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Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Yes, I am all for socialism. There is a delightful example of socialism in the Book of Acts in the New Testament in the second chapter. The time frame is the first century and the place is Jerusalem. Peter had preached the good news of the Messiah's death and resurrection and thousands heard his sermon and repented and believed and then devoted themselves to prayer. Then, they got together and began selling their stuff and and pilled it all together and then started sharing with anyone who might have a need. This is true socialism, where the Spirit of God moved upon people and prompted them to share their belongings with the needy.

This movement was NOT a form of government rule where people are FORCED to share what they have. The government has NO right to force people to give away their stuff. Any one who believes in the Socialist form Government does not know God, does not know the principles set forth in God's Word and, I might even go so far to say, is not a Christian. If they are, they are either ignorant or rebellious. God created mankind with a free will to choose what and when and how. It does not honor God, at all, to force humans to become the servant of the government. What honors God is for free men to freely decide to share their possessions with others. Some will and some won't because there are some good people and there are some bad people who are wealthy, just as there are some good people and some bad people who are poor.

This country has been blessed far beyond what one would have imagined when it was first born and one of the reasons is because the founders used Biblical principals to draw up it's founding documents. The free market, the idea of capitalism have done much to create wealth and this wealth has done much to establish hospitals and schools and create factories and businesses that employ millions of it's citizens. Countries that have gone the Socialism route have all failed. Socialism as a form of Government does NOT work because it goes against God's principals. It causes people to look to the government as their provider and not look upon God, their creator. It actually denies God.

"The world is Mine, and all it contains." Psalm 50:12  He is the creator and has all the rights of a creator and has chosen to allow man to be His steward or manager of all He owns. It is by His good favor that we do get paid and can possess stuff and can choose to share or keep.

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