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Tuesday, December 18, 2018


It is said, "Jesus is the reason for the season." That is true, but it is not accurate. Why is there even a season? The accurate thing to say is, "You, yes, you are the reason for the season." Jesus would not have had to be born to die if you had not needed what he came to do. You and I are the reason for the season.

We are not given much information about what the universe was like before God created this world and it's inhabitants. We are told that there were myriads of angels who worshiped God before the world was created and we are told of one specific angelic being who got the big idea that he deserved to be worshiped equally with God. Lucifer is his name and he came up with the idea to accomplish two things with one act. Lucifer knew how much God loved His creatures and he knew that God was bound to keep the law. He could break God's heart by luring the head of the human race to distrust their creator and he could ruin God's reputation by showing that God, being just, would allow the human race to suffer the consequences of disobedience. He would come out of this predicament he gave God as the winner and he would be the one being worshiped.

Of course, we failed the first test and Lucifer thought that it was over and he had proof on his side that he was worthy, but, it wasn't over. It actually was only the beginning, for God had a plan already in place. Because God so loved the humans He had created and who now were legally doomed, that He made it possible to satisfy justice by the shedding of blood, the blood of a perfect sacrifice, Jesus, and by giving the opportunity to humanity to rectify their situation by simply receiving the gift of His life. This is why you and I are the reason for the season. Every single one who sees that justice has been satisfied by Jesus and places their trust in His provision is casting a vote for God's worthiness of worship for all creation to count. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!!!

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