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Saturday, April 28, 2018


In my book "The Treasure is the Trip" I tell the story of my confrontation with God one night. I was a busy 27 year old mother of four children with an unidentifiable need in my life. The disturbance I felt had been going on for three years and nothing would make it go away. If someone had given me that book, I would have been able to identify my problem and taken care of it sooner.

There are many young women sensing what I did, I am sure. The lack of peace in one's heart can lead one to search for it in many ways, some of which are detrimental. One may look to drugs or alcohol or buying stuff or another man  to satisfy that longing. I am thankful that I didn't have the means or the way to go those routs.

The idea came to me just a few minutes ago, that "The Treasure is the Trip" would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift. It is not fattening. It is not expensive. It doesn't take any maintenance, like watering or fertilizing. It will not wilt and it might do some good, some eternal good.

Something to consider.

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