We were ankle deep, literally, in leaves every autumn. Raking and gathering bags and blisters in the process, I would take these bags and branches to the local land fill. There always were left over ones and fallen apples from the apple trees and so, I began a compost pile. I became a garbage guru. Compost is wonderful. It is dirt turned into soil. Using garbage such as potato peals and apple peals and orange peals and leaves and dirt, everything but meat and fats, time and heat and worms and regular turning will produce rich soil.
This process of using the laws God put into place working garbage into something useful just demonstrates how God can turn our personal garbage into something good. God has plainly stated that we all are sinners. We sin because we have a nature that is prone to sin. This nature is not garbage. It is worse. This nature is worse than radio active. It is deadly and will end us up in damnation.
But, Scripture tells us that Emanuel, God in the flesh, took care of all that radio activity on the cross where all our sins were completely paid for. Sin is no longer our problem, but the sin nature has to be dealt with personally by each one of us. God told us the solution in His Word. "To as many as received Jesus" this means that we believe that Jesus as the God-man took upon himself all sin and paid for it by shedding His own innocent blood and "to them that believe, God gives the authority to become His children." John 1:12.
As a born again child of God, we still have garbage in our lives. We can choose to live with that stinky stuff or we can choose to deal with it. We can place fear and gossip and worry and procrastination and pride and resentment and bitterness and selfishness and sensuality and jealousy and I could go on, into God's compost pile. God is a garbage genius. With the heat of God's light in His word and some aerating using prayer, God can make good out of stinky stuff.
He can and does produce good fruit using good soil that has been produced from garbage. The fruit will replace the garbage and you will see love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness and gentleness and self-control. You can really live with these and others will enjoy living with you, too.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this!
Mom so smartly said and so enjoyable to read. Makes the point perfectly clear.
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