An interesting thing about cows is that they have four stomachs. In order to produce milk it takes four stomachs. The cow will take a big bite of grass and chew on it for a while and then swallow it and in the first stomach it becomes a cud which she can burp up later and give it another chew and maybe two or three more and when it reaches the stage for further processing it continues on down her digestive track.
We are encouraged to 'chew on God's Word' which entails more that just reading it. We are to regurgitate it and scrutinize, reflect and ponder on it till we can understand it and internalize it.
We are to get all the nutrients out of it that it may feed our souls. There are many, many words in the Bible and, in the original writings each word was inspired by God Himself. Each word was specifically chosen to say the right thing for our benefit. "So He humbled you and made you hunger......that you may know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God" Deuteronomy 8:3. God considers His Word to be of ultimate importance.
We contemplate on various things, some good, some not so good. Sometimes memories haunt us and sometimes guilt feelings reoccur and can discourage us. God has given us resources and instructions to deal with unhealthy thoughts. He gave us His peace when we believed that our sins had been paid for and we are no longer condemned in His sight and that peace is not just a declaration. That peace works as an umpire guarding our minds. An umpire watches closely all that is going on and is there to enforce the rules of the game. When you step out of bounds, he will blow the whistle and you need to deal with the offense right there and peace will be restored. When you commit a foul, he will blow his whistle and you won't have peace till you deal with it. You can rest assured when the peace of God rules, your life will be more satisfying and peaceful.
There is also a filter which, if we use it, will keep destructive thoughts out of our minds. Philippians 4:8 tells us to 'fix' our thoughts and fix can be done with glue or we can focus. Me thinks it means focus. We are given a list of things we are to focus our minds on; whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely and worthy of praise. First on the list is whatever is true and the first thing that should come to your mind regarding truth is God's Word, don't you agree? That holds lots of truth to think about. The second thing is what is honest and I will leave you to come up with something that fits in that category and also, just. Then, comes pure - pure motives, pure water, nothing having pollution and perhaps you have knowledge of this. Next, is the lovely stuff. Immediately, in my mind, I see flowers and mountains and rivers and some people. Last, are things worthy of praise. The Word of God fits into each category, but there are other things that can qualify and if we can control our thoughts using these filters, we can contemplate forever and experience the Peace of God.
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