Outside my bedroom window is the rusty, iron-bared obelisk which I brought from Wisconsin when we moved. I don't know it's age, but I purchased it in an antique shop. It has a hinged door on one side which enables items to be placed inside. I think it is rusted shut. I planted a clematis vine last year right at the bottom of one side and it grew and blossomed with beautiful purple flowers all twined in and through the iron bars and this year it is at it again. The little tendrils reach out and hang onto anything. Around the corner of my room are two mounds of blue creeping phlox and at the corner of the garage is a big growth of day lilies which I have to divide soon. The house across the street has tulips and daffodils showing off their colors. Aren't flowers wonderful? There is such a great variety and it just goes to show us how creative God is. He is into beauty and smells and color and design and taste. Lets not forget rosemary and parsley and chives. All His creation is given to us to enjoy and care for.
We are not guaranteed tomorrow, what we have is now. The person who made the statement, 'stop and smell the flowers', was telling us to be more into now and take little moments to relish life around us. When you do stop and smell the flowers, you can appreciate God's mind and just be thankful that you are here now.
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