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Friday, August 31, 2018


An interesting thing about cows is that they have four stomachs. In order to produce milk it takes four stomachs. The cow will take a big bite of grass and chew on it for a while and then swallow it and in the first stomach it becomes a cud which she can burp up later and give it another chew and maybe two or three more and when it reaches the stage for further processing it continues on down her digestive track.

We are encouraged to 'chew on God's Word' which entails more that just reading it. We are to regurgitate it and scrutinize, reflect and ponder on it till we can understand it and internalize it.
We are to get all the nutrients out of it that it may feed our souls. There are many, many words in the Bible and, in the original writings each word was inspired by God Himself. Each word was specifically chosen to say the right thing for our benefit. "So He humbled you and made you hunger......that you may know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God" Deuteronomy 8:3. God considers His Word to be of ultimate importance.

We contemplate on various things, some good, some not so good. Sometimes memories haunt us and sometimes guilt feelings reoccur and can discourage us. God has given us resources and instructions to deal with unhealthy thoughts. He gave us His peace when we believed that our sins had been paid for and we are no longer condemned in His sight and that peace is not just a declaration. That peace works as an umpire guarding our minds. An umpire watches closely all that is going on and is there to enforce the rules of the game. When you step out of bounds, he will blow the whistle and you need to deal with the offense right there and peace will be restored. When you commit a foul, he will blow his whistle and you won't have peace till you deal with it. You can rest assured when the peace of God rules, your life will be more satisfying and peaceful.

There is also a filter which, if we use it, will keep destructive thoughts out of our minds. Philippians 4:8 tells us to 'fix' our thoughts and fix can be done with glue or we can focus. Me thinks it means focus. We are given a list of things we are to focus our minds on; whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely and worthy of praise. First on the list is whatever is true and the first thing that should come to your mind regarding truth is God's Word, don't you agree? That holds lots of truth to think about. The second thing is what is honest and I will leave you to come up with something that fits in that category and also, just. Then, comes pure - pure motives, pure water, nothing having pollution and perhaps you have knowledge of this. Next, is the lovely stuff. Immediately, in my mind, I see flowers and mountains and rivers and some people. Last, are things worthy of praise. The Word of God fits into each category, but there are other things that can qualify and if we can control our thoughts using these filters, we can contemplate forever and experience the Peace of God.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


The middle of the week and it is a day set aside for prayer meeting. There are many memories of church attendance when I was a kid - it was twice on Sunday and once in the middle of the week. On Sunday mornings we were there for Sunday School first where we had quarterlies that held lessons in the Bible for thirteen weeks, a quarter, and we were supposed to have read them before Sunday. The teacher then expounded on the lesson and gave an application. There was also a memory verse we were supposed to have put to memory.

After Bible Study we then proceeded to worship services in the auditorium where we sang hymns and listened to the choir which had practiced a special piece of music. The offering was taken and the sermon was delivered. Then the morning's meeting was over and time to go home and eat a big lunch and rest or play or visit relatives before the evening's services began. Training Union was what the evening meeting was known by, not so formal as Sunday School, but giving us training on being a member of a church and after that was another worship service where a sermon was preached.

That was the normal, regular life I lived for 18 years with the middle of the week prayer meeting included in this routine. Our youth groups met on Wednesday night while the adults met for payer. These youth groups had activities and lessons on missionaries and lots of memorizing of Scripture. These verses are still in my head after all the years that have gone by and it is so fortunate for me because they come to my mind every single day. I am so very thankful for all the Bible I was exposed to while I was growing up and all the sermons I heard.

Today I went to Little River Baptist Church's mid-week prayer meeting.We had seven attending and a list of people who had needs - some physical, some financial, some emotional, hurt bodies and marriages - needs that only God can take care of. So, we prayed.

Afterwards, a new friend asked me if I had any copies of my book, "The Treasure is the Trip" in my car. I did. She had already purchased one earlier and had given it to her son, who in turn, had sent it to a friend in prison and he wanted a copy for himself. I was touched and thrilled to think that someone had considered my little book something that a person in prison could be helped by. I cannot think of anything of greater significance, other than prayer, than for one's words to be used to help others. What are we here for?

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Do you believe actually everything you read or hear? Do you trust what the Washington Post prints about anything? Do you turn to CNN for the whole truth about any happenings in Congress? Do you listen to your heart and trust it is leading you the right way? I sure hope not.

It is vital that we place our trust in the proper place in order to survive in this world of deception. It pays to make sure before committing something as important as your soul to a promise. Even then, we can fool ourselves and assume that because we nodded in assent or believed the Christmas stories and the Easter stories that all is OK. If our hearts are deceitful and they are and do have a vested interest, we will hear fake news from ourselves. There is an objective source we can compare our thoughts, desires and motives to in order to discern truth from error. If we give ourselves to the Word of God we can know our selves and understand the difference between the natural which is like an octopus with it's tentacles intertwined all around our soul and the supernatural. God's word is capable of cutting the natural apart from the supernatural and giving freedom from the fake influence of the world's news.

There are ways to check it out and see if your faith is real or if it is directed to the right place. It doesn't take any faith to stand in the middle of your yard and have no fear that you are going to fall into the sky. Nor, does it take faith to see day coming after night disappears. You don't have to think about it or know how gravity works or the speed of light or any of the laws in place to keep your feet on the ground and the world spinning.

It does take some knowing to make faith work, but faith is more than mentally assenting to facts. Faith is personal just as love is personal and it affects you. First off, Romans 10:17 says that 'faith comes by hearing the Word of God' because there are facts you need to know and understand in order to develop faith. Second, this faith has to be in the right place for it to make a difference. You can have faith in yourself to be able to walk off the top a 20 story building to cross the street and the ambulance will be picking you up shortly off the pavement below. That is a picture of misplaced faith.  Real faith is placed in God and acknowledges God and yearns to know Him. Hebrews 11:6 says God rewards real faith and real faith pleases God. Thirdly, as love is active, faith is active as James 2:26 says and productive and results in good works. Your faith gives evidence in your life by so trusting God that you want to submit to His authority and follow His principles and do good stuff.

You can know if your faith is alive and well. God already knows and will give it a test to let you know how vibrant it is. Testing goes with the territory. There is one more important thing to consider regarding faith. If you have doubts about something in your life or a decision you are making, please don't continue until you have made every effort to get confirmation from the Lord. Romans 14:23 warns us that whatever is NOT from faith is sin. We do have a responsibility that faith has given us.

I am sorry that this went on so long, so many words and no pictures and I feel is still inadequate.

Friday, August 24, 2018


The sun was brightly shinning through the east window and scattering it's light on the floor. What could not be seen in normal light was all the dust and cat hairs that had been there all the time. The symptoms of a neglected house stood out undeniable in the light of the sun. There was work to be done.

That puny feeling that wasn't normal came with a warm forehead. There was a slight burning sensation in the eyes and a tiredness that wasn't normal all over the body. The symptoms of illness was becoming evident. Something should be done.

A restlessness comes and you can't sit still and your mind can't concentrate. You feel you must be active, doing something, accomplishing something, but you don't know what. You are unsettled and feel a need for action or a thrill or excitement. The symptoms of the lack of peace is showing itself. This must be attended to.

A rake and a hoe can be retrieved from the shed to attack the dust and cat hairs on the floor, you think?
An aspirin and a glass of water can be taken to cure the illness, you think?
Going for a bungee jump or joining a group to climb Mt. Everest or going to a bar and drinking till you can't think may come to mind?

There are symptoms and there are causes. If you treat the symptoms, there may be some relief for a while, but no cure. In fact, eliminating the symptoms may be causing more problems by allowing the infection to progress.  We have been sold a 'bill of goods' by advertisers that assure us that a pill can cure, that the right vacuum can eliminate, that the answer to our need for satisfaction is the 'thrill'.

Every single one of us have the same need. That need is the broken connection between us and our maker and it comes with symptoms. We oft treat the symptoms rather than the source and are relieved of the discomfort for a little while but the problem hasn't been solved and perhaps,or more than likely, the problem gets worse and our treatment of our problem gets more wild.

It may seem trite, but there is one solution to this human condition and that is God's remedy, Jesus. If we can just recognize that we have a problem and turn to our maker for His answer, rather than just attempting to make the symptoms go away, we will be cured. The peace 'that passes understanding' will be ours and the excitement of knowing pure love will be ours and joy will replace earthly thrills.
Jesus is the real answer.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


There are several mentions of clay and clay pots and the potter in the book of Isaiah. The comparison is made between a pot and a person. It is in the potter's mind and hands what kind of pot he will make and the purpose it is to be used for. The question is asked by the pot, almost like, "What on earth are you doing?" "Why are you making me this way?" It is amusing and rather arrogant that the vessel wants to decide what it is to be used for.

A cow is resting in a pasture after having been purchased by it's owner to provide milk and butter and cream for his family. This thinking cow has been giving milk every day and then she wonders what it would be like to be a race horse. She has seen the beautiful stallions in the next pasture and has watched them kicking up their heels and running swiftly across the grass, the grass that she just eats and she wants to do that. Just forget about making milk, that is dull and boring and I want to be a race horse!

Or, as far fetched as it seems, what if a wrench that was bought for the purpose of using what wrenches are manufactured for and had been used to tighten a bolt on a motorcycle, but then the owner decides to use it on a tricycle and something happens.  What if the wrench got upset because it wanted to only be used for the motorcycle. The motorcycle is wonderful, fast and sexy and the tricycle is kiddish and slow. I want only to be used on the motorcycle.

God has a purpose for each clay pot he fashions and fortunately clay pots do not have a mind or a will and just fulfill their purpose and are not like human beings whom God has fashioned. God gave human beings  a mind and a will and they can resist the God who made them. It is important to know and understand the purpose of God's will in order to cooperate with him and satisfy His intentions. He deserves the recognition or glory for His work and that is in our hands. He states in Romans 8:29 the His purpose for His clay pots and that is that we should be conformed or become like the firstborn. He intends that all His children become like Jesus. What an honor He has given us clay pots, to become like our big brother!

I would suggest that you embrace your lot and be content with where you are and what you are and just fulfill your purpose. All the more glory will be attributed to the Father God because a mind and a will didn't have to do as a clay pot does, but chose to do what was intended because they wanted to.

Monday, August 20, 2018


This phenomenon cannot be contributed to some element in our water. No, this happens not just in Virginia. This happens all over the USA. There is an element in the hearts of USA citizens and it is called generosity.

A lady came by my register Friday with a cart pretty full of duplicate articles of shampoo and deodorant and toothpaste, disposable razors, shaving creme and such. I began scanning and as I got closer to the end, she asked if I would put the last two items on a separate receipt. I must have had a quizzical look on my face as I agreed for she went on to explain that the last two items were gifts for her granddaughters. All the rest were for a homeless shelter which  provides much for homeless people but no personal care stuff. She had noticed this need and of her own initiative was providing for these people. It was not a little bill.

Several weeks ago another lady came by with duplicate items of food. There was peanut butter and coffee and canned vegetables. She was taking advantage of sales our store was holding and stocking up on things for her church's food pantry. This was no little bill. Then there was the couple who had quite a few items that would take time to scan and bag and behind them, standing about four feet away was a gentleman with one item in his hand. The husband of the couple stepped back and grabbed the deodorant from this guys hands and placed it in my hand so I would scan it as a part of his own purchases and then handed it back to this shocked man telling him it was taken care of. It was like he was apologizing for making him wait for me to get through all his purchases, so he just gave him the deodorant.

Second Corinthians 9:11 says that we will be enriched in every way so that we can always be generous. First Timothy 1:18 tells us to be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always ready to share with others. Then there is Second Corinthians 9 :7 stating that 'God loves a person who gives cheerfully and will generously provide all you need so you have plenty left over to share with others'.

I don't know these people personally but I was impressed by their generosity. I don't know their financial status, but no matter, these people seemed happy to give. There is a deep joy that comes from helping people and being generous whether it be with what money can buy or a real smile or an encouraging word or a pat on the back. Check where you have been enriched and make it a priority to find someone who needs that thing or feeling and give it away. Three things will result, first, needs will be met and second, you will see God provide so you can give more and third you will experience joy. No sparkling water will make that happen!

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Falling in love with someone who is so opposite to you can be exciting and wonderful. Living with someone who is so opposite to you can be challenging and wonderful. My husband and I were quite opposite to each other. Well, he was a man and I was a woman and you can't get more opposite than that and that was wonderful. He was a born salesman and I was a born buyer and that was pretty wonderful, also. He was a thinker and I was more intuitive and spontaneous and that sometimes made life exciting. He loved to study. I loved to read. He loved football. Well, what can I say?

He was detailed and double checked everything and I assumed stuff. My casualness caused him deep concerns. It went so across his grain. I am sure he often thought I was too carefree, too positive and not living in the real world. He wanted to write a book on the Power of Negative Thinking because he could see that I needed to think more negatively and there were lots of others in the world just like me.

Of course, there were arguments because he was so sure he was right and I had to defend my point of view. There were lots of times when we philosophized for hours and just shared opinions. My own thinking became sharper because of the time we spent garnering from each others' minds and I am so thankful that we came to appreciate each others differences and enjoy the broadening process.

He was the one who brought up conversations around the dinner table most every night that helped our kids think about subjects like politics, world views, spiritual things and football. We had lively times around the dining room table with all seven minds contributing. Both of us loved music and he was the one who put the needle on the long playing record of the Messiah on Sunday mornings as we were getting ready for Sunday School. I would not have thought of that. I was busy helping the kids get it all together and putting the finishing touches on dinner in the oven to be ready after church.

There were four things that my dear husband could cook. He could make coffee and popcorn and put a frozen pizza and refridgerator canned biscuits in the oven and his taste for food was rather limited compared to mine. He loved to have a pizza ready for me when I got home from work on Fridays and he loved to make our breakfast of biscuits on Saturday mornings. Personally, I would have preferred something less fattening, but I loved him and did not want to disappoint him.

Both of us changed over the years and somehow became more alike and could finish each other's sentences and knew what each other was thinking most of the time, and it still was wonderful and exciting yet in a different way than when we just getting to know each other.

As of September this year he will have been gone from me and with his Father God for four years.

Saturday, August 18, 2018


There are penalties connected to taking away or subtracting from and adding to God's Word and, I, for sure, do not want to do that. The story of King David's involvement with Bathsheba tells what happened to this great leader and the consequences of his behavior, but, since it doesn't reveal his attitudes, I am taking the liberty of sharing my thoughts.

Before I begin, though, I feel the need to chase a bunny rabbit and talk about another thought from scripture regarding dividing the Word of God. See the math aspect here; adding, subtracting and dividing? Second Timothy plainly tells us to 'rightly divide' God's Word as we study it which some have suggested that it means to separate segments and apply some thoughts to Israel and others to the church. To others, it means to accurately teach. It can mean both at the same time. I am a Dispensationalist. I love the Schofield Bible, but I believe in the covenants, too. God works in different ways, called dispensations, at different ages and some of His workings overlap different ages. For instance in the age of creation, God worked very differently than He does today, but new creations still go on today in a different way. As far as our separating the truths, we have to understand that some teachings Jesus gave were meant for the Jews, primarily, and should be read with that in mind. Oh, how we need wisdom in order to rightly divide the Word and apply that which was meant for us to us.

Back to King David. Why was he at home when his troops were away and, as Commander-in-Chief, he should have been with his troops? If he had been where he was supposed to be his affair with Bathsheba would not have taken place or the pregnancy or the death of her husband. David was God's man. He was a man after God's own heart. He had not feared the giant. He had taken the initiative and volunteered to fight this giant because God's name was at stake, yet, something changed that made him vulnerable to temptation.

As I see it, this is a very common trap and can happen to any of us. It is the trap of success or victory or promotion. It is very subtle and traps us like quicksand. Perhaps, David just thought he deserved some time off. After all, he had been chased for years by King Saul and had waited patiently for God's timing and had led his troops for years and he, after all, was king. Perhaps he became a little casual about his responsibilities and justified his being home for just a few days. It is such an easy and natural thing to do, but accidents happen because we become lackadaisical and temptations turn into sin when we do not remain vigilant regarding the state of our relationship with our Father-God and His will for us at any given time.

Does all this add up? Can you see the new math - not adding to God's word - not subtracting from God's word - rightly dividing or accurately telling the truth - just trying to gain insights into a man who fell into sin and learn a good lesson so we do not get careless.

Friday, August 17, 2018


In the book of Hebrews there is so much emphasis, so many descriptions of God's plan and of His Son's work and quite a few questions regarding our responsibilities. The writer lays out facts in such an impressive order. He uses words to try to convince us of the importance of the sacrifice Christ Jesus made. He vividly describes the original place and condition of Jesus and how He willingly left that position and took on flesh and then continues telling the extent of the suffering involved to pay the debt that mankind had accumulated.

There are reminders of the actions God took on disobedience in the past. These thoughts are to help us see that God is not to be toyed with. There are consequences for disdaining God's cautions. There is punishment bound to come.

Jesus took our punishment, but He did not take our chastisement for our hardness of heart after we have been born into the family of God. We will have to take that and sometimes that chastisement feels like punishment because it can be severe.

We are warned to pay close attention to the state of our hearts, our minds, our attitudes that we do not allow any drifting from the truth. The question is asked; "how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?"  Because Jesus paid so heavy a penalty, can we consider it with such disregard that we actually trample under foot, His blood by our rebellious actions?

"Today, IF you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts." It may get to the point of no return.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


The alarm goes off telling you it's time to get up and get ready for work. You begin your day with coffee and time spent reading a devotional and the Bible and prayer, then get dressed, have breakfast and get in your car. You turn the key, put your foot on the gas after shifting into gear and off you go. The car moves a few feet and stops. Uh-oh, what went wrong? You did everything you were supposed to do. What happened? Your car needs fuel, constantly fed to make it move, so, you keep your foot on the accelerator till you want to stop.

How far does prayer go? I don't mean in distance because there are no physical boundaries to prayer. What I mean is how long does a prayer last? When you begin your day asking God's blessing and direction, does that request last all day and it is finished being applied with the 'amen'? I think not for just as a car needs a constant flow of fuel, you need to be in constant touch with your Heavenly Father God.

The requests are important and may cause you to go to God in the first place, but the relationship is what it is all about. Your foot touching that peddle has a relationship with the motor and you talking to God is just like that. What is more important to you - getting what you need or want or desire from Him or is it your relationship with Him? Don't you think that God knows your heart;  that He can tell if you are interested in Him and His desires or are just after what you can get from Him?

He, of all beings, is worthy of our time spent with Him. Scripture tell us to delight ourselves in Him and even promises that upon our doing so,we will be given the desires of our hearts. But, He knows our heart and if we are being conniving or real. You can't fool God. Scripture also tells us to pray continually - keep our foot on the peddle constantly - build that relationship.

Remember! KEEP IN TOUCH!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


It is so much fun, talking with my sons. Usually, the talk gets around to flying helicopters because one of my sons was in the army for over 20 years serving our country flying helicopters. He has shared many, many stories about his experiences, some funny, some tragic, all, most interesting.

Last night he mentioned that he had failed his hearing test. He had passed every other test in order to get into flight school but the hearing test. They do allow you to retake the tests for a limited time, so he put ear plugs in his ears for two days. He was around very loud noises every day, jets and motors and blades whirring and his hearing had become dull and putting the ear plugs in gave time for his hearing to become sharper. He passed the hearing test the next day.

Our ears can become dull to hearing our Father God speaking to us the same way. There is so much loud noise going on all around us all the time. The world has a way of yelling to us. The devil has a way of hollering at us. The flesh has a way of bellowing to us. We have ignored the small voice of God speaking to us and we can't hear Him anymore.

There comes a time when we find ourselves in a place where we need to hear from God and we want to, but we can't. Our past actions of ignoring Him has silenced Him. I mean, what would you do if you kept trying to communicate with someone you loved and they kept ignoring you? You just might wait to talk with them until you were sure they were ready to listen to you.

What is the remedy? I think my son hit on the solution. Put ear plugs in your ears. Silence the world, the flesh and the devil as much as you can. Recognize the voices that are not from God and ignore them for a time in order to make your hearing more sensitive to God's voice. Then turn to the Scriptures which are God's words to you. He wants to talk to you. He wants you to really listen to the Words of Life. You can't begin to recognize God's voice above all the rest till you get to know God Himself and the best way to get to know Him in through His Word. He reveals Himself in the Word and you can learn to distinguish His voice for all others because you know Him.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
"My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow Me." John 10:27

Monday, August 6, 2018


Every thing needs maintenance. It is time consuming and, as things, even people get older, there is more maintenance required. My car is scheduled for it's oil change and I sit and wait while the experts check the brakes and electronics and fluid levels, filters and air in the tires. It is costly, but absolutely necessary for my 10 year old car to continue to be faithful to me.

My eyebrows need plucking to remove strays and there are a few whiskers I see on my chin, of all places for a lady! They have to be shaved off or my son will point them out. My nails get too long and when I swipe my fingers into the moisturizer  pot, my nails get clogged and I have to clean them out, so, my  nails need trimming and filing. My socks wear thin where my toe nails rub and those tough nails need trimming, also. So much time spent just trying to keep things going properly.

All of this nasty stuff reminds me that my soul needs maintenance. If I don't care for my soul then I can expect it to deteriorate. There are things that need trimming. I may be spending too much time day-dreaming or remembering things from the past - good or bad - that keep me from moving forward. I need to trim back with the razor of choice and cut it out.

Most of all, I need to refresh my mind, regularly, with truth so I will be able to judge more accurately the thoughts and feelings that develop in my head. It is like brushing your teeth. You have to do that or cavities develop. We are living in a fallen world and things deteriorate just naturally and we can only hold back that deterioration by determined efforts when it comes to our soul. Think of it as an oil change as you replace dirty thoughts with God's pure thoughts. Your engine will run more smoothly

Get on a program for every day and start reading God's word. Schedule only 15 minutes each day and open the Book and read - just 15 minutes. Try Psalms or John or Romans - just 15 minutes and have a pen in hand and star or underline stuff that hits you and date it. Stop the deterioration before something caves in or breaks down. This is more important than you realize.

Sunday, August 5, 2018


You stand in line and when you get to the ticket booth, you buy your ticket and proceed to get some popcorn and maybe a drink and then continue on to find a good seat. You sit back and munch on the popcorn till the movie starts and then begin to be entertained. It may be a good movie with a good plot and some good points and you may talk about it later and suggest that others go see it. It may even have some provoking ideas that make you think. Theater was made for attending; church was made for joining.

Joining a church means that you are going to be involved in it. Attending a theater or a church means that you are there for your satisfaction and can leave and go home and not give it another thought. Being a member of a church connects you with others and it is almost impossible to go home and not give it another thought. You are a member of a family.

Involvement begins as the service begins. You sing along with the rest of the group and you listen to prayers and join in agreement with the one praying. You don't just sit there and wait to be entertained. As the message is being delivered you take notes and star verses and underline words or phrases in the Bible you brought. You are there to receive truth and apply it to your life. You are there to worship. Your involvement is vital and how seriously you get involved makes the difference in what you take home with you.

I do not know how much access the devil has into a brain, but Jesus spoke of him stealing the word after it has been heard in Mark 4:15. The unbeliever is more vulnerable than a believer because the believer has the helmet of salvation to protect his brain. Even then, a believer can doubt or not take it personally or be distracted by wandering thoughts rather than concentrating on the message. That is why taking notes is important because when you hear and write down something you need to remember, there is a better chance of calling it to mind with that double exposure. As you let your mind dwell on principles taught on Sunday, your Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and so on become the testing ground for putting truth to work.

Being a member of a church is more that having a place for a wedding or a funeral or a feel good service on Christmas or Easter. It is being a part of the family of God getting together to worship and learn and love one another.

Friday, August 3, 2018


The memories are a bit sketchy because this incident happened about 75 years ago. My sister was  in the first grade and I was in the third. School was done for the day and we had met to walk home together when we noticed a dollar bill resting on the wooden floor. Seventy-five years ago a dollar was worth something and we had never had one of those in our possession. We made a plan to pocket it. I should say I made the plan. She would take it to the principal's office and I would go claim it. Isn't that remarkable? We could have just taken it, but, no, we had to do it legally. Of course, they knew we were sisters and saw through our plot immediately and called us to account. That was a good thing for us and taught us that it is best to be honest.

It is a good thing to be called to account. Our thinking can be so warped sometimes and we make choices that are off base and if someone cares for us and sees the 'off base' actions and calls our attention to it, it can be a good thing. Complaints and criticisms have come to me, especially in my business, and I learned to approach them, first, by considering the source. Some people just love to complain and it may not be justified, while others only mentioned something if it was valid. Those I would listen to and take to heart and re-adjust whatever was needed.

We can call ourselves to account when guilt feelings erupt, but first we have to consider the source. If that action has been dealt with in the past and we have taken responsibility for it and sought forgiveness from God and all offended ones, then it is completed and it is just the memory that plagues us. God does not ever bring up forgiven stuff. It has been bundled up and thrown in the deepest sea and crushed and forever gone. He will not ever lay a guilt trip on the forgiven one. So, it comes from elsewhere and is not worthy to waste time or effort considering. In fact, that memory should cause us to give a great big "Thank you, God, for forgiving me, and helping me re-adjust myself. I am not a pig returning to the mud puddle or a dog returning to it's vomit. I am forgiven and cleansed."

Learning to recognize the real guilt from the fake guilt takes a bit of experience which comes, mostly from trial and error. Dealing with the fake is like trying to carry water in your hands and is worse than shadow boxing. You can not win a match or a title or a crown if you spend all of your efforts boxing your shadow.  God's word is real and will call you to account. It is sharper than a two edged sword and able to pierce the deepest part of ourselves and it takes humility and courage to turn to it and read it and take it to heart, but it will expose all impurity enabling you to address each blight properly and clean the slate.

Can we say a thank you for any criticisms or complaints or being called to the office or being touched by some passage in the Bible? It is a good thing.