Florida is a delightful place to take a vacation. I remember the time we went to Miami Beach when I was about eight or nine and the fun we had swimming in the ocean and going souvenir shopping. My sister and I had been given a small amount of money to buy something to remember our trip. I saw this little ballerina made of sea shells and pink pipe cleaners. I loved ballerinas and decided that the sea shells were definitely Florida. My mother questioned my choice. She didn't question my sister's choice, which must have been practical, but she let me go ahead and buy the little ballerina. It sat on my dresser and became quite dusty and finally went into the trash.
Last week, at work, a dad came to the check out counter with his two boys in tow. Both had a toy in their hands. Dad had let them pick something to buy with their own money. The older one placed his pick on the counter and dad saw it for the first time. "Is that worth $13.00?" he asked his son. "Yes." was the immediate answer. Then dad asked the same question again and got the same response. Dad pick up the box and for the third time asked, "Is this worth $13.00?" For a third time the boy said, "Yes." The boy paid for his toy and they left, but, a few minutes before the store closed, they are back. The boy placed the opened box on the counter and rather sadly told me that he wanted to return his toy.
There is a term used today for parenting - helicopter parents. It pictures a parent hovering over their kids to make sure they do no wrong. I am sure that there are many ways to teach and to learn, but, hovering and interceding may not be the best way to train up a child. The experience I learned from with my purchase of the ballerina taught me that I should consider the value of money vs the pleasure to be received from a purchase. What that boy learned, I really don't know. Perhaps, he resented his dad pushing against his decision and making him feel guilty for not returning the item, but, did he learn anything? Experience is the best teacher because it goes to the heart of the matter and any loss that happens is a personal loss and gives a deep memory.
Our Heavenly Father God is the pest parent. He has provided warnings and examples in His Word. He has given His children His Own Spirit to make His home in our minds to guide us. He has given us free will to make choices and He allows us to be free to make wrong choices and learn from them. Parenting takes wisdom and practice. It is a skill that has to be learned, because even parents make mistakes. Reading how God deals with His children gives a good basis for the right principles to be used and asking God for wisdom helps us as we muddle through.
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