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Friday, June 28, 2019


Knock, knock. Who's there? What is white and black and red all over? Kids love jokes and puns and to be able to come up with the right answer proves you are able to think outside the box. I remember being asked, what is black and white and red all over. I had to give in and get the answer from the questioner. It is a newspaper. Black is the color of the ink and white is the color of the paper and the red is really 'read' for reading all over.

There is something black and white and should be read all over. It is God's word, the Bible. God's word on the printed page is more than a good book. It is actually Jesus on paper. John is very clear as he writes in the first chapter of his book, the very first verse. "In the beginning was the word  and the word became flesh and dwelt among us."

God's spoken word became flesh and flesh became paper and ink. Imagine the power of a word that can create light and atoms and laws. He said, "Light!" and there it was. Wow!!! Never would I have believed that I could speak and something would appear, but, today we all can. The remote control has been invented that will respond to a voice and turn on your TV and change channels and there you have an image. Of course, it isn't flesh and blood, but it is in your home on the screen and talking and moving and maybe even singing and dancing.

It is a little miracle, but the big miracle was Jesus becoming flesh and blood, leaving glory and coming down to earth and getting dirty and even bloody as He obeyed God Almighty. God wanted to make sure that we would be able to understand the what and why of spiritual things, so He inspired people to write down history - His Story - with the exact words meant to convey His thoughts. We have His thoughts in our hands as we open the Bible. We have Jesus in our hands as we read the Bible. Jesus reveals Himself to us as we read His word.

How you  treat the Bible is how you treat Jesus.

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