A fellow posted on FaceBook some questions about God and the Bible. His complaint was that if there was a God and He was responsible for the writing of the Bible, why did He make it so hard to understand.
The word bible comes from the Latin word 'biblia' which means 'books'. The Holy Bible is one book comprised of sixty-six books. There were counsels over time of knowledgeable scholars that made the decisions of which books to include in the one book. There is a theme running through all sixty-six books that connect them. The theme is redemption.
It is not a history book, though it is full is history. The facts recorded ring true with other history books. It is not a novel, though there are many stories of people's lives including murder and adultery and suspense and mystery and miracles. It is not a book of formulas, though reading it would help you understand the 'ifs' and it is not so or the 'ifs' and it could be so or the 'ifs' and it is so. It is not a self-help book, though it is packed full of proper applications for your life.
There is enough in the Bible to help you have faith in the God of the Bible. That is just the beginning. It is not necessarily easy or hard to have faith. God says, "you will find me when you search for me with your whole heart." He expects and deserves for you to be real with Him. God says that first you must believe that He is and second that you must believe that He is the re-warder of those who diligently search for Him. There is a reward for searching for the true God, for in finding Him you find life, eternal life.
Finally, it is a spiritual book. God says that 'spiritual things are spiritually discerned and the natural man cannot understand according to how God intends'. Many mistaken doctrines have developed by people who were not 'spiritual' and it has harmed God's witness. Perhaps this atheist had been turned off by mistaken people or perhaps he had seen injustices in the world and 'threw the baby out with the bath water'. But, the Bible is still available and Jesus said that 'in it you will find Him'.
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