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Tuesday, August 6, 2019


"What did you just say?" Did I just hear an invitation to officiate at my grand daughter's wedding? Was this possible? Didn't you have to be an ordained minister to do that? Me? Oh, no. "Please consider." was requested. "I'll pray about it and talk with my pastor." was my response.

As soon as I could, I asked my pastor and he quickly replied, "Wonderful and if you need a reference, I will be happy to give you one." That settled it for me and I called my daughter and said, yes, I will. I did not want to embarrass God or my daughter or my grand daughter or me. I prayerfully wrote a little message and between my grand daughter and the suggested ceremony the pastor gave me, we put  down on paper the ceremony she wanted. When the day came, I wasn't nervous, tho there was one hundred and eighty people sitting there. I knew I could read and told the couple that I would be speaking to them because the ceremony was for them. Immediately after introducing the newly married couple to the audience, I looked at my daughter and she gave me a thumbs-up and I returned the gesture. This was a giant step of faith for me to get out of my 'boat'.

Perhaps you will be invited to get out of your 'boat' and walk on water. Perhaps you think it is impossible or you are not qualified as I did. Perhaps the whole thing is way out of your comfort zone. God will sometimes ask you to go beyond yourself, a venture into the unknown. If you respond with the hope that God will be glorified even if you make a fool of yourself, you will be so blessed and you will see God work wonders. Just, please consider.

If you do not have the relationship with God as your Heavenly Father, He wants to develop one with you. He is calling your name and offering you Himself. He has made the way clear for you to come directly to Him. He paid your debt. You are free to respond. It is up to you now. He will not step a foot in to your 'boat' until you ask Him to. There is a wonderful life waiting for you to trust Him, a forever life starting the instant you say, "Yes, I believe You died for me."  He is inviting you.  Just, please consider.

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