When you receive an invitation to a wedding there is some excitement. You feel excited for the couple, especially, if you know both of them and have been aware of their developing relationship. There is a beautiful picture of a wedding in Psalm 45. It is a song celebrating the King's marriage. The first few verses describe the groom's character and his attire and then there is a verse to the bride. Verse ten tells the bride to 'listen'. Some advice is given to her and it is something we all should pay attention to.
She is told to forget her people and her house. There is a good reason for this advice, because if she holds onto her home, it will be almost impossible for her to cleave to her husband. Without the cleaving there well be no becoming 'one'. The two will be living in one place and sleeping in one bed, but they will remain two separate individuals. Both are to cleave to one another and it is probably easier for a man to leave his home than for a woman to do so, thereby she is told to listen. The next few verses tell of her beauty and clothing and tell us that as she leaves her home, her husband will desire her beauty for now she totally belongs to him.
Marriage is given as an illustration in the Old Testament of the relationship God had with the Nation of Israel. He even pronounced judgments on Israel for what He called "her adultery" because she had forsaken Him for idols. In the New Testament, His Son, Jesus, has a bride. She is the church or all believers. God sent an invitation to a very special wedding and that invitation was the groom. Male or female, God invites you to accept His invitation to come to the wedding, not just as a guest, but as the bride of Christ. By accepting Him and leaving your past history of sinfulness and cleaving to Jesus as your beloved, you will be attending the wedding supper of the Lamb in Heaven as His bride!
Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to Him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and His bride has prepared herself. She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear, for the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people. Revelation 19:7-8
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