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Tuesday, September 11, 2018


There are many thoughts on the sovereignty of God, sovereignty, meaning rule. Admitting God is sovereign is the starting place of acknowledging His ruler-ship, but to what extent does this control go is the question. I, truly do not know where His control stops and ours starts. I do believe His will will be done and I admit that I do not know His will. What I do believe is, that we have a will and it is a free will or a will that is free to make choices and I also believe that the character of God demands that He will not impose His will over ours. So, we can oppose Him and many have and many do.

Why does God tell us to pray? Could it be that He understands man's free will to the point that His respect for it added to His desire that none should perish made Him ask us to assist Him by telling us to pray, thereby getting Him more involved? He is always involved, but so much more results when people are praying. When prayers are answered, praises go to Him and those praying are changed seeing the answers and sharing this with others. Where does His rule stop and our rule begins?

We are held accountable, by Him, for our choices. We cannot blame God for the choices we make. We are told to guard our hearts. It is understood by scientists that human skin absorbs stuff. The sun shinning on exposed skin will create vitamin D in the natural oil in your skin and given a little time, the body will absorb that vitamin and be able to use it for good in your body. The soul absorbs stuff, too. You may play in the dirt and get your hands dirty and there may be substances, dangerous substances in that dirt that will be absorbed in your body. The longer you put off cleaning the dirt off you skin the harder it is to remove it and given time, the dangerous influences will be absorbed in your soul.

You may pray for God to cleanse your heart, but you bear some responsibility to do your part. It is up to you to recognize dirt as dirt and not play in it. It is up to you to remove it from your life. God will not over ride your will, but He loves you enough to prick your conscience, by His Spirit, to let you know that you are dirty. Then, you can decide what you must do. If you chose to 'clean up your act', it will be to His glory because He prompted you and is there to give you all the help you need to accomplish this.      Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me."

Be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little hands what you do, be careful little feet where you go, be careful little mouth what you say - because you are responsible.

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