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Friday, August 3, 2018


The memories are a bit sketchy because this incident happened about 75 years ago. My sister was  in the first grade and I was in the third. School was done for the day and we had met to walk home together when we noticed a dollar bill resting on the wooden floor. Seventy-five years ago a dollar was worth something and we had never had one of those in our possession. We made a plan to pocket it. I should say I made the plan. She would take it to the principal's office and I would go claim it. Isn't that remarkable? We could have just taken it, but, no, we had to do it legally. Of course, they knew we were sisters and saw through our plot immediately and called us to account. That was a good thing for us and taught us that it is best to be honest.

It is a good thing to be called to account. Our thinking can be so warped sometimes and we make choices that are off base and if someone cares for us and sees the 'off base' actions and calls our attention to it, it can be a good thing. Complaints and criticisms have come to me, especially in my business, and I learned to approach them, first, by considering the source. Some people just love to complain and it may not be justified, while others only mentioned something if it was valid. Those I would listen to and take to heart and re-adjust whatever was needed.

We can call ourselves to account when guilt feelings erupt, but first we have to consider the source. If that action has been dealt with in the past and we have taken responsibility for it and sought forgiveness from God and all offended ones, then it is completed and it is just the memory that plagues us. God does not ever bring up forgiven stuff. It has been bundled up and thrown in the deepest sea and crushed and forever gone. He will not ever lay a guilt trip on the forgiven one. So, it comes from elsewhere and is not worthy to waste time or effort considering. In fact, that memory should cause us to give a great big "Thank you, God, for forgiving me, and helping me re-adjust myself. I am not a pig returning to the mud puddle or a dog returning to it's vomit. I am forgiven and cleansed."

Learning to recognize the real guilt from the fake guilt takes a bit of experience which comes, mostly from trial and error. Dealing with the fake is like trying to carry water in your hands and is worse than shadow boxing. You can not win a match or a title or a crown if you spend all of your efforts boxing your shadow.  God's word is real and will call you to account. It is sharper than a two edged sword and able to pierce the deepest part of ourselves and it takes humility and courage to turn to it and read it and take it to heart, but it will expose all impurity enabling you to address each blight properly and clean the slate.

Can we say a thank you for any criticisms or complaints or being called to the office or being touched by some passage in the Bible? It is a good thing.

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