One of the most favorite sayings adults had when I was a kid was "Children should be seen and not heard." And they used it a lot when we would interrupt their conversations. It was believed, and rightly so, that wisdom comes with time and experience. Book learning is one thing, but understanding and using information correctly is a whole other thing.
Perhaps they went too far in hushing up all input and maybe something real relevant could have been uttered by a child,but the likely-hood was negligible. I remember considering myself pretty smart when I graduated from High School and confronting my parents over some issues I thought were out-of-date. Time did a world of good to change my view of my parents and me.
Today, society has gone too far the other way. Children should not only be seen but definitely heard and not only heard, but now they know better and should be followed. The laws in place today make parents afraid to take a paddle to the bottom of misbehavior and teachers afraid to discipline their students and what do we have now. We have young people growing up believing they can get away with murder. We are developing murderers. We are doing a disservice to our children.
Kids were called kids because they naturally act like 'kids', the offspring of billy-goats. They are constantly butting their heads against everything in the way. But, they are children who need to be reared, not just raised. You can raise a bunch of billy-goats, but you rear children and that takes time and effort in training and correcting and disciplining and loving.
May God help us have some wisdom today.
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