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Saturday, November 10, 2018


The pantry door was wide open and I was standing before it and wondering what it was that was making me want to eat and what I wanted to eat. Why was I wanting to eat something? My stomach wasn't growling. I really wasn't what you'd call hungry, but I was hungry for something. My taste buds were calling to me.

Have you ever been there? There seemed to be a serious need to satisfy but you couldn't put your finger on it. Was it something salty or sweet or tart? There have been so many times that my little bitty taste buds have been in control of me, too many times. A package of chips has almost disappeared in one sitting and chocolate, oh yes, chocolate didn't have a chance to melt. How can we allow those taste buds to control us?

Emotions do the same thing. The dreadful thing about emotions is that we can feel so good, so pious, when an emotion is in control. We can think to our selves that to be concerned about hungering children is Godly and Righteous. We can justify our stand for abortion by saying that when the American government starts taking care of all those hungry immigrants outside of our borders that's when we will raise our voices against killing the unborn. There may be other issues that we feel passionately about besides a woman's right to choose and consider them to be more important than what the Bible says regarding right and wrong. We can feel we are more right than God is because we know people with needs and problems and care about them and want to change God's ways of doing things just to meet those needs. Pretty soon we have left God out of the picture and moved into a wide accepting place where everybody is good and deserves to be happy and God is just too narrow.

See if this description fits anyone you know or have heard about.
 God has demonstrated His power and wisdom in the creation, yet some have denied this personal God and didn't honor Him or be thankful and started speculating other things and praised others who did the same. So, in essence, they exchanged the real God for one of their own making and God just gave them over to that lie and they started worshiping and serving the creatures God had made instead of Him. Because of not acknowledging God they moved far from him and became rebellious and arrogant and hating and greedy and deceitful and murderous and given to hearty approval of others who do the same.

The above paragraph is a condensed PJ version of Romans 1:19-32

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