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Friday, March 29, 2019


A head-on collision where the head is hit hard enough to cause injury to the brain is serious. That is exactly what happened to my son.  The doctor explained to me that the brain holds a big picture of little pieces like a puzzle and when a traumatic hit happens, many of the pieces are thrown up and land in the wrong place. The pieces are still there but are lost in the wrong place. Healing is putting the pieces back where they belong.

After my son woke up from four days in a semi-coma and I showed him a photo of him and his brothers and sister, I pointed to his sister and asked him what her name was. He hesitated for a second and then confidently said "eleven,twenty-two". I couldn't help but giggle even though it was an indication of the seriousness of his injury because it was such a funny answer. I wrote the story of how the accident came to be and the unusual circumstances surrounding my finding out about it and the days following. There were so many little 'miracles' that I titled my book, "The Treasure Is The Trip".

A jigsaw puzzle is a mass of irregular shaped pieces that form a picture when fitted together properly.  The illustration used by the doctor is fitting, no pun intended. My son had been an 'A' student and was attending college to become a part of International Relations with the government. The damage done to the area of his brain that controls the short-term memory and higher executive level thinking has prevented him from pursuing his dreams. There may still be pieces of his puzzle that are not in the right place, but God has given the body remarkable healing powers and the brain can still create new pieces and begin a new picture.

We, each one of us, do create puzzle pieces in our brains every day. What picture are we making? Is God in the picture? We display the picture in our brain by our words and actions and attitudes. When others hang out with us, who or what do they see? Psalm 119:11 says clearly that hiding His Word in our heart/mind will prevent us from sinning against Him. His Word stored in our mind will become a piece of our puzzle that displays Him. His Word which is sharper than a two-edged sword and is active and alive and is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of our hearts will convince us of our sin and will reprove us and correct us and train us in right living.

One question: Are you equipping your brain with the right stuff to make a picture that shows the world the picture God intended for you?

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