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Wednesday, August 5, 2020


It is very confusing.  The terms liberalism and conservatism, when applied to politics, do not convey the attitudes of liberals or conservatives.  The meaning of liberal, according to my dictionary, is generous, relating to a freeman, tolerant, marked by generosity, open minded.  The meaning of conservative is careful to preserve or maintain established traditions or institutions such as the Constitution or the Bible, one who preserves or guards or saves.

The liberals I know are not tolerant or open minded.  The conservatives I know are very open and want all men to be free to live their own lives.  This is the attitude prevalent today.  Democrats say they are progressive, yet what they advocate is very regressive.  Republicans claim to be conservative, yet they are more tolerant of others ideas even if very different from their own.

Liberals want us to see the Constitution as a living document that can and does change with the changes in our society or changes in the understanding of different words.  Conservatives view the Constitution as meaning what it says, period.  The same with the Bible.  It is not a living document. It means what it says, period.

Where the term is true is when it says conservatives want to preserve and guard the traditions and institutions.  Conservatives should always be on guard and protect the Constitution and the Bible.  Liberal is a misleading term because there is nothing generous or tolerant about a political agenda that does not allow the opposing views to be expressed and tolerates riots and harming others.

This world is upside down where good is considered bad and evil is considered good.  Murdering the unborn is considered a 'right' and having open borders is considered 'good' and tax money  is given to aliens and taxpayers are deprived, where policemen and women are disdained and those who dishonor the American flag are applauded.

It is very confusing!!! 

Does history repeat itself?  What happened to Rome or Greece or Babylon?  Is America's time coming for judgement?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are very kind to both sides. I fear the answer the the question you asked is absolutely YES!!