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Tuesday, December 11, 2018


We had not been dating too long. We had started seeing each other in February. Our dates were few and far between because we both were in college and I worked a forty-hour week. It was summer in Tennessee and quite hot and humid. I was living in the nurses's quarters at the hospital while working there, as a medical laboratory technician, putting myself through college to become a registered technician. My room was not air conditioned and not very comfortable and he knew about it.

One hot night he decided I needed some reprieve from the heat and his family had a spare fan and he decided to bring it to me. He did not own a car and couldn't find a ride, so he walked. It must have been four or five miles from his house to the hospital and the fan must have weighed at least ten pounds. I was totally taken aback when he presented it to me. You have to know that this act really impressed me. It spoke volumes.  This was true romance to me.

This kind of romance goes on all the time. God extends Himself for us daily. He gives and gives and gives and His heart desires that we recognize His acts of loving-kindness and respond with a heart full of gratitude and appreciation. He is constantly wooing us and drawing us with cords of love.

The greatest gift ever given was that of His own son. God knew our predicament and it just wasn't discomfort. It was much more desperate that that. Our life was at stake; our eternity was at stake. He made a plan before the worlds were created because He is everywhere all the time and could see the results of choices that were going to be made and loved us so much that, at the fullness of time, His gift was presented to the world. We will be celebrating that gift on Christmas.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Does this act of love speak volumes to you?

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