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Tuesday, September 24, 2019


The very special calculator had been delivered. Our son had been accepted into Marquette on an NROTC Scholarship and was studying engineering. He was deposited at school with the calculator on order. A few days later it came and I hurried the hour drive to get it to him. I was on my way home when an awful knocking noise emoted from my Volkswagen. I managed to get out of the city's overpasses and traffic filled highways on to the highway home when my little car pooped out. I could see the service station just a few yards away, so I started walking to call my husband and share the bad news.

It was pure negligence that caused the death of my Volkswagen. I had not read the manual. I had not checked the oil, which was in the back of the car. The engine locked up and I realized it was my fault. This little car was quite special to me. It was my first very own car and it got a lot of use. I had begun to depend on it and by my carelessness I had caused it's demise.

The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians. These people were Jews by birth and belief, but had heard the Good News and had turned to Jesus as their Messiah. The second chapter of the book of Hebrews gives a stern warning to not neglect so great a Salvation. It must be possible to believers to neglect their salvation or the idea of neglect would not have been mentioned.

How can Salvation be neglected?  Just like me as I enjoyed the mobility and convenience of my very own car, but didn't read the manual and went on my merry old way, I was neglecting doing the necessary things.

Jesus paid dearly for us to have a right relationship with His Heavenly Father. We should enjoy the freedom and hope it gives us, but we should be so appreciative of the cost that we make sure to take really good care of the gift given us. We should read the manual, even study it and memorize portions, that we "may not sin against" Him. We definitely should not take it for granted. There has been too much invested for us that is so precious, that our being carelessness about it should cause some consequences and not so pleasant ones, at that.

Can't you see that Father God deserves our attention? Can't you understand that appreciating His words and thoughts is a normal response of anyone who has escaped the consequences due them because of His intervention. Can't you see that neglecting the manual is the height of pride?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Some mysteries are meant to be solved and some mysteries are meant to be revealed, while some mysteries are meant to be enjoyed.

A dead body is found and detectives are called in to try to determine the who, what and why about the death. The medical examiner does the forensics and finds the cause and decides it wasn't natural and then they start searching for clues. They look for finger prints and other evidence and the all important motive. After all their work, the prosecutor builds a case against the culprit hoping to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt 'who done it' so that justice is carried out.

A rabbit is pulled out of a hat. A specific card is pulled out of the air. A woman is sawed in half and comes out of the box, whole and alive. These mysteries are for enjoyment. No magician wants to divulge how he managed to do these wondrous works. He wants you to be astonished at his powers.

My dear husband became interested in works of magic when he was a teenager. He practiced for hours doing sleight-of-hand with decks of cards. He could hold a card on the back of one hand with his fingers and you would never guess. He learned how to direct the viewer's attention away from a hand that was hiding something or bringing something out of hiding. All the hours he spent practicing were to entertain people. He got very good at being a magician.

Then there are mysteries to be revealed. There is a phenomenon that was hidden for centuries. This mystery does not need to be solved, in fact it, itself, is the solution. There were messages given that only a few understood and then, only partially. There were pictures that pointed out the phenomenal event and the results, but each picture was only part of the puzzle and only a few understood. Then the event took place and more and more people were able to put the pieces together.

God had the plan for the redemption of mankind before the world was created. He did not try to hide it from people. He kept disclosing bit by bit what He was going to do and then He pulled the curtains back and fully disclosed Christ crucified, the mystery revealed - Christ for you, Christ in you - the Hope of Glory!!!   Colossians 1:27

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Any thing with eight (or more) legs gives me the creeps. This is the time of the year when such creatures begin looking for a nice winter home. Just recently I spied two centipedes and last night I saw something unhealthy looking clinging to the door frame. It was dark and I wasn't sure what it was, but it was not supposed to be there. I grabbed my flashlight and focused it on the big black thing. An ugly black spider was waiting to either hop onto someone to gain entrance or rush in when the door opened. I looked for something to destroy it and carefully squashed it with a book. It dropped to the threshold in a ball and not wanting to be careless, I stomped it to pieces.

On of my sons told me a story about an incident with a creepy, crawly creature. He had bought a house that had been in fore closure at a really good price, but it had lots of serious problems. The previous owner, really angry about loosing his home, had taken revenge and damaged as much as he could before giving up. This was a gigantic undertaking, but my son loves challenges and began tackling each problem with a vision in mind. There was over growth, trees and bushes and wasps nests inside the walls and ants and spiders besides holes in the walls and fixtures torn off of their moorings.

He was taking a shower one night after getting dirty from plastering and painting and just enjoying the hot stream of water on his sore body. As he created suds on his head, he tilted forward to rinse them off and saw a big centipede crawling out of the drain. With no hesitation he grabbed the shower curtain and jumped onto the bath mat on the floor. The wet glazed tiles caused the mat with him falling on it to go sliding halfway across the room, shower curtain, rod and all. Fortunately, nothing was seriously hurt except my son's sense of well being.

All I can say is "BOO!!"

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Time is relative to us, but it is not relevant to God. We are so under the control of time, but God is above time and it is always NOW with God. Time passes, but God is always there in the past, present and future at the same time because He IS. So, it is not a problem when Scripture declares that Christ was crucified before the foundation of the earth. God's foreknowledge led Him to take care of a problem before the problem developed in time.

Why is this fact relevant? Because if you can appreciate that you were born in the twentieth century and Jesus died well over 6,000 years ago for the forgiveness of all your sins which would happen before you believed on Him, as well as those that would happen after you were born again then you need not worry about loosing your salvation. Sin is all taken care of, period.

We do have other problems. Ever since the first man, who was given dominion by his creator relinquished his right to have dominion over his world, the one 'who would be like the Most High' took over. In this world, in this time we have three enemies - the world, the flesh and the devil. The system set up by the Prince of Darkness is so pervasive. It is systemic and subtle. It deceives us because the set of principles put in place by the father of lies works. The tools which he uses against us have an appeal. The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye and the boastful pride of life can go to the very heart of us and destroy us. Whenever a child of God falls prey to the temptations designed specifically for him, it hurts God's heart. That is what the arch enemy of God wants most of all - to hurt God. You are just a tool he uses.

Jesus left us instructions to help us not be duped. He said that while we were in this world, we were not to be 'of' this world. We were not to be possessed by it. Of signifies ownership and when we allow the system of deceit or pride or selfishness to control us, we have become 'of'' the world and we will reap the results to our detriment. In the meantime, we are hurting our Heavenly Father's heart.