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Tuesday, October 30, 2018


A little boy, about eight or nine walked into the plumbing section of the large store with his dad. There was a plumbing problem at home and dad decided that he could fix it himself. All he needed were the right parts and tools, so he and his son went shopping. They appeared a bit lost looking at all the packages hanging on the hooks and all the little boxes full of washers and strange metal things. An associate came close by to ask if they needed help. Dad spoke broken English trying to explain what he needed. When the associate's brow wrinkled trying to understand, the eight year old interrupted his dad with a "be quiet, Dad." He then went on to explain what his dad meant in such an impressive articulate way that the associate understood immediately and began piling parts and tools together and explaining the steps to solve the problem. Dad then got the directions second handed from his son who repeated the instructions in his dad's native tongue.

That little boy has taken the first step on the road to assimilation, learning the English Language. Dad and Mom might never be able to be as fully assimilated as their children, but they came to America and are in the process. It may take a while for them to be brought into conformity with our customs and attitudes and adapt and adjust, but for the children, it will be easier. They are getting an earlier start. It is up to us to incorporate them into our society by being a friend and including them in our lives and doing stuff with them, showing off our culture and explaining things to them.

My son, the helicopter pilot, has a sixth sense when it comes to aviators. He is almost like a magnet and attracts them to him. A jet pilot from Morocco approached him the other day and, somehow, the conversation got around to flying. They compared notes on the differences and likenesses between jets and helicopters. This Moroccan shared why he had become a citizen of the US. Morocco was his mother and would always be his mother and he would always love his mother, but now the US was his wife and he loved his wife. This aviator has assimilated.

The US of A is an exceptional country and many people would want to live here because of what we stand for - Freedom. We are like a magnet and people are drawn to us, but, not every one is welcomed. Those who would love this country and want to be assimilated into it and become useful to it are welcomed. We welcome them to come in legally.

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