Who, what, when, where and why are the questions.
Who? This is for you. You are the who. Each person has the right and privilege to enjoy the benefits that God has waiting for them. God created you to have the relationship with Him of a child with their father, a closer relationship than could ever be with another person on this earth.
What? What are the benefits of this kind of relationship is the question? To begin with is the end, which is the guarantee of heaven. As a person acknowledges what their condition is, in God's sight, bound for eternal damnation, and stakes their life on the sacrifice He has provided in Jesus, they immediately receive all the benefits of being a child of God. Heaven is only one.
When? There is also total forgiveness for past, present and future wrongs and complete access to the Almighty any time and
Where? any where. You can be driving your car and talking with your Heavenly Father and it is not against the law. You don't need a cell phone. You can think your communication and He hears. You can be in bed or fishing or even in church and talk to God.
Why? Why would you want to practice the presence of God regularly? He has promised that as you draw close to Him, He will draw close to you, so loneliness is dispelled and fears are destroyed as you realize His love for you. Confidence is developed as you believe his promises that you always have everything you need right now. Freedom from guilt is yours and peace takes the place of anxiety as you place your needs in His good hands. The quality of your life is improved as you grow up into a child of the King and not just another person stumbling along without these benefits.
There is one more question and that is; are YOU drawing close to God more often today than you did yesterday?
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