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Friday, June 29, 2018


I want to recommend a movie. The name of this movie is "1776". It is a musical, full of drama and comedy about the representatives from the 13 colonies working on the Declaration of Independence. Much has been made up in all their talk, but it is so probable, you can just visualize that it happened that way. The time frame is from June until July 4th and ends with bells pealing as the agreed document is signed.

One gets to know these founding fathers as the actors flesh out their personalities. There is the laid back Ben Franklin and the pushy John Q. Adams and the wise Thomas Jefferson. I have seen "1776" four or five times and plan to watch it again when it is aired on TCM on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 in the morning. You might have forgotten the essentials of that time in our history or maybe you never took History or Civics, so, watching this movie will give you info and fun.

One can feel they know Jesus because they have heard so much about Him from Christmas Carols and Easter Carols and maybe some stories they heard from Sunday School or Vacation Bible School, but hearing about a person doesn't mean you know them. Tho the actors did a superb job depicting each principal, those men are dead and you and I will never get to know them. But we can, not only get to know Jesus, we can have a real relationship with Him for He is very much alive.

Facts are the necessary ingredients of a relationship. You get to know someone's character by what they do and say. So, it is with Jesus. We get to see what He did when he lived on this earth from the Gospels and read what He said and we can get to know about His character because He reveals Himself to us in the word. He asks us to believe in Him, not just in the past but in the here and now.

Two disciples were walking to Emmaus after the crucifixion when the resurrected Jesus joined them. They did not recognize Him, but He began telling explaining the things concerning Himself from the books of the Old Testament. They wanted more and later they recognized Jesus and said to each other "Didn't our hears burn within us while He was talking?" They knew Him personally and were excited to have a real communication with their friend.

Jesus wants a real relationship with each one of us and you don't have to be walking the streets of Israel to have Him talk with you.

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