The educational system does not list a class on Contentment, yet we are told by Paul in his letter to the church at Philippi that he had learned to be content. So, how does one learn contentment? If it is a feeling, then, perhaps one cannot learn it. It just might automatically occur. But, perhaps it is more than a feeling, perhaps it is a state of mind that we can learn how to develop. It is described in the dictionary as 'peace of mind - having accepted one's situation'.
Paul said that in whatever state he found himself in, he was content. He knew how to get along with humble means and also how to live in prosperity and he had learned this. He had learned to consider his circumstances and then to mentally adjust his thinking about them and to decide to accept life at that point in time as something God had in mind for him and 'make-do'. If his situation was prosperous, then he could accept it as something God had in mind for him at that moment and forget about 'making-do'.
Contentment is connected with gratitude which is an attitude of mind. If you aren't grateful for what is in your life, you can't possibly be content. Even if you are grateful, you can possibly be discontent. There can be a tug-of-war going on inside your head, because you may be grateful for what you have, yet, want more or different and that eliminates contentment. The learning to be content has to take place.
The foundation to developing gratitude is to be free of greed and added to that is trust in Jehovah-jireh, The Lord Will Provide. When the words from Deuteronomy 31:6 "I will never fail you. I will never forsake you." are taken seriously by you and you can confidently say, "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid", then you are on good footing to gratitude and contentment cannot be far behind. When you trust God's character, you can accept what He provides and be grateful. You came into this world with nothing and all you have is from His hand. Gratitude turns what we have into enough and contentment will rule.
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