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Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Justice is hard to come by. In court, witnesses who are sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, do sometimes lie or mislead because they have a vested interest in the outcome and are willing to distort the truth. History is full of injustice and good doesn't always prevail. Millions of innocent people have been murdered and those responsible seem to get away with it. Just think of all the unborn who have never had a chance to do any wrong, yet have had their lives taken away because their presence would have been inconvenient to some.

The definition of just is having a basis or conforming to fact or correctness and justice is the administration of what is correct, morally upright or good. Who determines what is correct? Are you qualified to make the standard of uprightness or correctness? Do your feelings of compassion determine what is upright or is there something higher than your feelings that has made the standard?
God, the Creator of everything is the only one who has the right to set the standard and He has revealed exactly what is good and what is evil and the priorities in place for real justice to be carried out.

There are many attributes of God. He is called Love. He is called Holy. He is called Righteous. He is called Just. He is called Merciful. He is called Good. Tho justice is hard to come by today and since the beginning of time, God has promised that one day, yes, one day justice will be satisfied. Love demands justice.

There is immeasurable love in the God-head between the three-in-one. God, the Father, loves His Son, Jesus, more than He loves you and me and all humans put together. Why? Because of the of what His Son was willing to do and actually did. Jesus was willing to leave the glory and perfection in the God-head and take upon Himself human flesh and suffer the degradation of becoming the sin of mankind and paying the ultimate price of shedding His blood in His death.

Do you honestly believe that God will let this injustice go unsatisfied? Do you honestly believe that those who have not been willing to acknowledge this great sacrifice and have trod under foot that precious blood will get away with it? We may have compassion on family or friends or those in far away places that do not have the quality of life that we in America have, but compassion does not rule, justice rules. Justice may be delayed for a time, but in the long run, justice will win.

God created a place call the Lake of Fire, and Jesus talked more about that place than He talked about the place called Heaven. It is a real place somewhere in this universe created for those angels who rebelled against God's authority. Unfortunately, not only those angels will be sent there, but all people who have trod on the precious blood of Jesus. God will be vindicated. Justice will be administered.

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