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Tuesday, April 10, 2018


She was born in 1979, a little church with about 25 believers trusting Psalm 115:1, "not to us, O Lord, but to your name be honor and glory". She thrived for about ten years with good Bible teaching and many coming to know and follow Jesus, but the unthinkable happened and she died. Google will give three references, but there is no information because she died and only lives in the memory of a few.

Seventy years ago as of May 14 the nation of Israel was born. The nation was destroyed in 70 A.D. and for 2000 years Israel appeared dead. There was a remnant, always a remnant, and it seemed impossible that she would ever become a real nation, but it did happen. God had promised to restore His people to their land and today she is thriving. We have been witnesses to the fulfillment of promise God made in Isaiah 66:8 that in one day a nation would be formed and Isaiah 35:1,2 that the wilderness shall blossom abundantly. There is another promise made to everyone by God in Genesis 12:3 that He will bless those who bless His people and curse those who curse them. He will keep that promise, for sure.

We cannot count on most things lasting forever, even good things established with prayer and trusting God's Word. God raises up and puts down at His good pleasure and our task is to make sure we are in His good pleasure at all times. His plans need to be sought after. This is His universe after all and as owner He has the perfect right to have His desires met. Yes, He loves us extraordinarily and we are important to Him, but we are not the center of the universe with everything revolving around us. His Good Will Be Done!

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