The United States is known as a nation that abides by the Rule of Law. In the past, for the most part, the Law has been honored and justice has been carried out with some notable exceptions. Women's rights were finally given and slavery was finally forsaken, but babies are still being murdered in their mother's womb, yet, today. Elected law makers are given the responsibility to be impartial in the making of laws that will effect citizens and they, above all, should be the keepers of the law. All citizens should be keepers of the law. All non-citizens should be keepers of the law of the country they live in and that means that first of all, if they intend to stay, they need to become legal citizens.
The laws that govern the universe were made by Creator God. There are thousands, if not millions of laws that interplay in everything. Physics and biology and aero-dynamics, finances and the speed of light or sound, gravity and nutrition are some of the laws that govern us. These laws rule, but the use of other laws might over-rule and create a different outcome - for instance, an airplane flying uses laws that over- rule the law of gravity. Man has discovered and used laws to accomplish and rule, to some degree, this planet.
The Creator God is a faithful keeper of the laws He put in effect. We can count on laws to work because God stands behind them and guarantees them to work. When we have observed certain laws properly and witnessed good results, we can enjoy those results. The law of giving, for instance, says 'give and to you it shall be given' and we can benefit from adhering to that law. The law that states - the soul that sins shall die - is always effective except when the law of grace over-rules it. John 1:17 says "For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ." Then in Romans 3:26 we find "that He(God) would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus."
There are some other things to ponder regarding the Rule of Law that will be spoken to in Law and Order - continued.
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