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Friday, June 29, 2018


I want to recommend a movie. The name of this movie is "1776". It is a musical, full of drama and comedy about the representatives from the 13 colonies working on the Declaration of Independence. Much has been made up in all their talk, but it is so probable, you can just visualize that it happened that way. The time frame is from June until July 4th and ends with bells pealing as the agreed document is signed.

One gets to know these founding fathers as the actors flesh out their personalities. There is the laid back Ben Franklin and the pushy John Q. Adams and the wise Thomas Jefferson. I have seen "1776" four or five times and plan to watch it again when it is aired on TCM on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 in the morning. You might have forgotten the essentials of that time in our history or maybe you never took History or Civics, so, watching this movie will give you info and fun.

One can feel they know Jesus because they have heard so much about Him from Christmas Carols and Easter Carols and maybe some stories they heard from Sunday School or Vacation Bible School, but hearing about a person doesn't mean you know them. Tho the actors did a superb job depicting each principal, those men are dead and you and I will never get to know them. But we can, not only get to know Jesus, we can have a real relationship with Him for He is very much alive.

Facts are the necessary ingredients of a relationship. You get to know someone's character by what they do and say. So, it is with Jesus. We get to see what He did when he lived on this earth from the Gospels and read what He said and we can get to know about His character because He reveals Himself to us in the word. He asks us to believe in Him, not just in the past but in the here and now.

Two disciples were walking to Emmaus after the crucifixion when the resurrected Jesus joined them. They did not recognize Him, but He began telling explaining the things concerning Himself from the books of the Old Testament. They wanted more and later they recognized Jesus and said to each other "Didn't our hears burn within us while He was talking?" They knew Him personally and were excited to have a real communication with their friend.

Jesus wants a real relationship with each one of us and you don't have to be walking the streets of Israel to have Him talk with you.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Soon our country will be celebrating another birthday. Yes, the good old US of A will be 242 years old this year. We know from the history books that there were a number of brave people who were willing to risk death in order to live in freedom from corruption and tyranny in the government of their home country. They were forced to worship what the king wanted. The most basic freedoms were taken away and their consciences demanded something be done.

We, citizens of a country founded on the principle of freedom, should understand exactly what freedom is in order to keep it pure. Scripture sheds some light on the subject. Galatians 5:1 states "It was for freedom that Christ set us free". It kinda looks like God is for freedom and wants us to be free. This passage is not referring to literal chains and shackles, but to the law that kept people in bondage trying to keep in order to find favor with God. Jesus kept the whole law perfectly and went even further by assuming every law breakers punishment on Himself so we could be free.

But, there is more in Galatians for us to heed. Verse 13 tells us that we were called to freedom, BUT we should not turn our freedom into an opportunity to satisfy our selfishness, but to serve one another. There is an obligation and an opportunity given in freedom. The obligation is to not use it for altogether selfish purposes and the opportunity is for us to see others' needs and serve them.

We are admonished in 1 Peter 2:16 to not use our freedom to excuse wrong doing. The idea that you can get away with bad behavior because you are free to choose so is not how God intends us to use our freedom. In fact, living in freedom gives us the right to do as we ought. 

There are people in our world today who do know any better than the environment they have lived in all their lives, but knowledge is very enlightening. George Whitfield and John Wesley, two great preachers in England in the 1700's expounded on Truth and many believers began to understand what freedom was and so began the movement to find a place where freedom could thrive. Today we have phones, internet, television and light shines in dark places. The desire for freedom is embedded in every heart. We have the opportunity to cooperate with God in prayer and giving for the Good News to be sent out and liberty to be proclaimed that all may see the Light of the world.

Appreciate your freedom, enjoy your freedom, protect your freedom and use your freedom properly.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Every day I work, which is only three days per week, I get to travel around the world in 8 hours. This area of Virginia is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States. People from all over the world move to this county. From over my counter I get to interact with Indians, Chinese, Afghanistan s, Mexicans, Filipinos, Iranians, Kenyans, and who knows. It has so broadened my view of our world.

Different dialects make me ask many times, to please repeat and sometimes they don't have the word I am used to associating with and most times they are patient with me. I get to witness different cultures at work in the way people dress and I get to see their expectations express themselves in the choices they make to be polite or pushy, and how they treat their kids and someone else's property.

I must admit that I had very little preconceived opinions of other cultures before I moved here and I don't think I am prejudiced, but I have gotten the impression that certain cultures do act in certain ways. I have developed an appreciation of people born and bred in America. They are basically kind, generous, polite and friendly.

A lady, about my age, came to my counter yesterday and was frustrated by an incident that had happened in the parking lot and was venting. She might have thought that we would think alike because we were close to the same age, so she mentioned that she had lived all over the world and that some Americans, specifically, Maxine Walters, should be required to live in a third world country for a while. "They don't know how good they have it here," she went on to say. "and they just stir up trouble and hate." Her husband had been in the U.S. Air Force and was sent all over the world in the line of duty as my son was as a Helicopter Pilot Instructor in the U.S. Army.

My son, years before, had mentioned to me how thankful he was for having been born in America because he had seen up close how much of our world lives. Helicopters fly much closer to the ground than jets and he had seen the squalor and poverty and results of despotism in many places. The Christian founders are still having influence in our country and God has blessed America far beyond our appreciation. But, we must not let the specialty of our constitution be eroded. We are a country of laws that should be honored and borders that should be maintained and politicians that should put the welfare of this country over their party or we will become a third world country.

May God Continue To Bless America!

Saturday, June 23, 2018


You may be the only Bible someone has to read! Yes, You!

There are many around our world who do not have a Bible. There are many who never read the one they may have. There are many who distrust the Bible.

If you are a God holder, that is, if you are one who has placed their trust in what God said in the Gospel regarding Jesus as The Way, The Truth and The Life, and Jesus has committed Himself to you, then you are a God holder. The Light of the world resides in You and some of God's written Word already resides in you.

Do you have enough of that Word in you to make a difference in the way you think and speak and act? There are, I guarantee, some people in your life who need to read the Bible and you may be the only one in their life who is able to demonstrate His precepts by the way you live. Are you salty enough to make those around you thirsty?

Do you have enough of God's Word in you to be able to answer any question they may ask of you?
If your life gives evidence of something entirely different from the world's way of living, then people will wonder why and might ask you what makes you different. Are you prepared?

God is concerned about all people and wants every one to come to the knowledge of the Truth and someone in your life may want to start reading their own Bible because you directed them to that source because of an answer you gave them.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


The following exercise will be of benefit to you. Perhaps you have never written this information down. It's just in your head. Now is the time.

Make a list of all you know about God, the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Then give the reason you know this to be true.

1. God is Love. This description of God is found in 1 John 4:8 also John 3:16 tells of His love and Psalm 145:8. I have personally experienced His love through Jesus who died in my place.

Please let me know how many things about God you came up with on the comments window of this blog and feel free to share some or all of them. The comments button opens the window where you can post.


Ugh! Coffee! The taste was awful! I was out on my own, newly graduated from high school and working my way through college and trying very hard to be an adult and drinking coffee went with being an adult, I thought. Well, add cream, oh no, even worse. Then add sugar and that made it taste like medicine. Try both, triple ugh! I worked at it. I set my mind to it. Finally, I learned to like just plain old coffee to the point of loving it.

I came to the conclusion that you can to learn to love most anything, if you want to. When God tells us that we are to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength in more than one place, it carries significance. We are also told to love others as we love ourselves. Husbands are told they are to love their wives as Christ loves the church in Ephesians 5:25 as a command. A command is something you do, not feel. God is telling husbands to make up their minds to choose to do love. These are statements we are to do and no mention of feelings is made.

Being 'in love' is totally different from loving. Being 'in love' is irrational and is emotional and will only go so far because emotions fluctuate, you can't trust them to stay. Love is based on knowledge and interest. The reference made to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength encompasses more than a feeling.

My sister and I were about eighteen months apart. I was the elder. We shared a double bed until I left home and sometimes it wasn't a loving atmosphere. I remember yanking the covers off her on cold winter nights, not concerning myself with her comfort, only mine. I can't remember any time of going out of my way to please her, yet, we were sisters. I had an affection for her, but I will have to say that I did not love her. I have greater knowledge about her today. I have listened to her and watched her and learned how she thinks and in this process I have learned to love her. When I think of her I get a warm, cozy feeling around my heart.

So, it goes with learning to love God. We put our minds to it and study Him. There are so very many places in the Bible where knowing is stressed. God wants us to use our minds. Our mind has a far greater impact than our emotions do. Our minds should direct our wills. Our soul is made up of mind, will and emotion and the mind should be in charge. The picture of the train moving forward shows the engine pulling the train, not the caboose. The caboose is the emotions and emotions will follow when the mind and will pull them along.

The whole of the person becomes involved when one learns to love. Paul, writing to the Ephesians in chapter 3 shares his prayer for them and us. He asks that God will enable us to understand how enormous God's love for us is and that we may experience that love, tho we may not be able to totally comprehend it in our minds. He asks God to help us understand and understanding comes with learning and putting what we have learned into practice gives us experience. All this is more than an academic exercise and Paul states that then, when we have gone through that process, we will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

I encourage us to get a PhD or even a Master's Degree in the subject of LOVE.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


God said, "Let there be light." and He separated light from darkness. Day one.
God said, "Let there be a space between the waters to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth. Day Two.
God said, "Let the waters beneath the sky flow together into one place so that dry ground may appear. Then He said, "Let the land sprout with vegetation." Day Three.
God said, "Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night and be signs to mark the seasons." Day Four.
God said, "Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds." Day Five.
God said, "Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind."
Then God said, "Let Us make human beings in our image to be like us." So God created human beings in His own image. Day six.
On the seventh day God rested.  Genesis 1:1-2:1

"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

"Study the book of instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in everything you do." Joshua 1:8

"The sun will become dark and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Joel 2:31,32

Jesus said, "This is how you should pray: "Father, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. Give us each day the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And don't let us yield to temptation." Luke 11:2-4

"That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them." 2 Corinthians 4:16,14

"The Lord isn't really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief and the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgement." 2 Peter 3:8-10

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Rewards are all the vogue today. Banks use them, grocery stores use them, stores use them, gasoline stations use them because they have proven to draw customers back. The store where I work has a rewards program. I was a customer of this chain before I became an employee and was in the rewards program, but I did not know how it worked and, so, never took advantage.

One day I happened to read my receipt and there was some important information there besides the calculations. It showed my point balance and how many actual dollars those points were worth. I realized that I had thrown away info for years, unread, and decided that others were doing as I had done and they needed to know all about it in order to use it properly. I began taking time with customers and sharing this and nobody knew what they had and all were pleased as punch to find out how much value they had waiting for them to tap into.

Knowledge is the key. You can't even discern correctly unless you have the facts. We don't take time to read the small print. We are too busy on our phones sharing how we feel or what just happened to us or what someone just said. We don't take time to think. We don't even realize how influenced we are by the environment we are constantly exposed to for we have nothing to compare it to.

If I told you that you were enmity to God, you would probably deny it. Romans 8:7 says we are enmity, hostility and rebellion to God in our natural state and those words are nouns, not adjectives describing us. We are rebellion, not just acting rebellious, naturally. Once you become a new creature in Christ, by faith, you are in reality a baby believer and God doesn't just wiggle His nose and make you a mature believer. You have work to do. You have to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. Romans 12:1 and 2 tells us not to copy the behavior and customs of this world, but to let God change us by changing the way we think and that means the way your mind thinks.

The way your mind is changed is by what it put into it. The old adage is so true "Garbage in - Garbage out", lies in - lies out, truth in - truth out. If God's truth is not in your mind, you do not have truth to contemplate. Study takes time and effort, but even a regular, daily time of reading God's word will have benefits. It will cause you to question the what is said and the why it is said, the to whom it was said and how you can apply it to yourself. It will give you guidelines for your behavior and facts you can incorporate into your faith system that will enable you to answer questions. These reward points add up for value to your growth. You will be learning to think God's thoughts.

Friday, June 8, 2018


"Just doing what comes naturally" - in one word - "Brat." "Free to be me" - in one word - "Spoiled." Given the way the culture of today breeds ideas, it is no wonder that more than one generation has developed a society of spoiled brats not respecting authority. Obedience doesn't come naturally. One obeys out of fear, the fear of punishment, or love, the love of the one in authority.

When Hebrews 5:8 says that Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered, we know He suffered during His last days on this earth, the earth He had created, but He was 33 years old then and had to grow from being a baby into manhood. He had to start learning obedience early on, as a child. Did Mary ever slap His hand as He was reaching for a cookie? Did she ever have to frown at His actions on the playground? What kind of suffering is the writer of Hebrews referring to?

How does one learn obedience? It can be by trial and error. We try something and the results are hurtful in some way and we learn not to try that again. We learn by heeding the advice of someone who has tried something and learned the hard way and warns us. We learn by reading God's Word and believing what He says is wrong and taking it to heart and denying our own natural inclinations, which can be painful to us, and subjecting ourselves to His authority.

If Jesus, the son of God, had to learn obedience by the things He suffered, do we think we can get away with not suffering in order to learn obedience? If we say no to ourselves, the suffering of the denial of the desire is small compared to the suffering that comes at the end of the satisfying of something wrong for us. Granted, there is some degree of suffering in self-denial, but it is only momentary and reaps huge benefits.

There was no fear of punishment in Jesus. He is love incarnate and loved the authority God had placed Him under. Perfect love casts out fear and when we understand the love God has for us it is so natural to love Him back and then we will wish to submit and will have no fear. Perhaps the best way to teach our children obedience, besides giving them a good example by our own lives respecting authority, is to teach them how much they are loved by God. Reading stories from the Bible of Jesus helping all sorts of people and His teachings and His dying for them, personally, will be the best foundation for building respect in our youth for their love for Him will grow and respect will follow.  Then it may be OK to do just what comes naturally because the nature has changed because of learning obedience.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


She was in need. She might have been on the edge of bitterness. Her competitor took every chance to rub it in and make her hurt worsen. She had been married for some time, this Hannah, and was truly loved by Elkanah, her husband, but he had taken a second wife, which was accepted in that culture, because she had not given him any children. It appeared that she was barren and children were really important and she hurt.

The family went to worship and she was in no mood to worship. Her heart wasn't right and she didn't eat, only cried and this happened again and again, year after year, but this one time she did go in to pray, distressed and weeping and because of her need she poured her heart out to the Lord.

The Lord had created the need in her life. He had closed her womb. He knew Hannah thoroughly and knew that sooner or later she would do what she did. She promised her Lord that when He gave her a son, she would give him back and so she did just that and Samuel was born and dedicated to the Lord.

If there are needs in your life right now, be very thankful. Would we, without needs, automatically pour out our hearts to the Lord?  I think not. God wants us to be real with Him. He demands truth from us and that means we must know and admit our need. We can be angry and frustrated with Him and tell Him exactly how we feel. He can take it. He has big shoulders and wants us to be honest with Him.

I'm sure Hannah, as a girl, dreamed of having children and looked forward to being a mother and we, also, have dreams and look forward to their fulfillment. The Bible is full of stories of people and every single one of them had needs and their stories show how God met those needs. Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob, had dreams of the sun and the moon and people bowing down to him. I am sure he had no idea what that entailed, but he looked forward to that happening. When he was sold as a slave and taken to a faraway land and landed in jail, through no fault of his, the dream appeared dead. No way was anyone going to bow down to a convict. Thirteen years were spent in prison before that dream came true and he was placed second in command next to Pharaoh in Egypt and people bowed before him.

Last year after "The Treasure is the Trip" went to press, I had a dream. I dreamed of people wanting to buy my book and read it and share it with others. I wanted people to find some benefit from my experiences with God and stimulate them to look to Him for the answers to their need. Today, some five months after it's release, my dream seems to be languishing and not much seems to be happening and I am finding a need again for pouring out my heart to the Lord. How will the Lord respond?

Philippians 4:19-20 "My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever."

Saturday, June 2, 2018


Thinking this through: Jesus said in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that there is no test taken you but such is common to mankind; but God is faithful and will not allow you to be tested beyond what you are able and with the test provide a way of escape, so we can understand this fact - we will be tested because it is common, it is not rare. Then God says that with every test comes the way of escape. OK. What did Jesus say about Himself that needs to be incorporated in this equation? He described Himself as The Way, The Truth and The Life.

When an individual has acknowledged themselves as condemned already before God and completely counted on God's provision of justice satisfied in Jesus' payment, God not only sees their debt gone but gives them His Life and they are born into His forever family. His life is eternal and cannot die and is absolutely imparted to that believer.

Jesus said He was The Truth and in Him all Truth is found, the truth about science and astrology and psychology and morality, the truth about everything. Many people have discovered His truth in certain areas and have used this knowledge to invent things and develop things  and to solve problems which benefit society.

The way of escape may not be evident at the beginning of the test we are given. The test may be regarding a relationship or a career or health or finances. We may be totally in the dark and feel stymied and overwhelmed. But, God has promised the way of escape and it is up to us to find that way. Well, Jesus said that He was the Way, so our way of escape must include Jesus. Proverbs 3:5 tells us specifically to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean to our own understanding, in all our ways to acknowledge Him and He would direct our paths. If you are at a large gathering and feeling lost and you see a familiar face across the room and you try to catch their eye and begin moving toward them for some comfort, you have acknowledged them. They are important to you, you need their presence. This is as it is with acknowledging The Lord. We search for Him in His Word for comfort and understanding and we search for His movement in our daily lives for direction and, in time, the way of escape will be exposed.

The months of May and June hold many tests for students. They are tested to see if they learned anything the previous nine months of schooling. Are they ready for the promotion to the next grade where they will be taught more and tested more? They and their teachers will find out what they don't know by the results of the testing and so it is with us. We really don't know what we do or do not know till we are tested and life holds almost daily tests. If we fail them, we will have to go  through the learning process until we get it right and able to be promoted to the next level and it is for our best interests, to make us wiser, more competent, more like Jesus.

May we always be students, willing to learn and grow and to take the tests God sets before us. May we never be ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth, resisting with a hard heart of unbelief.