The little red arm that is supposed to extend from the side of the mail box was loosely hanging down, almost ready to fall off. I bent over and started scrounging around in the grass below the box hoping to find the bolt. After a few minutes, in the hot day, I decided it was hopeless. So, I opened the box and searched the dark interior for a nut to attach to the remaining bolt and secure it tightly. Success!!
There have been times when I have had a 'come-apart' and lost 'it'. I remember mopping a dirty kitchen floor on my hands and knees when the children were young and quite sloppy and just when I finished and took a proud look around, immediately someone would spill something wet and sugary and I would start screaming. I remember times someone would say something hurtful to me and I would either retort a harsh word back or sulk and feel sorry for myself.
When we have a 'come-apart' it is because something really has come apart in our attitude. the nut of self has lost the bolt of control. Self-control holds us together under the worst of circumstances. One facet of the character of Christ is self-control. Reflecting on the scourging that He went through on the day of His crucifixion and witnessing His self-control, cuts me to the core. A whip or a cat-o-tails can shred a back like an electric paper shredder. It can cut through clothing and rip skin to the bone and Jesus received thirty-nine of the lashes on His back. Not one word of rebuke came from His mouth, only "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing." was uttered some moments later as He hung on that wooden cross.
One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. In our natural state we do tongue lashings and outbursts of anger, but when (and IF) we are living by the Spirit, we will demonstrate self-control.
"But, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, SELF-CONTROL; against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22,23
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Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Friday, August 16, 2019
Florida is a delightful place to take a vacation. I remember the time we went to Miami Beach when I was about eight or nine and the fun we had swimming in the ocean and going souvenir shopping. My sister and I had been given a small amount of money to buy something to remember our trip. I saw this little ballerina made of sea shells and pink pipe cleaners. I loved ballerinas and decided that the sea shells were definitely Florida. My mother questioned my choice. She didn't question my sister's choice, which must have been practical, but she let me go ahead and buy the little ballerina. It sat on my dresser and became quite dusty and finally went into the trash.
Last week, at work, a dad came to the check out counter with his two boys in tow. Both had a toy in their hands. Dad had let them pick something to buy with their own money. The older one placed his pick on the counter and dad saw it for the first time. "Is that worth $13.00?" he asked his son. "Yes." was the immediate answer. Then dad asked the same question again and got the same response. Dad pick up the box and for the third time asked, "Is this worth $13.00?" For a third time the boy said, "Yes." The boy paid for his toy and they left, but, a few minutes before the store closed, they are back. The boy placed the opened box on the counter and rather sadly told me that he wanted to return his toy.
There is a term used today for parenting - helicopter parents. It pictures a parent hovering over their kids to make sure they do no wrong. I am sure that there are many ways to teach and to learn, but, hovering and interceding may not be the best way to train up a child. The experience I learned from with my purchase of the ballerina taught me that I should consider the value of money vs the pleasure to be received from a purchase. What that boy learned, I really don't know. Perhaps, he resented his dad pushing against his decision and making him feel guilty for not returning the item, but, did he learn anything? Experience is the best teacher because it goes to the heart of the matter and any loss that happens is a personal loss and gives a deep memory.
Our Heavenly Father God is the pest parent. He has provided warnings and examples in His Word. He has given His children His Own Spirit to make His home in our minds to guide us. He has given us free will to make choices and He allows us to be free to make wrong choices and learn from them. Parenting takes wisdom and practice. It is a skill that has to be learned, because even parents make mistakes. Reading how God deals with His children gives a good basis for the right principles to be used and asking God for wisdom helps us as we muddle through.
Last week, at work, a dad came to the check out counter with his two boys in tow. Both had a toy in their hands. Dad had let them pick something to buy with their own money. The older one placed his pick on the counter and dad saw it for the first time. "Is that worth $13.00?" he asked his son. "Yes." was the immediate answer. Then dad asked the same question again and got the same response. Dad pick up the box and for the third time asked, "Is this worth $13.00?" For a third time the boy said, "Yes." The boy paid for his toy and they left, but, a few minutes before the store closed, they are back. The boy placed the opened box on the counter and rather sadly told me that he wanted to return his toy.
There is a term used today for parenting - helicopter parents. It pictures a parent hovering over their kids to make sure they do no wrong. I am sure that there are many ways to teach and to learn, but, hovering and interceding may not be the best way to train up a child. The experience I learned from with my purchase of the ballerina taught me that I should consider the value of money vs the pleasure to be received from a purchase. What that boy learned, I really don't know. Perhaps, he resented his dad pushing against his decision and making him feel guilty for not returning the item, but, did he learn anything? Experience is the best teacher because it goes to the heart of the matter and any loss that happens is a personal loss and gives a deep memory.
Our Heavenly Father God is the pest parent. He has provided warnings and examples in His Word. He has given His children His Own Spirit to make His home in our minds to guide us. He has given us free will to make choices and He allows us to be free to make wrong choices and learn from them. Parenting takes wisdom and practice. It is a skill that has to be learned, because even parents make mistakes. Reading how God deals with His children gives a good basis for the right principles to be used and asking God for wisdom helps us as we muddle through.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
It is hard to imagine what a widow's life was like four thousands years ago. Today, we have Social Security Insurance and phones and grocery stores around the corner. Back in the day when Naomi became a widow while living in a foreign country, she became almost destitute.There was no government assistance. She was alone with no income. Her two sons had died also and she was left with two daughters-in-law and no grandchildren. Her only thought was to get back to her homeland. It would be a long, dangerous walk.
One daughter-in-law committed to walking back with her. Ruth was demonstrating extreme loving-kindness by doing this. She was willing to leave her own country and family and friends to befriend her mother-in-law. The Book of Ruth in the Old Testament tells the story of these two women and how God worked in their lives. This book is filled with the word 'Hesed'. Hesed means loving-kindness, loyalty, mercy, steadfastness. The story brings in Boaz who also demonstrated hesed to Ruth and Naomi. It is almost a fairy tale with a happy ending.
This hesed life is a way of life that is willing to go the extra mile in meeting other's needs. This kind of life is what God wants for each of His children. The salvation Jesus bought for us by His extreme loving-kindness and quickening our spirits with His Spirit is to be worked out in our lives. His perfect life is placed in us and it is up to us to let it all hang out. There are people all around us that are needy. The only question we should go to God over is 'how' He thinks we should help. We should always be willing to extend loving-kindness.
God is always working to conform each of us into the image of His First Born Son. He will bring all sorts of circumstances and all sorts of people into your life and as you cooperate with Him, you will be conformed into a real son (or daughter) of God and your life will be an 'Hesed' way of life.
One daughter-in-law committed to walking back with her. Ruth was demonstrating extreme loving-kindness by doing this. She was willing to leave her own country and family and friends to befriend her mother-in-law. The Book of Ruth in the Old Testament tells the story of these two women and how God worked in their lives. This book is filled with the word 'Hesed'. Hesed means loving-kindness, loyalty, mercy, steadfastness. The story brings in Boaz who also demonstrated hesed to Ruth and Naomi. It is almost a fairy tale with a happy ending.
This hesed life is a way of life that is willing to go the extra mile in meeting other's needs. This kind of life is what God wants for each of His children. The salvation Jesus bought for us by His extreme loving-kindness and quickening our spirits with His Spirit is to be worked out in our lives. His perfect life is placed in us and it is up to us to let it all hang out. There are people all around us that are needy. The only question we should go to God over is 'how' He thinks we should help. We should always be willing to extend loving-kindness.
God is always working to conform each of us into the image of His First Born Son. He will bring all sorts of circumstances and all sorts of people into your life and as you cooperate with Him, you will be conformed into a real son (or daughter) of God and your life will be an 'Hesed' way of life.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
"What did you just say?" Did I just hear an invitation to officiate at my grand daughter's wedding? Was this possible? Didn't you have to be an ordained minister to do that? Me? Oh, no. "Please consider." was requested. "I'll pray about it and talk with my pastor." was my response.
As soon as I could, I asked my pastor and he quickly replied, "Wonderful and if you need a reference, I will be happy to give you one." That settled it for me and I called my daughter and said, yes, I will. I did not want to embarrass God or my daughter or my grand daughter or me. I prayerfully wrote a little message and between my grand daughter and the suggested ceremony the pastor gave me, we put down on paper the ceremony she wanted. When the day came, I wasn't nervous, tho there was one hundred and eighty people sitting there. I knew I could read and told the couple that I would be speaking to them because the ceremony was for them. Immediately after introducing the newly married couple to the audience, I looked at my daughter and she gave me a thumbs-up and I returned the gesture. This was a giant step of faith for me to get out of my 'boat'.
Perhaps you will be invited to get out of your 'boat' and walk on water. Perhaps you think it is impossible or you are not qualified as I did. Perhaps the whole thing is way out of your comfort zone. God will sometimes ask you to go beyond yourself, a venture into the unknown. If you respond with the hope that God will be glorified even if you make a fool of yourself, you will be so blessed and you will see God work wonders. Just, please consider.
If you do not have the relationship with God as your Heavenly Father, He wants to develop one with you. He is calling your name and offering you Himself. He has made the way clear for you to come directly to Him. He paid your debt. You are free to respond. It is up to you now. He will not step a foot in to your 'boat' until you ask Him to. There is a wonderful life waiting for you to trust Him, a forever life starting the instant you say, "Yes, I believe You died for me." He is inviting you. Just, please consider.
As soon as I could, I asked my pastor and he quickly replied, "Wonderful and if you need a reference, I will be happy to give you one." That settled it for me and I called my daughter and said, yes, I will. I did not want to embarrass God or my daughter or my grand daughter or me. I prayerfully wrote a little message and between my grand daughter and the suggested ceremony the pastor gave me, we put down on paper the ceremony she wanted. When the day came, I wasn't nervous, tho there was one hundred and eighty people sitting there. I knew I could read and told the couple that I would be speaking to them because the ceremony was for them. Immediately after introducing the newly married couple to the audience, I looked at my daughter and she gave me a thumbs-up and I returned the gesture. This was a giant step of faith for me to get out of my 'boat'.
Perhaps you will be invited to get out of your 'boat' and walk on water. Perhaps you think it is impossible or you are not qualified as I did. Perhaps the whole thing is way out of your comfort zone. God will sometimes ask you to go beyond yourself, a venture into the unknown. If you respond with the hope that God will be glorified even if you make a fool of yourself, you will be so blessed and you will see God work wonders. Just, please consider.
If you do not have the relationship with God as your Heavenly Father, He wants to develop one with you. He is calling your name and offering you Himself. He has made the way clear for you to come directly to Him. He paid your debt. You are free to respond. It is up to you now. He will not step a foot in to your 'boat' until you ask Him to. There is a wonderful life waiting for you to trust Him, a forever life starting the instant you say, "Yes, I believe You died for me." He is inviting you. Just, please consider.
Friday, August 2, 2019
High above the earth we were flying home. The sky overhead was real blue. There was a sea of little puffy white clouds as far as the eye could see. They were resting on a layer of air, all nice and level. The bright sun was shinning on them and the reflection was making me squint. We were maybe five miles high and we were above the clouds. Nothing separated us from the sun and I can imagine we were casting a shadow on the earth below as the clouds were.
There was a cartoon character long ago who always had a dark grey cloud hanging over his head. No matter what kind of day he was having, there stood the grey cloud over him. He walked around and the cloud followed him. He brought bad with him and he wasn't comfortable unless others could see the cloud he was under. We are all like him too many days. Even if it is a cloudless, sun drenched day, we can manufacture a dark grey cloud and place it over our head.
God is associated with clouds in the Bible. "I saw a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was someone like the Son of Man." Rev 14:14 "Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory." Luke 21:27 "I saw someone like the Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven." Dan 7:13 God's faithfulness "reaches to the clouds." Ps 108:4
There may be a real grey cloud over your head, something you did not manufacture. It may hover over you distorting your view of the bright sun above. If you keep focused on it, you will see nothing but grey. It will get harder and harder to remember the real blue of a cloudless sky.
Can you be thankful for the dark grey cloud? Is there anything about that cloud that you can be grateful for? Can you be thankful that you are not in the heat of the sun? Can you, with one little grain of hope look forward to a cloudless day? Can you imagine Jesus sitting on top of your cloud and being close to you and watching over you and working, always working for your best interests?
Clouds come and go, but God faithfully is there all the time. He never wavers or moves away. We can count on Him and we can get better acquainted with Him on cloudy days when we turn to him because the sun isn't available for a tanning session.😊
There was a cartoon character long ago who always had a dark grey cloud hanging over his head. No matter what kind of day he was having, there stood the grey cloud over him. He walked around and the cloud followed him. He brought bad with him and he wasn't comfortable unless others could see the cloud he was under. We are all like him too many days. Even if it is a cloudless, sun drenched day, we can manufacture a dark grey cloud and place it over our head.
God is associated with clouds in the Bible. "I saw a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was someone like the Son of Man." Rev 14:14 "Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory." Luke 21:27 "I saw someone like the Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven." Dan 7:13 God's faithfulness "reaches to the clouds." Ps 108:4
There may be a real grey cloud over your head, something you did not manufacture. It may hover over you distorting your view of the bright sun above. If you keep focused on it, you will see nothing but grey. It will get harder and harder to remember the real blue of a cloudless sky.
Can you be thankful for the dark grey cloud? Is there anything about that cloud that you can be grateful for? Can you be thankful that you are not in the heat of the sun? Can you, with one little grain of hope look forward to a cloudless day? Can you imagine Jesus sitting on top of your cloud and being close to you and watching over you and working, always working for your best interests?
Clouds come and go, but God faithfully is there all the time. He never wavers or moves away. We can count on Him and we can get better acquainted with Him on cloudy days when we turn to him because the sun isn't available for a tanning session.😊
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