The two shall become one is the short definition of marriage. But, it is asked, which one? Neither one or the other is the right answer, but a new one is made in the uniting of two single individuals. God topped off His creation with woman and gave her to man to be his help-meet. The word help-mate has been flung around for years and, in a way, it is a truth, although the original word is help-meet. That word means that she is equal to him. She is his equal. She may not be as tall as he is or as strong or even as smart, yet, she is his equal. He may not be as tall, or as strong or as smart as she is but they are equals.
God puts strengths together with weaknesses and the union is as complete as can be. They have different roles. He was given headship over this unit. He is told to love his wife as Christ loves His church and she is told to submit to him. Where he is strong, she submits. Where she is strong, he submits. Where strengths are pretty much equal, she submits in attitude and they work it out submitting to one another
Their concern should be for the best for the unit and both need to work for the success of the new "one" thing. She may have the best job and earn more than he could and they decide to help her succeed and he might do some homemaking in order for that to happen. He could well have the best job and she should be willing to be more of a homemaker for the success of his job.
When I was a child, I witnessed a scene that is etched in my memory. My dad brought home a complete outfit for my mother. I don't know why he did that. Maybe there had been an argument and he was making-up. I don't know, but he laid out his purchases on their bed. There was a navy dress and stockings and gloves and shoes and a purse. He was quite proud of his gift. My mother looked at the array and immediately lost her cool. She berated him and belittled him and told him to take it all back. My heart was crushed for my dad. I could not bear how she hurt him. She may have had good reasons, like not being able to afford this luxury. I do not know. I only know that that scene made me aware of how a husband can be hurt by lack of respect.
A man needs respect. A woman needs love. Each are made to give the other exactly what they need.
Those vows in a wedding ceremony are asked of each one and the answer is always, "I do." Each one vows "till death do us part". It would be great if more who say "I do", actually "DID".
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