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Saturday, November 17, 2018


Surveys have been taken of new residents and it is found that it takes three years for a newly moved person to feel at home in their new location. There are all sorts of things to learn, from the streets that you need to take to get to work, to the places to shop for groceries and gas to where the post office is and the all important hair salon. Then, there are new neighbors to meet and get to know and the weather. There are doctors and dentists to look up and restaurants. The smells are different and the scenery and maybe even the time zone is one hour ahead. Boy, does it get tiring when home isn't home, yet.

My helicopter son, with whom we live, had all the cable stations set in place when we got here and that even didn't feel like home. For news, we had to watch CNN and it got to the point where I stopped watching the news because my stomach couldn't take it. Just yesterday my son decided to go over his account and did some changes and told me that now we could get FOX. I spent the rest of the day watching news and when my youngest son came home from work last night, the first thing I mentioned to him was the change. He blurted out, "Now, it feels like home!" I felt the same way. Out with the old, in with the new, rather out with the new and in with the old. Home! It was now more comfortable.

This started me thinking about how Jesus feels in my heart. Is it comfortable for Him? Are there things there that would make Him uneasy, like an attitude of anxiety when He has specifically told us to NOT worry about anything. Could it be some envy there or greed or prejudice or fear holding a spot? Could there be doubt about His word or have we taken the time and effort to do some spring cleaning and furnish our innermost being with some verses from His Word? I can imagine the walls of our heart being decorated with hangings of scripture and, I'm sure that He would feel at home there.

Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, said this in chapter 3; "be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in you hearts through faith...Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us."

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