Some may consider it pure arrogance or pure foolishness, the idea of wrestling with God. There could be, possibly, another explanation. The story of Jacob wrestling with the Angel of God is told in Genesis 32. The background of this incident is a long story of deception and robbery and running for his life. Jacob had deceived his father, Isaac, to steal his twin brother's birthright. Then he ran to a far country where his uncle lived and worked for him as a sheep herder and married two of the daughters of his uncle and became very prosperous. The time came when he felt he should return to his home, but he was afraid of his brother, Esau. He made all the preparations he could to secure his family and all the stock he was taking. He prayed to his God for protection and safety and started out.
Along the way the Angel of God confronted Jacob and so began the combat. Jacob hung on all night because he so needed the blessing he knew God had promised him. He ended up with his right hip out of joint and he walked with a limp the rest of his days, but he did receive the blessing.
Could it be that this man really knew his God? Could it be that Jacob so trusted his God that he dared to call Him on the promise that had been made? Could it be that the relationship Jacob had with his God was strong enough to demand that he more that just say a prayer, but that he get seriously involved?
Each born again child of God has a distinct relationship with their Father God and depending on how well you know Him determines the extent you will get serious. For me, I see Creator God as my, I say, my Father. I remind Him that I am His daughter bought with the precious blood of His Son, Jesus. I question Him. I bring Him reasons why I am asking for the things I present to Him. Even though He is God Almighty, I know He is my Father and some may think I go too far and bring Him down from His throne by being so familiar with Him, but He is my Heavenly Father God and I am His daughter and I do act like a daughter with Him.
I haven't wrestled with Him, yet, but it has come mighty close at times.
"Call upon Me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you and you shall glorify Me." Ps.50:15
1 comment:
Consider - Jacob needed God as we do, but we are honored to have the Holy Spirit in us, if we believe that Jesus is Who He said He was. God gives us power that Jacob might not have had, cause God has put His power in us.
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