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Tuesday, April 2, 2019


There are scads of chocolate shaped bunnie rabbits nicely wrapped in gold foil with black eyes and noses and whiskers painted on them. They are lined up on the shelves at Walgreens and you can imagine they are all watching you as you walk past. Then on other shelves there are humongous four foot tall soft fluffy bunnies perfect for cuddling and small three inch ones just right for an Easter Basket. Of course there are baskets, woven ones and felt ones and metal ones and packages of artificial blue, pink, yellow and even green grass. How did bunnie rabbits get connected with Easter? Did someone chase an idea and go running after it and found that if it appeals to children and sells, it becomes a part of the scene. You would think that Easter was made for kids.

Have you ever been in a conversation and had a point to make, but another thought entered your mind and you went chasing after it. Then a few minutes later after talking you asked,"What was I talking about?" Your chasing after the bunnie rabbit made you loose your track and your point was gone. Have we lost our track in chasing after the trimmings? Has the artificial replaced the real?

Well, Easter was made for kids, but not just for kids. Easter was made for everyone from before time began. There was much thought put into it before the world came into existence. The God-head had conversations about it and the Son of God was a willing participant. In the fullness of time Emanuel was born a baby in Bethlehem and at just the perfect time this perfect God-man became sin and then became the sacrifice that would save sinners. Nothing artificial here.

Resurrection Sunday may incorporate chocolate bunnies and colored eggs, but the real focus should be one of praise to the God who thought up the way out of our dilemma and worship the One who paid the price to redeem us. There are not enough words to give the appreciation due Jesus, but you should try. Remember, it was for YOU that He suffered. It was for YOU that He died.

Oh, how He loves you. Oh, how He love me. Oh, how He loves you and me!!!

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