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Tuesday, February 12, 2019


The first thought that entered my mind after hearing so many presidential hopefuls tout how important it is for the United States to provide health care to every person in our country was, "Do they not understand human nature?" It really boggles my mind to see these well (?) educated people offer this idea. Don't they know that there is a large percentage of folks who don't or can't think about things, but, whose first instinct is to rush off to the Emergency Room or make an appointment with the doctor? Can't they see that there would develop a subconscious thinking, because people would know that even if they didn't eat right or do right by their bodies, all would be OK since they would have health care professionals to freely care for them?

All of this 'free' stuff appeals to younger people who really don't know 'nothing' except what is printed in books. They have not had enough time on their own to learn some wisdom and those in teaching positions probably have never done any thing on their own but to study from books written by people who have never done any thing on their own. They may have good hearts and are seriously concerned about people and without thinking things through, decide that 'free' is the way to go to help people.

It is the same thing as Socialism which rewards bad behavior. Socialism can't exist without taxation and it is the people who have worked that get taxed. The 'smart' ones who have chosen not to work are rewarded for their behavior by being given the money taken from the workers. Human nature would soon begin to take over and all humans would see that work is not rewarding, so why work. Then, Socialism has a big problem. No workers, no taxes. No taxes, no nothing for the country to run on. That is why Socialism is a failure - human nature.

Humans need to be free. Humans need the challenge of competition. Humans need to work and be creative and productive. Humans need to be rewarded for good behavior. Humans need to learn wisdom from doing stuff on their own and learning the different consequences of good behavior and bad behavior. Humans need to take a look at history before presenting an idea, because something repeated time and time again in the past will repeat itself again in the future and Socialism has been tried time and time again and has failed, miserably.

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