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Friday, December 18, 2020


  •  Merry Christmas to all and a Most Happy New Year.
One week from today we celebrate Messiah's birthday.  Preparations have started days ago with deciding special gifts for everyone and special meals to have on the table.  Packages have been wrapped and cards signed and groceries bought all with excitement and love.

The birth of Jesus, the Messiah, was planned for from before the foundation of the world.  Bethlehem was foretold to be the place God would come into the world as a baby and the Roman governing authorities had decreed a census which forced Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem.  God's plan was working perfectly.  God's plan is still working perfectly today.

With so much thought given to this birth, we might consider how important it is for us to prepare for more than physical things.  Is our heart prepared to submit to the Lord's instructions?  Before Jesus died for our disobedience, He said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments."  When asked about which commandment was most important, Jesus answered, "Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself."  This is quite simple - Love God and Love others as you love yourself.

"The Preparation of the Gospel of Peace" are what the shoes we wear every day are called.  We are to be prepared to share this Good News about redemption.  People are put into our lives by God Almighty and He wants us to really love them by kindness in word or deed.  We may be preparing their hearts to receive some message that will come to them later in some form or another.  We may motivate them or shed some light that will help them see Truth.

Yes, we need to celebrate this wondrous event and enjoy each moment we are given.  Father God gives us all things to enjoy and we honor Him by celebrating His coming into our world.

Let us Praise Him!

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