Most every day at CSCo, I would remind our teams that their job was to make that office or home look better than when they arrived, to make it look like no one had ever been there messing up. That is my desire every day, whether at work or home - to make it better.
I wish to declutter minds today or straighten things up with words. Words can paint pictures and for me, helps me see and understand precepts better, for instance, conception. We know that a mature egg or ova is bombarded with seed or spermatozoa and just one of these seeds can penetrate the skin of that egg and it becomes fertilized or given life. It then floats around in the prepared womb until it finds a resting place and becomes rooted in to receive the nourishment it needs for the nine months ahead. Keep that picture in mind and just change the egg or ova into a mind, a person's mind, and change the seed or spermatozoa into the Word of God.
An individual's mind is constantly receiving words or thoughts and has the ability to accept or reject each one. When the Gospel is heard and received, it becomes the seed that has penetrated the mind and upon being received, has fertilized or given life to it. This life is not natural, but supernatural, because it is God's eternal life now residing in mind and as the natural fertilized egg floats till it becomes rooted in, that 'spiritualized' mind must become rooted in to God. The verse in John 1:12 says it clearly; "as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become a child of God, even to those who believe in His name." This newly fertilized egg has no chance of surviving unless it takes root in Jesus, the Word become flesh. A natural egg cannot choose, but a person has to and we are given the authority to do so and if we do, we then become God's child, a developing fetus taking in nourishment to develop us into that new creature who resembles his or her Father God.
Very interesting analogy, Pat. I never thought about it that way, but I do know how important the nourishment is!
Thank you, Mary G. Yes,Jesus did tell us to abide in Him and let His words abide in us. That is real tasty nourishment, don't you think?
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