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Friday, September 14, 2018


It is September and autumn officially begins in a few days. Here in Virginia we have had so much rain during August that the trees are still lush and green. It is now seven o'clock and beginning to get to the twilight time. I am looking out my window and seeing the row of townhouses,cars parked out front and people walking with their children and dogs. The weather has been nice, mild and a little cloudy with soft breezes blowing. In other parts of our world it is not so peaceful.

South of us Hurricane Florence is churning over North Carolina and causing heavy damage and loss of life. Lives will be forever changed. We can appreciate the peace and normal here and still have heavy hearts for all those who are suffering and pray for them.

In other parts of our world battles are waging and Christians are being persecuted and killed. In other parts of our world bad weather is happening, yet here in Virginia it is calm and peaceful. I take heart that Scripture says ' the sun shines on the just and the unjust and the rain falls on the just and the unjust.' God is still in charge and I will be thankful for the peace and calm around me today and ask God to provide for those hurting elsewhere.

Corrie Ten Boom who lived through the holocaust said. "Expect resistance, but pray for miracles."
We can boldly approach God and ask for impossibilities, because He is the God of impossibilities. He tells us to seek and keep on seeking, to ask and keep on asking and to knock and keep on knocking. Are we serious? Do we care? Do we believe? Can we move the arm of God?

In January my book, "The Treasure Is The Trip" was published and in April when I was being interviewed by Hillary Givhan of the Beloit Daily News about my book, I remember telling her from Psalm 127:1, "except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." I have asked God for the impossible, a miracle. I have asked God for the success of my book. I have asked for the right people to see and want to read it and for it to help seekers find the Prince of Peace. God's arm is not short and He hears and answers our prayers for the small stuff, like my book and the large stuff like Hurricane Florence.

Father God, by your mighty arm, send help to all those in need because of the devastation of the storm and strength for all the helpers, in Jesus' name.

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