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Wednesday, May 30, 2018


This is not the age of paper maps. This is the age of the Global Positioning System. My car did not come with a GPS,  nor my phone, so I find myself rather limited and not confident in finding my way around in my new location. I went on-line to look for a GPS and read all the benefits and checked prices. There are devices that show streets and give the time it would take to get to your destination and even a voice to tell you how many feet there are ahead of your turn.

My son was telling me of an incident in his life shortly after becoming an Army helicopter pilot. He was given a mission to fly a part for repairs to New Mexico and he had never flown there before, so everything was new to him. He is always working to perfect his abilities and decided to use instrument control to land rather that by sight, even tho there was no bad weather and it wasn't dark out. The control tower at the air field gave him permission to do this and immediately took a personal interest in his flight. There had to be 15 seconds apart communications from a certain distance and as he flew closer, there had to be 5 seconds apart communications - "you're veering to the left 3 degrees", "move to the right", "now, you're on course", all to get him safely down.

It got me to thinking about the one GPS I did have - the God's Personal Service one and the benefits I have. I do not have to wear head phones or use a mike or buy a device to find my way through life. Today's GPS can direct you, but that's it. God's Personal Service offers so much more. The more frequently you turn to Him and confer with Him, the more you depend on Him, the stronger the bond you have with Him develops and the deeper the relationship with Him becomes. Thus, you develop an appreciation of His qualities and you are able to trust easier and life becomes less frantic. God wants to be seriously involved in your life. He tells us to come to Him over everything, to talk to Him about anything, to not worry or be anxious, to throw our concerns to Him. He wants us to land safely and even to enjoy our trip. As you read His Word, He instructs you, He corrects you, He trains you and as you talk to Him, He hears you heart and is always working to improve you, not just direct you. This part of the communication cycle is so very important because as you let Him speak to you through His word, it stays in your mind and He can prompt you, remind you of the things you need to progress and prosper.

This system is so much better than anything the world has to offer.

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