Stuck on the shelf over my computer at work was a Post-it note to remind me of what not to do as I went through my day. There were two words written on that little piece of paper - one was assume and the other was presume. Assume means to take for granted and presume means to take advantage of. I could be guilty of both, so I wanted to remind myself to be careful.
Even today I assume too much. When I write I do not want to be superfluous and I take short cuts in my wordage and assume you will get my point. But, I have learned how good reading is for the mind and perhaps I should go into more detail. Six minutes of reading reduces stress 68% while six minutes of music reduces stress 61% and drinking tea 54% and walking only 42%. Reading increases language and reasoning. Watching TV is passive and makes it less likely to reflect. Television characters show surface levels of character and is fast paced to keep interest. Readers have to concentrate and think through concepts and are forced to use their imagination. Reading is good and may contribute to one not presuming upon another.
If you assume something because you haven't taken the time to, lets say, read up on the subject, you can presume or take advantage. We often assume notions about God by taking what others say about Him and not checking it out. We then might presume upon Him and be out of line. It is interesting to note in Psalm 103:7 that the sons of Israel knew God's acts. They had seen the Red Sea parted and eaten the manna provided by Him. They knew His acts, but Moses knew His ways. You have to be close to someone to know their ways. You have to spend time with them and listen to them and watch how they work in order to know their ways. We don't have to assume about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There are 66 books we can read and study to get to know more about God and we can spend time talking to Him and watch Him work. Just think about it. Even six minutes spent reading the Bible will not only give you information about God and His ways, but it will increase your language and reasoning and enable you to think through concepts and even reduce stress by 61%. You might enjoy a cup of tea while reading and reduce stress another 54%. What benefits there are in reading the Bible.
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