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Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Time is relative to us, but it is not relevant to God. We are so under the control of time, but God is above time and it is always NOW with God. Time passes, but God is always there in the past, present and future at the same time because He IS. So, it is not a problem when Scripture declares that Christ was crucified before the foundation of the earth. God's foreknowledge led Him to take care of a problem before the problem developed in time.

Why is this fact relevant? Because if you can appreciate that you were born in the twentieth century and Jesus died well over 6,000 years ago for the forgiveness of all your sins which would happen before you believed on Him, as well as those that would happen after you were born again then you need not worry about loosing your salvation. Sin is all taken care of, period.

We do have other problems. Ever since the first man, who was given dominion by his creator relinquished his right to have dominion over his world, the one 'who would be like the Most High' took over. In this world, in this time we have three enemies - the world, the flesh and the devil. The system set up by the Prince of Darkness is so pervasive. It is systemic and subtle. It deceives us because the set of principles put in place by the father of lies works. The tools which he uses against us have an appeal. The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye and the boastful pride of life can go to the very heart of us and destroy us. Whenever a child of God falls prey to the temptations designed specifically for him, it hurts God's heart. That is what the arch enemy of God wants most of all - to hurt God. You are just a tool he uses.

Jesus left us instructions to help us not be duped. He said that while we were in this world, we were not to be 'of' this world. We were not to be possessed by it. Of signifies ownership and when we allow the system of deceit or pride or selfishness to control us, we have become 'of'' the world and we will reap the results to our detriment. In the meantime, we are hurting our Heavenly Father's heart.                                                                     

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