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Wednesday, August 8, 2018


The alarm goes off telling you it's time to get up and get ready for work. You begin your day with coffee and time spent reading a devotional and the Bible and prayer, then get dressed, have breakfast and get in your car. You turn the key, put your foot on the gas after shifting into gear and off you go. The car moves a few feet and stops. Uh-oh, what went wrong? You did everything you were supposed to do. What happened? Your car needs fuel, constantly fed to make it move, so, you keep your foot on the accelerator till you want to stop.

How far does prayer go? I don't mean in distance because there are no physical boundaries to prayer. What I mean is how long does a prayer last? When you begin your day asking God's blessing and direction, does that request last all day and it is finished being applied with the 'amen'? I think not for just as a car needs a constant flow of fuel, you need to be in constant touch with your Heavenly Father God.

The requests are important and may cause you to go to God in the first place, but the relationship is what it is all about. Your foot touching that peddle has a relationship with the motor and you talking to God is just like that. What is more important to you - getting what you need or want or desire from Him or is it your relationship with Him? Don't you think that God knows your heart;  that He can tell if you are interested in Him and His desires or are just after what you can get from Him?

He, of all beings, is worthy of our time spent with Him. Scripture tell us to delight ourselves in Him and even promises that upon our doing so,we will be given the desires of our hearts. But, He knows our heart and if we are being conniving or real. You can't fool God. Scripture also tells us to pray continually - keep our foot on the peddle constantly - build that relationship.

Remember! KEEP IN TOUCH!

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