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Friday, August 24, 2018


The sun was brightly shinning through the east window and scattering it's light on the floor. What could not be seen in normal light was all the dust and cat hairs that had been there all the time. The symptoms of a neglected house stood out undeniable in the light of the sun. There was work to be done.

That puny feeling that wasn't normal came with a warm forehead. There was a slight burning sensation in the eyes and a tiredness that wasn't normal all over the body. The symptoms of illness was becoming evident. Something should be done.

A restlessness comes and you can't sit still and your mind can't concentrate. You feel you must be active, doing something, accomplishing something, but you don't know what. You are unsettled and feel a need for action or a thrill or excitement. The symptoms of the lack of peace is showing itself. This must be attended to.

A rake and a hoe can be retrieved from the shed to attack the dust and cat hairs on the floor, you think?
An aspirin and a glass of water can be taken to cure the illness, you think?
Going for a bungee jump or joining a group to climb Mt. Everest or going to a bar and drinking till you can't think may come to mind?

There are symptoms and there are causes. If you treat the symptoms, there may be some relief for a while, but no cure. In fact, eliminating the symptoms may be causing more problems by allowing the infection to progress.  We have been sold a 'bill of goods' by advertisers that assure us that a pill can cure, that the right vacuum can eliminate, that the answer to our need for satisfaction is the 'thrill'.

Every single one of us have the same need. That need is the broken connection between us and our maker and it comes with symptoms. We oft treat the symptoms rather than the source and are relieved of the discomfort for a little while but the problem hasn't been solved and perhaps,or more than likely, the problem gets worse and our treatment of our problem gets more wild.

It may seem trite, but there is one solution to this human condition and that is God's remedy, Jesus. If we can just recognize that we have a problem and turn to our maker for His answer, rather than just attempting to make the symptoms go away, we will be cured. The peace 'that passes understanding' will be ours and the excitement of knowing pure love will be ours and joy will replace earthly thrills.
Jesus is the real answer.

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