just about any bar soap, has a drying effect because soap is designed to cut oil and this tenancy will deplete the natural oils that is produced by facial skin, so, it is a good idea to cleanse the face with a cleanser designed to be used on the face. Cleansing might change the Ph of the skin and toners or freshners correct that problem. After cleansing and freshning, a moisturizer will replenish what has been taken away and then on to glamour. Skin care is the most important part of beauty and a routine should be set up for morning and night. You might even need to use a mask weekly to deeply remove dead skin cells.

Glamour is that which is added to enhance the natural beauty and defines areas and uses shadows and color to give contour. A foundation will smooth and equalize the skin tone. There are natural curves to the face, but when it is all one color it appears flat and uninteresting. Adding rouge to the cheeks highlights the cheek bones and gives structure to the shape of the face. The eyebrows are a frame for the eye and the right length and contour of the frame brings attention to the eyes and eye shadow develops the curve. Of course, mascara adds depth and length to the lashes. The last bit of color on the lips balances the whole look. The end product should be appealing to the eye because the countenance will be where others look and from which the light inside shines forth.

 Your behavior is what really counts, as my daddy always said when his girls were complimented on the dresses their grandmother had sewn for them, "Pretty is as pretty does." Make-up has been around for a very long time and Peter cautioned the women of his day, two thousand years ago, "Your adornment must not be merely external, but, let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God." 1 Peter 3:3 and 4

You see, a quiet spirit is one that has found the peace of God and a gentle spirit is one that shares the peace from God in her everyday life. This peace of God demonstrates itself in her being able to trust the authority of her husband and enables her to submit to that authority because that is the way God has set up the institution of marriage and asks her to trust Him through her husband. Just as Sarah submitted to Abraham, tho he was way off base, God protected her and she was not fearful. This attitude of submissiveness carries on to her children and teaches them that the authorities God has ordained should be honored and submitted to all the while trusting in the Great Almighty to correct and protect.

Our society today is a perfect picture of what wives and mothers have taught their children and it isn't pretty!

Sunday, December 2, 2018


The little shop around the corner in Leesburg, Virginia, is almost exactly like the one in the movie "The Little Shop Around The Corner", except instead of carrying leather goods, it carries books and other found things. The day was overcast and rainy and not too many shoes were walking on the cobblestone sidewalks.  The four walls of the front room fitted with shelves from ceiling to floor held  a great variety of books and this place was given to me for that day to display my book and sign any copies that buyers might want signed. A small red checkered table cloth was placed on the shelf provided for my books and next to them, a plate of Christmas cookies and a small vase with a red velvet poinsettia. All was ready for shoppers.

A young couple came in under a big umbrella and began looking around trying to decide which way to go. After a few minutes window shopping in the other rooms, they came into 'my' room and glanced over at the shelf where my books were and the cookies. I offered them a cookie and both said "thank you" as they reached for one. Then they picked up a copy of  The Treasure Is The Trip and began checking out the back cover. "I love this", said she and then I asked if she would like to get one. I had not tried to sell a book all morning when people came looking, because I had prayed many times before I arrived that the Lord would bring the right ones to want my book and, so far, no one impressed me that they were seriously interested, till now.

After she said yes, I took the book out of her hand and asked her name and wrote the date and a short sentence and signed it and gave it back to her. She then went on to tell me that they had gotten engaged in that very room a while back and she had taken a missions trip, gone for six months, and it was a test to see how committed their relationship was. Stronger than ever, they were now planning on their wedding later this month. Such a joy weld up in me as she responded with a little thrill that I had prayed for the right ones to want my book. We hugged as we said goodbye and I said "God Bless you."

There were a few more shoppers to visit and a very special couple from my former church who bought some books to give away and it kept raining. The shoppers became fewer in number and I wanted to get back home before dark, so I began packing up. It was a perfect day for my first book signing event. God is so good.

Friday, November 23, 2018


Ruth had demonstrated real character after her husband had died by remaining loyal to her mother-in-law. She had been raised in an idol worshiping country and I am sure those practices had influenced her life, but she must have seen a real difference in her husband's family from others in her community. The book of Ruth doesn't share how long she had been married to Naomi's son before death took him and her father-in-law. The story just shares that she had decided to keep involved in Naomi's life and when Naomi decided to return home to Judea, Ruth determined to go with her, leaving all that was familiar, family, friends and culture.

These were two homeless, jobless, very alone women and she had to find work to sustain them. Her only recourse was to become a reaper and not even an employed one, but someone allowed by custom to follow the hired reapers and glean the leftovers. She was noticed by Boaz, the owner of the farm and when he inquired about her, he was impressed and told her, "May the Lord reward your work, and your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge." Ruth 2:12  She was richly rewarded for later she married Boaz and became the great grandmother of King David.

Most of the principles I hold today have been gleaned from those who have spent years studying. I have been so fortunate to sit under the ministry of great Bible teachers and expositors. I take notes. The things that I hear that strike a cord with me, I write down and I may not ever return to that paper, but it is there in black and white and it is also in my heart. God cannot bring to your mind the things that haven't been put there. I do research, occasionally, but I have been reading the Bible daily for over twenty years. I have read it through in a year over fifteen times and I love the One Year Chronological Bible. I read because I need to be reminded of God's goodness when my days lack luster. I need to be reminded of God's faithful involvement in the lives of those who trust Him when my questions arise. I need to hear directly from God, Himself. There is NO substitute for God's Word and there is NO substitute for God's Word being in your head.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


The educational system does not list a class on Contentment, yet we are told by Paul in his letter to the church at Philippi that he had learned to be content. So, how does one learn contentment? If it is a feeling, then, perhaps one cannot learn it. It just might automatically occur. But, perhaps it is more than a feeling, perhaps it is a state of mind that we can learn how to develop. It is described in the dictionary as 'peace of mind - having accepted one's situation'.

Paul said that in whatever state he found himself in, he was content. He knew how to get along with humble means and also how to live in prosperity and he had learned this. He had learned to consider his circumstances and then to mentally adjust his thinking about them and to decide to accept life at that point in time as something God had in mind for him and 'make-do'. If his situation was prosperous, then he could accept it as something God had in mind for him at that moment and forget about 'making-do'.

Contentment is connected with gratitude which is an attitude of mind. If you aren't grateful for what is in your life, you can't possibly be content. Even if you are grateful, you can possibly be discontent. There can be a tug-of-war going on inside your head, because you may be grateful for what you have, yet, want more or different and that eliminates contentment. The learning to be content has to take place.

The foundation to developing gratitude is to be free of greed and added to that is trust in Jehovah-jireh, The Lord Will Provide. When the words from Deuteronomy 31:6 "I will never fail you. I will never forsake you." are taken seriously by you and you can confidently say, "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid", then you are on good footing to gratitude and contentment cannot be far behind. When you trust God's character, you can accept what He provides and be grateful. You came into this world with nothing and all you have is from His hand. Gratitude turns what we have into enough and contentment will rule.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Surveys have been taken of new residents and it is found that it takes three years for a newly moved person to feel at home in their new location. There are all sorts of things to learn, from the streets that you need to take to get to work, to the places to shop for groceries and gas to where the post office is and the all important hair salon. Then, there are new neighbors to meet and get to know and the weather. There are doctors and dentists to look up and restaurants. The smells are different and the scenery and maybe even the time zone is one hour ahead. Boy, does it get tiring when home isn't home, yet.

My helicopter son, with whom we live, had all the cable stations set in place when we got here and that even didn't feel like home. For news, we had to watch CNN and it got to the point where I stopped watching the news because my stomach couldn't take it. Just yesterday my son decided to go over his account and did some changes and told me that now we could get FOX. I spent the rest of the day watching news and when my youngest son came home from work last night, the first thing I mentioned to him was the change. He blurted out, "Now, it feels like home!" I felt the same way. Out with the old, in with the new, rather out with the new and in with the old. Home! It was now more comfortable.

This started me thinking about how Jesus feels in my heart. Is it comfortable for Him? Are there things there that would make Him uneasy, like an attitude of anxiety when He has specifically told us to NOT worry about anything. Could it be some envy there or greed or prejudice or fear holding a spot? Could there be doubt about His word or have we taken the time and effort to do some spring cleaning and furnish our innermost being with some verses from His Word? I can imagine the walls of our heart being decorated with hangings of scripture and, I'm sure that He would feel at home there.

Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, said this in chapter 3; "be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in you hearts through faith...Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us."

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


A brand new baby is a hungry animal. Right away you know they are alive and kicking because they are hungry. They will let you know in no small way that it is time to feed them and feeding is three hours or four hours apart and in the middle of the night and a nursing mom can't send daddy to warm the bottle, she is in charge.

This fact of life makes one wonder about people calling themselves Christians. The 'new birth' is called that because that is exactly what it is. Every human being physically born into this world is born alive and kicking, but their innermost man, their spirit, is separated from their creator and they are in a state of death, spiritually. From the outward appearance you would not know this condition, but it is reality. They may have all their fingers and toes, but something is missing on the inside. As this baby develops and becomes educated they will become aware that something is missing, something is wrong and no amount of success will squelch the yearning to be complete.

God calls out to them through different ways in order to satisfy their longing and if they respond to Him, by faith in His provision of new life found in Jesus, they will be born again, they will be connected to Creator God and their spirit will be made alive; they will be born again as a new babe in God's family. That's when hunger develops because this babe has need of nourishment in order to develop into manhood or womanhood.

This fact of life makes me wonder about people calling themselves Christian and not being hungry to read God's word which is the real food of a believer. Jesus called Himself the 'Bread of Life' and Jesus is God's word become flesh, but He is the written word, also. He breathed his thoughts into the men who wrote the Scriptures and they are very Him. My conclusion is this: If a person is not hungry for God's word on a regular basis, they just may not have the Spirit of God dwelling in them. They just may not be born again. They may still be in the death state, separated from God and facing the future eternity still without Him

Saturday, November 10, 2018


The pantry door was wide open and I was standing before it and wondering what it was that was making me want to eat and what I wanted to eat. Why was I wanting to eat something? My stomach wasn't growling. I really wasn't what you'd call hungry, but I was hungry for something. My taste buds were calling to me.

Have you ever been there? There seemed to be a serious need to satisfy but you couldn't put your finger on it. Was it something salty or sweet or tart? There have been so many times that my little bitty taste buds have been in control of me, too many times. A package of chips has almost disappeared in one sitting and chocolate, oh yes, chocolate didn't have a chance to melt. How can we allow those taste buds to control us?

Emotions do the same thing. The dreadful thing about emotions is that we can feel so good, so pious, when an emotion is in control. We can think to our selves that to be concerned about hungering children is Godly and Righteous. We can justify our stand for abortion by saying that when the American government starts taking care of all those hungry immigrants outside of our borders that's when we will raise our voices against killing the unborn. There may be other issues that we feel passionately about besides a woman's right to choose and consider them to be more important than what the Bible says regarding right and wrong. We can feel we are more right than God is because we know people with needs and problems and care about them and want to change God's ways of doing things just to meet those needs. Pretty soon we have left God out of the picture and moved into a wide accepting place where everybody is good and deserves to be happy and God is just too narrow.

See if this description fits anyone you know or have heard about.
 God has demonstrated His power and wisdom in the creation, yet some have denied this personal God and didn't honor Him or be thankful and started speculating other things and praised others who did the same. So, in essence, they exchanged the real God for one of their own making and God just gave them over to that lie and they started worshiping and serving the creatures God had made instead of Him. Because of not acknowledging God they moved far from him and became rebellious and arrogant and hating and greedy and deceitful and murderous and given to hearty approval of others who do the same.

The above paragraph is a condensed PJ version of Romans 1:19-32

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Thanksgiving is getting closer on the calendar and plans are being made to celebrate with family and friends. Feasts of turkey on a well laden table with all the trimmings are looked forward to by most of us. This was my husband's favorite holiday and he prepared himself for full enjoyment including watching the Cowboy's play.

There was no Thanksgiving Day back in the 1600's in England where King Henry VIII had declared himself head of the National Church. England had been a Roman Catholic nation, but Henry decided to change all that, because of his own lifestyle, and the Anglican church was born with Henry the head. It became illegal for anyone to worship any other way and people were jailed or fined or worse. Life became intolerable for those who knew the Lord Jesus Christ and wanted to worship the way the early church did. When news was going around about this new uninhabited country recently discovered a group of the believers decided to risk all and try to get there. They wanted freedom to worship the way they chose and not have the government decide for them so they became pilgrims in America.

The founding fathers of this country knew their history and the very first amendment to the constitution stated that congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or any law preventing the free exercise thereof. They were trying to prevent another 1600's England. They were saying to the people of America, "Go for it, establish your churches and feel free to worship as you wish and speak up and say what is in your heart, yes, go for it."

Somehow this particular amendment got warped and those with evil intent put it out there that we had understood it all wrong. Religion had better not speak out because the government might be affected and that would infringe on the government, so the separation of church and state came in vogue. This idea was pushed as one put forth by the founding fathers and, guess what, people actually swallowed it and accepted it. What balderdash!!! Well, what can you expect from a people ignorant of actual history?

America was great for years following the Biblical principals laid down in our constitution. Freedom flourished, churches were established, business boomed, the press was free, schools and hospitals built. We were on a roll, but then some things happened and America became less than great, less than good. And that's where we are today, less than good. Freedom is under attack. It has become legal to murder the innocent, babies in the womb, and illegal to pray out loud at a school football game and, for Pete's sake, don't mention Jesus in a Valedictory Speech.

Our president yearns to make America great again and his main goal is prosperity for all. This is a good intent and I am all for it, but, what about making America good again? Can we work on that for a while and correct some of the wrongs?  Shall we start with specific prayer that God help us make America good again?

 This verse says it all: "If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I shall hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Justice is hard to come by. In court, witnesses who are sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, do sometimes lie or mislead because they have a vested interest in the outcome and are willing to distort the truth. History is full of injustice and good doesn't always prevail. Millions of innocent people have been murdered and those responsible seem to get away with it. Just think of all the unborn who have never had a chance to do any wrong, yet have had their lives taken away because their presence would have been inconvenient to some.

The definition of just is having a basis or conforming to fact or correctness and justice is the administration of what is correct, morally upright or good. Who determines what is correct? Are you qualified to make the standard of uprightness or correctness? Do your feelings of compassion determine what is upright or is there something higher than your feelings that has made the standard?
God, the Creator of everything is the only one who has the right to set the standard and He has revealed exactly what is good and what is evil and the priorities in place for real justice to be carried out.

There are many attributes of God. He is called Love. He is called Holy. He is called Righteous. He is called Just. He is called Merciful. He is called Good. Tho justice is hard to come by today and since the beginning of time, God has promised that one day, yes, one day justice will be satisfied. Love demands justice.

There is immeasurable love in the God-head between the three-in-one. God, the Father, loves His Son, Jesus, more than He loves you and me and all humans put together. Why? Because of the of what His Son was willing to do and actually did. Jesus was willing to leave the glory and perfection in the God-head and take upon Himself human flesh and suffer the degradation of becoming the sin of mankind and paying the ultimate price of shedding His blood in His death.

Do you honestly believe that God will let this injustice go unsatisfied? Do you honestly believe that those who have not been willing to acknowledge this great sacrifice and have trod under foot that precious blood will get away with it? We may have compassion on family or friends or those in far away places that do not have the quality of life that we in America have, but compassion does not rule, justice rules. Justice may be delayed for a time, but in the long run, justice will win.

God created a place call the Lake of Fire, and Jesus talked more about that place than He talked about the place called Heaven. It is a real place somewhere in this universe created for those angels who rebelled against God's authority. Unfortunately, not only those angels will be sent there, but all people who have trod on the precious blood of Jesus. God will be vindicated. Justice will be administered.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Rebels. The Confederates were rightly called Rebels. Those in the South were in opposition to the Federal Government back in the 1860's. They reasoned that the demands being placed on them would devastate them financially and they would have none of it. Civil war erupted and a nation was divided and this long war resulted in more American deaths than in both World Wars combined.

Rebellion began with the most beautiful angel in heaven. This angel began thinking of himself more highly than he ought and it resulted in defiance against the highest authority in the universe. There were many followers who were kicked out of God's presence along with him when rebellion reached it's fullness. Shortly after man was created and given a free will rebellion displayed it's ugly face and the result of that he and his wife were kicked out of Eden and curses were placed on them, the planet and the angel. We are living in a cursed environment with rebellion in full bloom.

God has strong feelings about rebellion. He states in 1 Samuel 15:23 that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft or worshiping something other than God Himself. That sin is the ultimate sin and there is an ultimate penalty for it. If God was willing to kick Lucifer out of heaven and was willing to kick Adam and Eve out of Eden and go so far as to place a curse on all involved, what do you think He thinks about you not recognizing Him as the ultimate authority and submitting to Him? What do you think about how He feels when you continue defying Him?

One may think that just observing religion will satisfy God, but He clearly says in Psalms 51:16 and 17 that we may give sacrifices to Him, sacrifices that cost us something, or do good in the world by helping the poor or needy and that is wasted, all wasted. God wants a repentant, humble, submissive heart honoring Him as the rightful authority over us. That's what God says and I think He means it.

God is patient, not willing that any one perish, but that all come to repentance. It is up to you, now!

Friday, November 2, 2018


Earlier today the 100th post was made on this blog. Can you believe it?? Back in March it began with me having no knowledge of what or how to do this. So, first off, I want to thank you for putting up with me. When I announced to friends and family, they immediately encouraged me and some even became followers.

There are stats where I can check on the progress of hits and where in the world people have opened Words From Aldie and I would say to my son," out of all the people in the world, I have had seven of them to open my blog today." As of today there have been over 2,400 hits. I am sure some of these were even accidental, but they were counted. I have had fun doing this and have learned quite a bit. I have had to do some research on some and check out scripture to make sure it was correct and consider myself better from this small effort.

Lately the hits have increased and the countries that it reaches amazes me. A number have come from India and Pakistan and France and Italy and, I could go on, but won't. I only hope that those who have taken time to read were benefited from pursuing my thoughts. You have gotten to know me and what interests and concerns me. I do hope I have not disappointed or discouraged anyone.

Most of all, I want to thank those who follow me. That list is still short, but it has grown and I am most thankful. For those who don't know, you can check the follow box near the top right area and fill in your e-mail address and you will automatically receive notice when a post is made. This means you don't have to spend time checking the blog to find no new post. Of course you don't have to open it once you are notified, but it just lets you know.

Again, Thank you, thank you, thank you for visiting me. You are always welcomed. Pat


"Not for the fainthearted", it is said about growing old. I am there and quite a few of my friends are with me and we all agree to that statement. You would think that, given the time it takes to grow old  we would all be prepared for it, but, NO, we are not really ready. We have gotten used to being able to move around quickly without tilting and to be able to squat down and get up without having a hook and cable to hoist us up. It is different now, so, we learn to walk slower, with great deliberation and if, mind you, I say, IF we have to get down and low, we make sure that there is a stable object close by that we can hang on to in order to slowly pull or push ourselves up to a standing position.

New wrinkles appear every other day and all the serums or creams in the market do not make them go away. They are just moistened. Make-up might fill in for eyebrows and blush might add brighten sallow cheeks and eye shadow might give contours where sags display themselves, but with all that, you still look old. Most women are happy to finish with the child bearing years and the monthly 'thing' that goes with that, even tho it is one of the first signs of aging. Men, on the other hand, react quite differently. My dear husband went out and bought a little sports car to help him feel that masculine youth at a time that was hard for our budget and leaving me with having to fall into my seat rather than just scooting in. Men are not happy with the change of life. It is a difficult thing to adjust to, but woe to those who do not adjust. It is better to adjust than to self-destruct.

"A gray head is a crown of glory; it is found in the way of righteousness." Proverbs 16:31
"The glory of young men is their strength, and the honor of old men is their gray hair." Proverbs 21:29

Take heart, all you aging folks, there is honor and a crown of glory in the gray.

A teenager had gotten mad at her mom for not accepting the selection of cotton balls she had chosen. Her mom went running back to find something else and her daughter was upset because mom was wasting time. Mom came back with a tube of textured cotton rounds to use to easily remove finger nail polish. There was a small confrontation between them when I interrupted and asked what gray hair stood for. Then, I pointed out that gray hair comes with age and wisdom comes with gray hair and since mom was older than daughter, there was some wisdom she had gained. Both smiled at that and went off to remove the finger nail polish.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018


A little boy, about eight or nine walked into the plumbing section of the large store with his dad. There was a plumbing problem at home and dad decided that he could fix it himself. All he needed were the right parts and tools, so he and his son went shopping. They appeared a bit lost looking at all the packages hanging on the hooks and all the little boxes full of washers and strange metal things. An associate came close by to ask if they needed help. Dad spoke broken English trying to explain what he needed. When the associate's brow wrinkled trying to understand, the eight year old interrupted his dad with a "be quiet, Dad." He then went on to explain what his dad meant in such an impressive articulate way that the associate understood immediately and began piling parts and tools together and explaining the steps to solve the problem. Dad then got the directions second handed from his son who repeated the instructions in his dad's native tongue.

That little boy has taken the first step on the road to assimilation, learning the English Language. Dad and Mom might never be able to be as fully assimilated as their children, but they came to America and are in the process. It may take a while for them to be brought into conformity with our customs and attitudes and adapt and adjust, but for the children, it will be easier. They are getting an earlier start. It is up to us to incorporate them into our society by being a friend and including them in our lives and doing stuff with them, showing off our culture and explaining things to them.

My son, the helicopter pilot, has a sixth sense when it comes to aviators. He is almost like a magnet and attracts them to him. A jet pilot from Morocco approached him the other day and, somehow, the conversation got around to flying. They compared notes on the differences and likenesses between jets and helicopters. This Moroccan shared why he had become a citizen of the US. Morocco was his mother and would always be his mother and he would always love his mother, but now the US was his wife and he loved his wife. This aviator has assimilated.

The US of A is an exceptional country and many people would want to live here because of what we stand for - Freedom. We are like a magnet and people are drawn to us, but, not every one is welcomed. Those who would love this country and want to be assimilated into it and become useful to it are welcomed. We welcome them to come in legally.

Saturday, October 27, 2018


The jaws of life were called in to extract my son from the car he had been driving. A helicopter flew him to the hospital and he was admitted, in a semi-comatose state, under a mistaken identity. This happened twelve hours away from us and we did not hear about it for two days.

These events, plus other unusual circumstances involved with the accident, had to be recorded so that nothing would be forgotten. That is why my story in "The Treasure Is The Trip" became a book. There were too many strange events to go unnoticed. There were too many God moments to ignore.  I began writing this story twenty-five years ago, some months after it happened, and it sat in my computer for years. Occasionally, I would read it and rewrite to improve it and then the idea came to me that there had been other, not so momentous, events in my life where I had experienced something 'out of the ordinary' and perhaps they could be incorporated.

My hope for this little book is that someone, kind of like me, a woman in a happy marriage, a mother in a relatively normal, average community doing just normal, average things can be taken on a life changing trip beginning with a phone call at 11:30 on a Sunday night and that someone after reading it might see life a bit differently.  This trip was loaded with surprises and value beyond any expectations and I hope others will find the treasure in their trip.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Suspicion! Even though I knew my husband loved me, when we were first married, I was still suspicious because he was a salesman. Somehow, I had the innate ability to be suspicious of smooth talkers and salesmen fit into that category. It is said that 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' and that includes the eyes because it has to look appetizing or the plate will not be touched. We all know how advertisers use pictures of beautiful models to get attention, especially of items men are interested in.

Women are a bit different and are won over by what they hear. So, there is an eye gate for men and an ear gate for women to get through to them. The interesting thing about the difference and the alike aspects of the sexes is that both have the X chromosome. The female has two of these X's and the male has one along with the Y. The Y makes it male and the X is the, shall I say, feminine part. So, males and females have a likeness here. That puts us all in the same place where the ear gate has some influence. This is important because Scripture tells us that "Faith comes by hearing and the hearing of the Word of God" and God would not have provided the way to faith just to the female.

Now, what has all this got to do with 'suspicion' and 'smooth talk'? When it comes to politicians, they are the best smooth talkers ever. I liked George W. because he was inept at talking. He just said what was on his mind and it was usually stumbling and not very pretty. Clinton, on the other hand was polished and charismatic and even took many polls to see what touched the emotions of voters and made sure to incorporate that into his talking. The same is true of Obama. He is so good, so polished, so perfect in the way he comes across. And, boy, am I suspicious - too good to be true - is my conclusion. Trump is clumsy, rude, crude and no great orator and I was drawn to him just because of that. He is not polished when speaking, but he is real, not just an ad.

Scripture also tells us that people are like sheep. You must be familiar with the phrase - 'A wolf in sheep's clothing' and there are many, politicians included, that are just that and so ready to take advantage of unthinking sheep. I have never heard of a cowherd or a pigherd or a horseherd, but there has always been a shepherd to take care of sheep. We, like sheep, have all gone astray and so need a shepherd who always tells us the truth and guides us the right way and cares for us.

One last word, and that word is 'discernment'. Let's not let the polish get in the way. Let us not be led astray by smooth talk. Let us pray for discernment.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep.  If wishes were fishes we'd all have a pot full to fry.  Star light, star bright make my wish come true tonight.  We all have dreams, some big, some small, some seemingly impossible, some that just take rolling up your sleeves and tackling to accomplish. We all have wishes that we hope will come true, but might need something magical to accomplish it.

Joseph, the eleventh child of Jacob, had a couple of dreams where he saw his family bowing down to him. I wonder if he ever thought about being greater than his older brothers. You know how brothers can make a younger sibling suffer and Jacob, his father, evidently made no effort to hide the fact that Joseph was his favorite. That would make for a dysfunctional family and lead to jealousy, which it did in this family and I can imagine Joseph got the brunt of all that hostility, so it might be that he had a wish to be greater than his brothers.

Whether or not the dream came first or the belief, God did give Joseph that dream and I believe there is evidence that Joseph believed God gave it to him and he believed it just might happen. A wish is so flimsy because it has nothing real to base it on. It strikes me that Joseph was able to keep believing God and what God had given him, the dream, because he knew God. There was something solid to base his belief of God on. The accounts that his Granddaddy, Abraham, told of being led by God from Ur to Canaan and about Sodom and Gomorrah and his uncle Lot and how he became a father at the age of 100 and Sarah, a mother, at the age of 90 gave facts that Joseph could see God working in.

Joseph needed a strong belief in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because his brothers sold him into slavery and while in Egypt was accused of rape and then imprisoned for 13 years before the fruition of that dream he was given when he was a teenager. Joseph hung in there and always gave his best, whether as a slave or a prisoner, and just kept trusting his God.

Belief is much more than a wish. Some people don't like to think that God created a hell for the devil and his angels and people who refuse to believe what He says about sin and His dear Son's payment for sin are ensured of being there forever might wish that since God is love that all will go to heaven. That is just wishful thinking because it has absolutely nothing to base it on except for a wish.

The Bible tells it like it is and you have the choice to believe it or not, but the consequences of unbelief are intact whether you believe or not.

Friday, October 12, 2018


Farming changed from hand labor to machines in the 19th and 20th centuries. Before machines were doing most of the hard hours outside in the sun, people were spending hours plowing, planting and reaping. As a consequence, these people were tanned by the sun and this made it undeniable that they were laborers. The aristocratic class definitely did not want to get tan and have society suspect they had to do outside labor so women wore hats and gloves and long dresses. Men wore hats, also and gloves.

When the farming revolution took over there were changes in attitudes along with farming. Out of job laborers had to find work inside and it became harder to distinguish, from appearances, who was an aristocrat and who wasn't because most everyone was a 'pale face'. Somehow, it became vogue for the wealthy to take vacations where there was lots of sunshine and now aristocrats were proudly parading their tans, while the lower class, who couldn't afford those vacations remained pale.

Today, most people work inside and aren't exposed to the sun most of the time and the consequence of this is a Vitamin D-3 deficiency. This vitamin is vital to good health in so many ways. It has been proven that without an adequate amount in the body, calcium cannot be absorbed properly and calcium is necessary not only for healthy teeth and bones, but for joints and muscles and the heart is a muscle. It boosts the immune system and feeds the brain. People living in the northern hemisphere are affected negatively during the winter months because the UVB rays of the sun are muted for months. Have I proven the point that this supplement is important?

It fascinates me that this vital supplement is named the 'Sun Vitamin' because it so duplicates the necessity of the 'SON' in our lives. The SON, Jesus, gives us eternal life, but without the daily intake of the supplement of the SON, the Word of God, we can become seriously unhealthy spiritually. Our structure can weaken and we can fall apart, feel self pity and doubt. Our immune system can become vulnerable to temptations. Our heart can become weak and our brain can dysfunction with worry and anxiety and make bad decisions. Have I proven the point that getting into the SON Vitamin, the Word of God, daily is important?

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


The entire western world has moved forward, in the legal realm, for over one thousand years under the system of the presumption of innocence. The statue 'Lady Justice' is blindfolded holding the scales of justice in her hands. The blindfold suggests that she cannot see the color, ethnicity, sex, financial status or anything else about the person standing before her. She is waiting to hear the evidence to be placed on the scales of justice and weighed when all the facts are in.

We cannot be prejudicial, ever, in our courts and ever say that any person does not deserve the presumption of innocence because of any circumstance or condition. That one thing would devastate the whole of western civilization and the rule of law which has been in part of making America unique.

The presumption of innocence works in all relationships, between friends, in marriage, at work. Paul, in writing to the church at Corinth after counseling them against bringing lawsuits against brothers and sisters of the church, points out in 1st Corinthians 13 the thing that does work - love. Now you may say, 'What's love got to do with it?' There are four descriptive verses that tell what love is, does and does not do. There is one phrase that has baffled some. This phrase - 'believes all things' -
has been used to discredit adherents by calling them dupes, naive, gullible and undiscriminating. What this phrase is saying is that love gives the benefit of a doubt or in other words presumes they are innocent until evidence proves the contrary. Love doesn't jump to conclusions.

You may question whether love has anything to do with  justice. The one thing held in common by both love and justice is blindness. When love is blind all sorts of bad things can happen because the ability to pursue evidence is usually lost and lovers are willing to believe just about anything, but justice requires evidence to function and lets the chips fall where they may.

May we be a people who love justice and fight for truth in all our affairs. May we be able to discern when people are pulling our strings using emotion rather than facts. Emotions do not fit on the scales of justice - only the facts, just the facts, mam.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Many years ago when I was in high school and a presidential election was going on in 1952,  General Eisenhower came to Memphis. I was very excited because no celebrity had visited my home town that I knew of. A bunch of us girls took the bus downtown to see him. There was a large crowd and the closest we could get was six blocks away, but we got to see him in person.

That summer both parties held their conventions and I stayed up very late every night to watch all of it. I didn't want to miss a thing. It was wonderful watching the democratic process and I have been interested in politics ever since then. Some creative person in Memphis decided to rent a theater so a mini convention could be held with each high school sending representatives. POGO, a comic strip character at the time, had declared his candidacy and our school made placards and we went determined that our candidate would capture the nomination. It was noisy and lots of 'I Go POGO' signs were waved and speeches made and votes cast. We didn't tear up the theater or get in fist fights. We learned a bit about how things work and had fun doing it.

Contrast that scene with the demonstrators of  today where not just placards are carried, but rocks and intentions to hurt the 'others'. There was no cars turned over or fires started or 'others' hurt in 1952. It was a time of innocent displays. Never will there be innocence again for once it is gone, like virginity, once it is gone, it is gone.

What has happened to debase our society? How do people justify that it is OK to malign and tarnish a good man's reputation by throwing accusations, not evidence in order to keep him off the Supreme Court? Have we no conscience? And how could a sitting senator suggest that someone seeking to sit on the Supreme Court should be found guilty until proven innocent? This is the perfect picture of 'The Ends Justify The Means' and shame on you.

Perhaps, each of us should choose to do unto others what we would want others to do unto us as a life style. Perhaps we can pray for those who spitefully use us and take to heart what God has said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay." Perhaps we can forgive as we have been forgiven. Perhaps, we can choose to love others for love covers a multitude of sins. Then, perhaps, society will be different.


"The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9  Mankind is given to lying from the first man on down to us. We will shade the truth or embellish it or not tell all, but it is all lies. When we want others to be impressed or to protect ourselves, we will veer varying degrees from the truth and we are lying. Even our body language can deceive. Sometimes its difficult to know what is a lie because some people are really good at it.

"Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar." Romans 3:4 God is truth. Get that? God IS Truth and cannot lie. Get that? God CANNOT lie. Man is foible and given to lying, and each of needs wisdom and discernment before we swallow the whole thing. In fact, Jesus did not entrust Himself to those following Him when He was in Jerusalem at one point, because He knew what was in man. John 2:24.

Satan is known as the father of all lies for he told the first one. He is the great deceiver and is successful because people believe him. But, there is guaranteed punishment for lying. That old saying; 'liar liar pants on fire', was saying punishment is coming and Revelation 21:8 looks forward to the lake of fire as being the place liars will spend eternity.

We may think lightly of that little sin, a lie, when where are so many big sins, like murder or adultery or robbery, but God doesn't think lightly of any sin and as James 2:10 says, 'and he stumbles in one point, has become guilty of all'. Just one point - a little lie - is justifiable cause for the severest punishment. So, we are all in the same boat as far is being guilty is concerned and some don't want to be in that boat and repent or decide that they will not lie intentionally and will try to be more accurate when talking, and confess that little-big sin to God and receive forgiveness.

There is help offered. Galatians 5:16 tells us to walk by the Spirit and we will not carry out the deeds of the flesh. We will demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and SELF-CONTROL when we are living by the Spirit.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


What motivates you? What is important to you?

 David heard what Goliath had said. It was hard for him to hear this Philistine taunt the armies of the living God. It was hard to hear this infidel reproach his nation. This giant of a soldier was belittling the living God and David would have none of it. David's desire was that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel and that desire moved him to face the giant.

Later in Israel's history, when Elijah was a prophet and Ahab was king, many people were worshiping idols and God was concerned. Rain had been withheld and a drought was throughout the land and God called on Elijah for a job. He wanted Elijah to set up a test so the known world see that there was a difference in true and false gods. God's reputation was at stake and people were doomed. The test consisted of two altars set up and two sacrifices and wood were placed on them. Elijah told a priest of Baal to call upon his god to light the fire to burn the sacrifice. All day they cried out loudly and even cut themselves to elicit a response from their god, to no avail. Then Elijah had a deep trench dug around his altar and many gallons of water poured over the sacrifice till it overflowed the trench and then Elijah came near and said, "that all people may know that You, O Lord, are God and that You have turned their heart back again." Instantly fire came down and consumed everything, even the altar and licked up the water.

Then Elijah told King Ahab to go and eat because he heard the roar of a heavy rain. It hadn't rained for three years. The sky was clear, but Elijah went to the top of the mountain and crouched with his head between his knees and asked his servant to go and look west. He saw nothing, but Elijah insisted and seven times the servant was told to go and look. The seventh time the servant came back with a report of seeing a cloud as small as a man's hand. And, shortly, it began to pour. God had demonstrated His presence and hearts were turned and the rain fell.

God is still concerned about His Name and His reputation, even today. Are you? Does it bother you when people take His name in vain? Does it hurt you when He is maligned? Do you pray that others may come to know Him? Are you interested in what concerns Him? Can you honestly say that God has first place in your heart?

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


When you don't have much money and haven't established your credit, yet, a motorcycle is a good way to get around. My son decided that was the way to go when he was in his early twenties and his motorcycle served him well getting him to and from work and even giving him some fun exploring in his spare time. He developed a love for racing and practiced maneuvers almost touching his knee to the pavement. It was a lot of trial and error learning the timing for breaking and accelerating and when to start the turn. He was in the army at this time and had become a PI or Pilot Instructor and when his commander found out what he was doing on his motorcycle in his time off, orders came down from above - quit this! He was too valuable to the U.S. to continue racing his motorcycle.

Trial and error is not needed with God. He just knows the perfect time for everything. Yesterday, a verse came to my mind and I couldn't remember exactly where it was found and wanted to look it up, but got busy and it slipped out of my mind. This morning that exact verse was featured in 'Our Daily Bread', which I use as a devotional every morning. It is found in Ecclesiastes 3:1 - "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Looking back to yesterday, I kinda think God was pointing me to something and confirmed it by today's scripture. I think He wanted to remind me that He was in charge and I must wait on His perfect timing if I wanted the very best.

There are no coincidences in the life of a child of God. We are capable of misunderstanding things or taking things for granted and not giving credit where credit is due, but, when we are playing our act to God and keep looking to Him for the 'go' or 'stop' or 'wait' and for His pleasure or displeasure, then we can wait and not be anxious about anything. If we can say with confidence - My life is in your hands and I trust your perfect timing - then we can experience the peace that passes understanding.

I am working on this one.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Growing up ain't easy. There comes a time when the bottle is replaced by a cup and the pacifier is hidden away. There comes a time when your mother stops setting out your clothes for the day and even putting them on for you to mornings when you stand before the opened closet and decide for yourself what to wear. There comes a time when the tricycle is replaced by a vehicle with four wheels and you have a driver's license in your billfold. There comes a time when you stop being given an allowance to going to work for a pay check.

Each transition may cause some discomfort and at one time stomping your feet and throwing a temper tantrum came naturally, but when you are twenty you had better come up with a better idea.
We learn to start thinking about others and giving rather than being so self centered. We learn to get to bed earlier so we can get to class or work on time. We learn how to say no to ourselves when it comes to spending money and be responsible to pay our bills on time.

Scripture says ' when I became a man, I put away childish things' and tho it may be at different times for each of us, we, sooner or later need to put away childish things and grow up. Scripture also tells us to 'grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus'. Growing in the grace - grace can be taken as the whole activity of God toward man. This covers a lot of territory. Salvation is by grace and forgiveness is by grace and being called is by grace and serving is by grace. We are to grow, to develop the qualities of maturity in all these areas.

We are to grow in the knowledge of Jesus and I must repeat this again - this knowledge is found in the Bible. You cannot grow in the knowledge of Jesus by sleeping with the Bible under your pillow and expect osmosis to happen. Reading God's Word is the very best way to grow in this vital knowledge and regular, consistent reading will keep it flowing in your mind.

You will find that as you read and grow that the childish things will be less satisfying and will fall off as the new growth takes over, like the Pin Oak tree. It's leaves do not fall off in the fall, but in the spring when the new leaves begin making their appearance and push them off.

It is time to grow up in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus.

Friday, September 14, 2018


It is September and autumn officially begins in a few days. Here in Virginia we have had so much rain during August that the trees are still lush and green. It is now seven o'clock and beginning to get to the twilight time. I am looking out my window and seeing the row of townhouses,cars parked out front and people walking with their children and dogs. The weather has been nice, mild and a little cloudy with soft breezes blowing. In other parts of our world it is not so peaceful.

South of us Hurricane Florence is churning over North Carolina and causing heavy damage and loss of life. Lives will be forever changed. We can appreciate the peace and normal here and still have heavy hearts for all those who are suffering and pray for them.

In other parts of our world battles are waging and Christians are being persecuted and killed. In other parts of our world bad weather is happening, yet here in Virginia it is calm and peaceful. I take heart that Scripture says ' the sun shines on the just and the unjust and the rain falls on the just and the unjust.' God is still in charge and I will be thankful for the peace and calm around me today and ask God to provide for those hurting elsewhere.

Corrie Ten Boom who lived through the holocaust said. "Expect resistance, but pray for miracles."
We can boldly approach God and ask for impossibilities, because He is the God of impossibilities. He tells us to seek and keep on seeking, to ask and keep on asking and to knock and keep on knocking. Are we serious? Do we care? Do we believe? Can we move the arm of God?

In January my book, "The Treasure Is The Trip" was published and in April when I was being interviewed by Hillary Givhan of the Beloit Daily News about my book, I remember telling her from Psalm 127:1, "except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." I have asked God for the impossible, a miracle. I have asked God for the success of my book. I have asked for the right people to see and want to read it and for it to help seekers find the Prince of Peace. God's arm is not short and He hears and answers our prayers for the small stuff, like my book and the large stuff like Hurricane Florence.

Father God, by your mighty arm, send help to all those in need because of the devastation of the storm and strength for all the helpers, in Jesus' name.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Stuck on the shelf over my computer at work was a Post-it note to remind me of what not to do as I went through my day. There were two words written on that little piece of paper - one was assume and the other was presume. Assume means to take for granted and presume means to take advantage of. I could be guilty of both, so I wanted to remind myself to be careful.

Even today I assume too much. When I write I do not want to be superfluous and I take short cuts in my wordage and assume you will get my point. But, I have learned how good reading is for the mind and perhaps I should go into more detail. Six minutes of reading reduces stress 68% while six minutes of music reduces stress 61% and drinking tea 54% and walking only 42%. Reading increases language and reasoning. Watching TV is passive and makes it less likely to reflect. Television characters show surface levels of character and is fast paced to keep interest. Readers have to concentrate and think through concepts and are forced to use their imagination. Reading is good and may contribute to one not presuming upon another.

If you assume something because you haven't taken the time to, lets say, read up on the subject, you can presume or take advantage. We often assume notions about God by taking what others say about Him and not checking it out. We then might presume upon Him and be out of line. It is interesting to note in Psalm 103:7 that the sons of Israel knew God's acts. They had seen the Red Sea parted and eaten the manna provided by Him. They knew His acts, but Moses knew His ways. You have to be close to someone to know their ways. You have to spend time with them and listen to them and watch how they work in order to know their ways. We don't have to assume about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There are 66 books we can read and study to get to know more about God and we can spend time talking to Him and watch Him work. Just think about it. Even six minutes spent reading the Bible will not only give you information about God and His ways, but it will increase your language and reasoning and enable you to think through concepts and even reduce stress by 61%. You might enjoy a cup of tea while reading and reduce stress another 54%. What benefits there are in reading the Bible.

I may have assumed that you knew about the little boxes just below each post, so, I am going to mention this, just in case. A post might speak to you or you might know someone that would be interested and you can share by hitting a box. There is a Facebook box and a Pinterest, a Google and a Twitter and an E-mail box and that post will be sent off through that vehicle.


There are many thoughts on the sovereignty of God, sovereignty, meaning rule. Admitting God is sovereign is the starting place of acknowledging His ruler-ship, but to what extent does this control go is the question. I, truly do not know where His control stops and ours starts. I do believe His will will be done and I admit that I do not know His will. What I do believe is, that we have a will and it is a free will or a will that is free to make choices and I also believe that the character of God demands that He will not impose His will over ours. So, we can oppose Him and many have and many do.

Why does God tell us to pray? Could it be that He understands man's free will to the point that His respect for it added to His desire that none should perish made Him ask us to assist Him by telling us to pray, thereby getting Him more involved? He is always involved, but so much more results when people are praying. When prayers are answered, praises go to Him and those praying are changed seeing the answers and sharing this with others. Where does His rule stop and our rule begins?

We are held accountable, by Him, for our choices. We cannot blame God for the choices we make. We are told to guard our hearts. It is understood by scientists that human skin absorbs stuff. The sun shinning on exposed skin will create vitamin D in the natural oil in your skin and given a little time, the body will absorb that vitamin and be able to use it for good in your body. The soul absorbs stuff, too. You may play in the dirt and get your hands dirty and there may be substances, dangerous substances in that dirt that will be absorbed in your body. The longer you put off cleaning the dirt off you skin the harder it is to remove it and given time, the dangerous influences will be absorbed in your soul.

You may pray for God to cleanse your heart, but you bear some responsibility to do your part. It is up to you to recognize dirt as dirt and not play in it. It is up to you to remove it from your life. God will not over ride your will, but He loves you enough to prick your conscience, by His Spirit, to let you know that you are dirty. Then, you can decide what you must do. If you chose to 'clean up your act', it will be to His glory because He prompted you and is there to give you all the help you need to accomplish this.      Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me."

Be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little hands what you do, be careful little feet where you go, be careful little mouth what you say - because you are responsible.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


It is so easy to get turned around in Virginia. The streets and roads in the mid-west are, most usually, straight and when you reach a stop, it is a 90 degree angle for you to turn onto the next street. In my area the streets and roads are all curvy and you find yourself going the opposite way in order to get where you are going. My guess is that these winding roads were originally made by horses and later wagons with horses pulling them and the town fathers just paved them and later broadened them to accommodate cars. I am thankful that my rear view mirror has a compass display so I can know which direction I am heading.

The Bible speaks of two different roads or paths, one is wide and one is narrow. The wide one would be easy to locate and therefore heavily traveled. Whereas the narrow one takes some searching for and is not so traveled. The broad road leads to destruction, the narrow one leads to heaven. Many times I have heard people say that God sends people to Hell. Well, I take issue with that statement.

My dear husband used to say that God has put many stumbling blocks on that broad road to prevent people from going to destruction. One of the significant blocks is the creation. It is not easy to try to imagine something coming out of nothing or laws just making themselves up. Another big block is the Bible which has so many prophecies coming to pass exactly as predicted and so many facts about the Savior's life and death and resurrection and so many eye witnesses to these happenings. Then there are churches with steeples pointing to Heaven and preachers proclaiming the way of salvation. You can't ignore the books and tracts and movies and believers sharing the good news day after day.
No, God doesn't send people to Hell, they intentionally go there by their own choice.

"The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." 2nd Peter 3:9

"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, and He is equally available to all." Colossians 3:11

Friday, August 31, 2018


An interesting thing about cows is that they have four stomachs. In order to produce milk it takes four stomachs. The cow will take a big bite of grass and chew on it for a while and then swallow it and in the first stomach it becomes a cud which she can burp up later and give it another chew and maybe two or three more and when it reaches the stage for further processing it continues on down her digestive track.

We are encouraged to 'chew on God's Word' which entails more that just reading it. We are to regurgitate it and scrutinize, reflect and ponder on it till we can understand it and internalize it.
We are to get all the nutrients out of it that it may feed our souls. There are many, many words in the Bible and, in the original writings each word was inspired by God Himself. Each word was specifically chosen to say the right thing for our benefit. "So He humbled you and made you hunger......that you may know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God" Deuteronomy 8:3. God considers His Word to be of ultimate importance.

We contemplate on various things, some good, some not so good. Sometimes memories haunt us and sometimes guilt feelings reoccur and can discourage us. God has given us resources and instructions to deal with unhealthy thoughts. He gave us His peace when we believed that our sins had been paid for and we are no longer condemned in His sight and that peace is not just a declaration. That peace works as an umpire guarding our minds. An umpire watches closely all that is going on and is there to enforce the rules of the game. When you step out of bounds, he will blow the whistle and you need to deal with the offense right there and peace will be restored. When you commit a foul, he will blow his whistle and you won't have peace till you deal with it. You can rest assured when the peace of God rules, your life will be more satisfying and peaceful.

There is also a filter which, if we use it, will keep destructive thoughts out of our minds. Philippians 4:8 tells us to 'fix' our thoughts and fix can be done with glue or we can focus. Me thinks it means focus. We are given a list of things we are to focus our minds on; whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely and worthy of praise. First on the list is whatever is true and the first thing that should come to your mind regarding truth is God's Word, don't you agree? That holds lots of truth to think about. The second thing is what is honest and I will leave you to come up with something that fits in that category and also, just. Then, comes pure - pure motives, pure water, nothing having pollution and perhaps you have knowledge of this. Next, is the lovely stuff. Immediately, in my mind, I see flowers and mountains and rivers and some people. Last, are things worthy of praise. The Word of God fits into each category, but there are other things that can qualify and if we can control our thoughts using these filters, we can contemplate forever and experience the Peace of God.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


The middle of the week and it is a day set aside for prayer meeting. There are many memories of church attendance when I was a kid - it was twice on Sunday and once in the middle of the week. On Sunday mornings we were there for Sunday School first where we had quarterlies that held lessons in the Bible for thirteen weeks, a quarter, and we were supposed to have read them before Sunday. The teacher then expounded on the lesson and gave an application. There was also a memory verse we were supposed to have put to memory.

After Bible Study we then proceeded to worship services in the auditorium where we sang hymns and listened to the choir which had practiced a special piece of music. The offering was taken and the sermon was delivered. Then the morning's meeting was over and time to go home and eat a big lunch and rest or play or visit relatives before the evening's services began. Training Union was what the evening meeting was known by, not so formal as Sunday School, but giving us training on being a member of a church and after that was another worship service where a sermon was preached.

That was the normal, regular life I lived for 18 years with the middle of the week prayer meeting included in this routine. Our youth groups met on Wednesday night while the adults met for payer. These youth groups had activities and lessons on missionaries and lots of memorizing of Scripture. These verses are still in my head after all the years that have gone by and it is so fortunate for me because they come to my mind every single day. I am so very thankful for all the Bible I was exposed to while I was growing up and all the sermons I heard.

Today I went to Little River Baptist Church's mid-week prayer meeting.We had seven attending and a list of people who had needs - some physical, some financial, some emotional, hurt bodies and marriages - needs that only God can take care of. So, we prayed.

Afterwards, a new friend asked me if I had any copies of my book, "The Treasure is the Trip" in my car. I did. She had already purchased one earlier and had given it to her son, who in turn, had sent it to a friend in prison and he wanted a copy for himself. I was touched and thrilled to think that someone had considered my little book something that a person in prison could be helped by. I cannot think of anything of greater significance, other than prayer, than for one's words to be used to help others. What are we here for?

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Do you believe actually everything you read or hear? Do you trust what the Washington Post prints about anything? Do you turn to CNN for the whole truth about any happenings in Congress? Do you listen to your heart and trust it is leading you the right way? I sure hope not.

It is vital that we place our trust in the proper place in order to survive in this world of deception. It pays to make sure before committing something as important as your soul to a promise. Even then, we can fool ourselves and assume that because we nodded in assent or believed the Christmas stories and the Easter stories that all is OK. If our hearts are deceitful and they are and do have a vested interest, we will hear fake news from ourselves. There is an objective source we can compare our thoughts, desires and motives to in order to discern truth from error. If we give ourselves to the Word of God we can know our selves and understand the difference between the natural which is like an octopus with it's tentacles intertwined all around our soul and the supernatural. God's word is capable of cutting the natural apart from the supernatural and giving freedom from the fake influence of the world's news.

There are ways to check it out and see if your faith is real or if it is directed to the right place. It doesn't take any faith to stand in the middle of your yard and have no fear that you are going to fall into the sky. Nor, does it take faith to see day coming after night disappears. You don't have to think about it or know how gravity works or the speed of light or any of the laws in place to keep your feet on the ground and the world spinning.

It does take some knowing to make faith work, but faith is more than mentally assenting to facts. Faith is personal just as love is personal and it affects you. First off, Romans 10:17 says that 'faith comes by hearing the Word of God' because there are facts you need to know and understand in order to develop faith. Second, this faith has to be in the right place for it to make a difference. You can have faith in yourself to be able to walk off the top a 20 story building to cross the street and the ambulance will be picking you up shortly off the pavement below. That is a picture of misplaced faith.  Real faith is placed in God and acknowledges God and yearns to know Him. Hebrews 11:6 says God rewards real faith and real faith pleases God. Thirdly, as love is active, faith is active as James 2:26 says and productive and results in good works. Your faith gives evidence in your life by so trusting God that you want to submit to His authority and follow His principles and do good stuff.

You can know if your faith is alive and well. God already knows and will give it a test to let you know how vibrant it is. Testing goes with the territory. There is one more important thing to consider regarding faith. If you have doubts about something in your life or a decision you are making, please don't continue until you have made every effort to get confirmation from the Lord. Romans 14:23 warns us that whatever is NOT from faith is sin. We do have a responsibility that faith has given us.

I am sorry that this went on so long, so many words and no pictures and I feel is still inadequate.

Friday, August 24, 2018


The sun was brightly shinning through the east window and scattering it's light on the floor. What could not be seen in normal light was all the dust and cat hairs that had been there all the time. The symptoms of a neglected house stood out undeniable in the light of the sun. There was work to be done.

That puny feeling that wasn't normal came with a warm forehead. There was a slight burning sensation in the eyes and a tiredness that wasn't normal all over the body. The symptoms of illness was becoming evident. Something should be done.

A restlessness comes and you can't sit still and your mind can't concentrate. You feel you must be active, doing something, accomplishing something, but you don't know what. You are unsettled and feel a need for action or a thrill or excitement. The symptoms of the lack of peace is showing itself. This must be attended to.

A rake and a hoe can be retrieved from the shed to attack the dust and cat hairs on the floor, you think?
An aspirin and a glass of water can be taken to cure the illness, you think?
Going for a bungee jump or joining a group to climb Mt. Everest or going to a bar and drinking till you can't think may come to mind?

There are symptoms and there are causes. If you treat the symptoms, there may be some relief for a while, but no cure. In fact, eliminating the symptoms may be causing more problems by allowing the infection to progress.  We have been sold a 'bill of goods' by advertisers that assure us that a pill can cure, that the right vacuum can eliminate, that the answer to our need for satisfaction is the 'thrill'.

Every single one of us have the same need. That need is the broken connection between us and our maker and it comes with symptoms. We oft treat the symptoms rather than the source and are relieved of the discomfort for a little while but the problem hasn't been solved and perhaps,or more than likely, the problem gets worse and our treatment of our problem gets more wild.

It may seem trite, but there is one solution to this human condition and that is God's remedy, Jesus. If we can just recognize that we have a problem and turn to our maker for His answer, rather than just attempting to make the symptoms go away, we will be cured. The peace 'that passes understanding' will be ours and the excitement of knowing pure love will be ours and joy will replace earthly thrills.
Jesus is the real answer.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


There are several mentions of clay and clay pots and the potter in the book of Isaiah. The comparison is made between a pot and a person. It is in the potter's mind and hands what kind of pot he will make and the purpose it is to be used for. The question is asked by the pot, almost like, "What on earth are you doing?" "Why are you making me this way?" It is amusing and rather arrogant that the vessel wants to decide what it is to be used for.

A cow is resting in a pasture after having been purchased by it's owner to provide milk and butter and cream for his family. This thinking cow has been giving milk every day and then she wonders what it would be like to be a race horse. She has seen the beautiful stallions in the next pasture and has watched them kicking up their heels and running swiftly across the grass, the grass that she just eats and she wants to do that. Just forget about making milk, that is dull and boring and I want to be a race horse!

Or, as far fetched as it seems, what if a wrench that was bought for the purpose of using what wrenches are manufactured for and had been used to tighten a bolt on a motorcycle, but then the owner decides to use it on a tricycle and something happens.  What if the wrench got upset because it wanted to only be used for the motorcycle. The motorcycle is wonderful, fast and sexy and the tricycle is kiddish and slow. I want only to be used on the motorcycle.

God has a purpose for each clay pot he fashions and fortunately clay pots do not have a mind or a will and just fulfill their purpose and are not like human beings whom God has fashioned. God gave human beings  a mind and a will and they can resist the God who made them. It is important to know and understand the purpose of God's will in order to cooperate with him and satisfy His intentions. He deserves the recognition or glory for His work and that is in our hands. He states in Romans 8:29 the His purpose for His clay pots and that is that we should be conformed or become like the firstborn. He intends that all His children become like Jesus. What an honor He has given us clay pots, to become like our big brother!

I would suggest that you embrace your lot and be content with where you are and what you are and just fulfill your purpose. All the more glory will be attributed to the Father God because a mind and a will didn't have to do as a clay pot does, but chose to do what was intended because they wanted to.

Monday, August 20, 2018


This phenomenon cannot be contributed to some element in our water. No, this happens not just in Virginia. This happens all over the USA. There is an element in the hearts of USA citizens and it is called generosity.

A lady came by my register Friday with a cart pretty full of duplicate articles of shampoo and deodorant and toothpaste, disposable razors, shaving creme and such. I began scanning and as I got closer to the end, she asked if I would put the last two items on a separate receipt. I must have had a quizzical look on my face as I agreed for she went on to explain that the last two items were gifts for her granddaughters. All the rest were for a homeless shelter which  provides much for homeless people but no personal care stuff. She had noticed this need and of her own initiative was providing for these people. It was not a little bill.

Several weeks ago another lady came by with duplicate items of food. There was peanut butter and coffee and canned vegetables. She was taking advantage of sales our store was holding and stocking up on things for her church's food pantry. This was no little bill. Then there was the couple who had quite a few items that would take time to scan and bag and behind them, standing about four feet away was a gentleman with one item in his hand. The husband of the couple stepped back and grabbed the deodorant from this guys hands and placed it in my hand so I would scan it as a part of his own purchases and then handed it back to this shocked man telling him it was taken care of. It was like he was apologizing for making him wait for me to get through all his purchases, so he just gave him the deodorant.

Second Corinthians 9:11 says that we will be enriched in every way so that we can always be generous. First Timothy 1:18 tells us to be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always ready to share with others. Then there is Second Corinthians 9 :7 stating that 'God loves a person who gives cheerfully and will generously provide all you need so you have plenty left over to share with others'.

I don't know these people personally but I was impressed by their generosity. I don't know their financial status, but no matter, these people seemed happy to give. There is a deep joy that comes from helping people and being generous whether it be with what money can buy or a real smile or an encouraging word or a pat on the back. Check where you have been enriched and make it a priority to find someone who needs that thing or feeling and give it away. Three things will result, first, needs will be met and second, you will see God provide so you can give more and third you will experience joy. No sparkling water will make that happen!

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Falling in love with someone who is so opposite to you can be exciting and wonderful. Living with someone who is so opposite to you can be challenging and wonderful. My husband and I were quite opposite to each other. Well, he was a man and I was a woman and you can't get more opposite than that and that was wonderful. He was a born salesman and I was a born buyer and that was pretty wonderful, also. He was a thinker and I was more intuitive and spontaneous and that sometimes made life exciting. He loved to study. I loved to read. He loved football. Well, what can I say?

He was detailed and double checked everything and I assumed stuff. My casualness caused him deep concerns. It went so across his grain. I am sure he often thought I was too carefree, too positive and not living in the real world. He wanted to write a book on the Power of Negative Thinking because he could see that I needed to think more negatively and there were lots of others in the world just like me.

Of course, there were arguments because he was so sure he was right and I had to defend my point of view. There were lots of times when we philosophized for hours and just shared opinions. My own thinking became sharper because of the time we spent garnering from each others' minds and I am so thankful that we came to appreciate each others differences and enjoy the broadening process.

He was the one who brought up conversations around the dinner table most every night that helped our kids think about subjects like politics, world views, spiritual things and football. We had lively times around the dining room table with all seven minds contributing. Both of us loved music and he was the one who put the needle on the long playing record of the Messiah on Sunday mornings as we were getting ready for Sunday School. I would not have thought of that. I was busy helping the kids get it all together and putting the finishing touches on dinner in the oven to be ready after church.

There were four things that my dear husband could cook. He could make coffee and popcorn and put a frozen pizza and refridgerator canned biscuits in the oven and his taste for food was rather limited compared to mine. He loved to have a pizza ready for me when I got home from work on Fridays and he loved to make our breakfast of biscuits on Saturday mornings. Personally, I would have preferred something less fattening, but I loved him and did not want to disappoint him.

Both of us changed over the years and somehow became more alike and could finish each other's sentences and knew what each other was thinking most of the time, and it still was wonderful and exciting yet in a different way than when we just getting to know each other.

As of September this year he will have been gone from me and with his Father God for four years.

Saturday, August 18, 2018


There are penalties connected to taking away or subtracting from and adding to God's Word and, I, for sure, do not want to do that. The story of King David's involvement with Bathsheba tells what happened to this great leader and the consequences of his behavior, but, since it doesn't reveal his attitudes, I am taking the liberty of sharing my thoughts.

Before I begin, though, I feel the need to chase a bunny rabbit and talk about another thought from scripture regarding dividing the Word of God. See the math aspect here; adding, subtracting and dividing? Second Timothy plainly tells us to 'rightly divide' God's Word as we study it which some have suggested that it means to separate segments and apply some thoughts to Israel and others to the church. To others, it means to accurately teach. It can mean both at the same time. I am a Dispensationalist. I love the Schofield Bible, but I believe in the covenants, too. God works in different ways, called dispensations, at different ages and some of His workings overlap different ages. For instance in the age of creation, God worked very differently than He does today, but new creations still go on today in a different way. As far as our separating the truths, we have to understand that some teachings Jesus gave were meant for the Jews, primarily, and should be read with that in mind. Oh, how we need wisdom in order to rightly divide the Word and apply that which was meant for us to us.

Back to King David. Why was he at home when his troops were away and, as Commander-in-Chief, he should have been with his troops? If he had been where he was supposed to be his affair with Bathsheba would not have taken place or the pregnancy or the death of her husband. David was God's man. He was a man after God's own heart. He had not feared the giant. He had taken the initiative and volunteered to fight this giant because God's name was at stake, yet, something changed that made him vulnerable to temptation.

As I see it, this is a very common trap and can happen to any of us. It is the trap of success or victory or promotion. It is very subtle and traps us like quicksand. Perhaps, David just thought he deserved some time off. After all, he had been chased for years by King Saul and had waited patiently for God's timing and had led his troops for years and he, after all, was king. Perhaps he became a little casual about his responsibilities and justified his being home for just a few days. It is such an easy and natural thing to do, but accidents happen because we become lackadaisical and temptations turn into sin when we do not remain vigilant regarding the state of our relationship with our Father-God and His will for us at any given time.

Does all this add up? Can you see the new math - not adding to God's word - not subtracting from God's word - rightly dividing or accurately telling the truth - just trying to gain insights into a man who fell into sin and learn a good lesson so we do not get careless.

Friday, August 17, 2018


In the book of Hebrews there is so much emphasis, so many descriptions of God's plan and of His Son's work and quite a few questions regarding our responsibilities. The writer lays out facts in such an impressive order. He uses words to try to convince us of the importance of the sacrifice Christ Jesus made. He vividly describes the original place and condition of Jesus and how He willingly left that position and took on flesh and then continues telling the extent of the suffering involved to pay the debt that mankind had accumulated.

There are reminders of the actions God took on disobedience in the past. These thoughts are to help us see that God is not to be toyed with. There are consequences for disdaining God's cautions. There is punishment bound to come.

Jesus took our punishment, but He did not take our chastisement for our hardness of heart after we have been born into the family of God. We will have to take that and sometimes that chastisement feels like punishment because it can be severe.

We are warned to pay close attention to the state of our hearts, our minds, our attitudes that we do not allow any drifting from the truth. The question is asked; "how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?"  Because Jesus paid so heavy a penalty, can we consider it with such disregard that we actually trample under foot, His blood by our rebellious actions?

"Today, IF you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts." It may get to the point of no return.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


The alarm goes off telling you it's time to get up and get ready for work. You begin your day with coffee and time spent reading a devotional and the Bible and prayer, then get dressed, have breakfast and get in your car. You turn the key, put your foot on the gas after shifting into gear and off you go. The car moves a few feet and stops. Uh-oh, what went wrong? You did everything you were supposed to do. What happened? Your car needs fuel, constantly fed to make it move, so, you keep your foot on the accelerator till you want to stop.

How far does prayer go? I don't mean in distance because there are no physical boundaries to prayer. What I mean is how long does a prayer last? When you begin your day asking God's blessing and direction, does that request last all day and it is finished being applied with the 'amen'? I think not for just as a car needs a constant flow of fuel, you need to be in constant touch with your Heavenly Father God.

The requests are important and may cause you to go to God in the first place, but the relationship is what it is all about. Your foot touching that peddle has a relationship with the motor and you talking to God is just like that. What is more important to you - getting what you need or want or desire from Him or is it your relationship with Him? Don't you think that God knows your heart;  that He can tell if you are interested in Him and His desires or are just after what you can get from Him?

He, of all beings, is worthy of our time spent with Him. Scripture tell us to delight ourselves in Him and even promises that upon our doing so,we will be given the desires of our hearts. But, He knows our heart and if we are being conniving or real. You can't fool God. Scripture also tells us to pray continually - keep our foot on the peddle constantly - build that relationship.

Remember! KEEP IN TOUCH!