There are days when I really love my job and yesterday was one of them. When school lets out there usually is an increase of shoppers after 3:00. I'm at the cash register when a youngster, about 7 or 8 arrives there with his choices in hand and his grandmother not far behind. He places his purchases on the counter and looks up to me as I scan the bar codes. The total came to $7.40 and I asked him if he had $7.40 and he said, "I think so." and unzipped the pouch he had under his arm. His grandmother stepped back about six feet to watch. He dumped all his holdings on the counter and I leaned over as he started counting the change - four quarters and pushed them over - "That's one." and then four more and four more and then the dimes and then the nickles and finally down to the pennies. We added them up together and it came to $7.22. His grandmother was taking pictures of him learning the procedure of the purchase and noted that he was a bit short and so moved forward. I asked him what was 22 from 40 and after just a few seconds he said, "18" and I said correct while his grandmother reached into her change purse and brought a handful of change which she held out before him and let him count out 22 cents. With some pride he presented to me $7.40 and I hit the paid button and the printer went to work on the receipt which went into the bag with his selections and he, with a big smile on his face, took. Grandmother had a big smile on her face, also, as she thanked me for taking the time with her grandson.
This scenario was a perfect picture of God walking alongside of His children and watching and coming to their aid in time of need as we learn how to figure things out and He often gives without our even asking.
Two years earlier I was brand new at the cash register at this same counter, never having any experience at all. I was part-time and not at work days in a row to help get the system firm in my memory. My boss, the manager, was returning after his lunch one day and we were busy with many customers around. Just his standing front of me with a purchase in hand made me nervous and I moved much slower than an experienced cashier would have. Out of the six weeks of my employment I probably had nine or ten days at the cash register and this day a lead was standing behind me watching and training me when, with a very loud voice, my boss declared, "This is not working!" He angrily reiterated it a couple of times more as I finished up with his purchase. I was in shock. I was embarrassed. Customers all turned to see what the commotion was about. I was embarrassed for me, but I was also embarrassed for him because this was his store and his behavior was not consistent with the position he held.
I cannot take credit for my reactions for I was in shock, but, I did keep standing at that cash register for another four hours doing what I had been hired to do. I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit was very close to me and filling in the gaps of my need. I determined to finish my day and wait and pray about making an appointment with him to discuss the matter. My next work day was two days away and I did approach him and scheduled a time with him and the assistant manager. The first thing out of his mouth was an apology which I immediately accepted. This incident happened in June and I did not talk to anyone who worked there about it. This was not to be shared. In November this man was released from his job. I am still working.
"Submit yourself under the mighty hand of God and in due time He will exalt you, casting all your anxiety on Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:6
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