A fever is a good thing. Having a fever indicates that there is an infection in your body.The best thing to do when experiencing a fever is to find out what is causing it and begin treatment for the infection. If you just treat the fever, the infection will continue growing. Guilt is a good thing. It tells you that something is wrong. If you just treat the guilt, the wrong will still be there and left untreated will lead to all sorts of problems.
When we do or say something outside of God's will our conscience will feel guilt. That is exactly what happened to Adam and Eve after they had eaten of the forbidden fruit. They felt so guilty that they hid themselves from God, or tried to. But, because God loved them and valued their relationship, He went looking and found them.
All of the 'feel' good people will try to help you to disregard those guilt feelings. They give words that are like aspirin which does not a bit of good if you have a streptococcus infection. If you have remorse which comes from the sense of guilt and are even sorrowful, that is a good thing, but, please don't just stop there. That is only the first step. Feelings do not count with God. Feelings, emotions are a part of the flesh, which is doomed. God is interested in your mind. The mind is where the Spirit dwells, it is eternal. In fact, the mind is supposed to be in control of the emotions.
Paul wrote in his second letter to the church in Corinth that they had been made sorrowful to the point of repentance. He said,in verse 10 of chapter seven, "For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death." It is the change of the mind about the act or talk that led to the guilt that Paul was referring to, not the feeling or remorse stemming from the act or talk.
If guilt feelings are addressed properly there will be healing. There will be no need to run from God by drowning your sorrow in something that will only be more harmful. The initial repentance or changing the mind is regarding your state of being. Realizing you are a sinner and understanding that you cannot do any thing, not a single thing to make you become a non-sinner is changing your mind about yourself. God's Spirit is looking for you and He is pointing to Jesus, who has become your sin to give you His Righteousness. True repentance is accepting that Jesus who paid your debt to God.
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