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Tuesday, August 7, 2018


It is so much fun, talking with my sons. Usually, the talk gets around to flying helicopters because one of my sons was in the army for over 20 years serving our country flying helicopters. He has shared many, many stories about his experiences, some funny, some tragic, all, most interesting.

Last night he mentioned that he had failed his hearing test. He had passed every other test in order to get into flight school but the hearing test. They do allow you to retake the tests for a limited time, so he put ear plugs in his ears for two days. He was around very loud noises every day, jets and motors and blades whirring and his hearing had become dull and putting the ear plugs in gave time for his hearing to become sharper. He passed the hearing test the next day.

Our ears can become dull to hearing our Father God speaking to us the same way. There is so much loud noise going on all around us all the time. The world has a way of yelling to us. The devil has a way of hollering at us. The flesh has a way of bellowing to us. We have ignored the small voice of God speaking to us and we can't hear Him anymore.

There comes a time when we find ourselves in a place where we need to hear from God and we want to, but we can't. Our past actions of ignoring Him has silenced Him. I mean, what would you do if you kept trying to communicate with someone you loved and they kept ignoring you? You just might wait to talk with them until you were sure they were ready to listen to you.

What is the remedy? I think my son hit on the solution. Put ear plugs in your ears. Silence the world, the flesh and the devil as much as you can. Recognize the voices that are not from God and ignore them for a time in order to make your hearing more sensitive to God's voice. Then turn to the Scriptures which are God's words to you. He wants to talk to you. He wants you to really listen to the Words of Life. You can't begin to recognize God's voice above all the rest till you get to know God Himself and the best way to get to know Him in through His Word. He reveals Himself in the Word and you can learn to distinguish His voice for all others because you know Him.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
"My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow Me." John 10:27

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