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Friday, February 22, 2019


A question was posed on Face Book recently that caught my attention. If a book was published with your face on the cover, what would the title be? My comment was, "What Does Stupid Look Like?"
A bit later a comment was made to mine with a question - what does that mean? A little thought gave me the answer - After finally taking the 'rose-colored' glasses off, I made the decision to change things and the actual name of my book is "The Treasure Is The Trip"

If the lack of good sense or judgement is the definition of stupidity, then it wouldn't appear that I was stupid as a young person. In high school, I loved English and Math and made good grades, was an editor for our high school paper, was on the girl's rifle team and involved in many other outside activities. Church was a big part of my life in encouraging me to memorize scripture and study the Bible. Looking back and trying to be objective, it was religious activity and rather superficial to me.

It wasn't until I was in my mid twenties and the mother of four little ones that I had a real encounter with God. He who knows us so well and loves us so much would not let me go on with my 'rose colored-glasses' on. My conversation with Him and the results in the changes in my life and different happenings in the years that followed are written in my book.

The Bible states that "we are not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought" and somehow humanity has the tendency to do just that. We all put 'those' glasses' on when we take time to look at ourselves and we either see ourselves as really good and capable or we see ourselves really bad and a looser and both of these ways of seeing ourselves are not accurate. Pride will distort the truth. Yes, you can be proud of being really bad.

We, each one of us, needs to see ourselves as God sees us and His Word tells us how He sees us. First, we can gather from His Word that we are His by creation. We belong to Him because He created us and, second, we can gather from His Word that something broke the relationship. The Bible calls it 'sin' and not only was the relationship broken, something inside of us was also broken. But, God loved each of us so much that He made the way to restore that relationship and make it even better by empowering us to be more that His creation, but become His child and have His eternal life living within us. Third, He promises to continue working in our lives to conform us into the image of His only begotten Son, Jesus and work, He will. He will get your attention, somehow, so you don't have to go on behaving stupidly.

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