Every thing needs maintenance. It is time consuming and, as things, even people get older, there is more maintenance required. My car is scheduled for it's oil change and I sit and wait while the experts check the brakes and electronics and fluid levels, filters and air in the tires. It is costly, but absolutely necessary for my 10 year old car to continue to be faithful to me.
My eyebrows need plucking to remove strays and there are a few whiskers I see on my chin, of all places for a lady! They have to be shaved off or my son will point them out. My nails get too long and when I swipe my fingers into the moisturizer pot, my nails get clogged and I have to clean them out, so, my nails need trimming and filing. My socks wear thin where my toe nails rub and those tough nails need trimming, also. So much time spent just trying to keep things going properly.
All of this nasty stuff reminds me that my soul needs maintenance. If I don't care for my soul then I can expect it to deteriorate. There are things that need trimming. I may be spending too much time day-dreaming or remembering things from the past - good or bad - that keep me from moving forward. I need to trim back with the razor of choice and cut it out.
Most of all, I need to refresh my mind, regularly, with truth so I will be able to judge more accurately the thoughts and feelings that develop in my head. It is like brushing your teeth. You have to do that or cavities develop. We are living in a fallen world and things deteriorate just naturally and we can only hold back that deterioration by determined efforts when it comes to our soul. Think of it as an oil change as you replace dirty thoughts with God's pure thoughts. Your engine will run more smoothly
Get on a program for every day and start reading God's word. Schedule only 15 minutes each day and open the Book and read - just 15 minutes. Try Psalms or John or Romans - just 15 minutes and have a pen in hand and star or underline stuff that hits you and date it. Stop the deterioration before something caves in or breaks down. This is more important than you realize.
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